What do you do on th treadmill?

I havea treadmill, but is there some different action I can do on it? I just run for 40 minutes it gets boring


  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    try running backwards!!!
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I have mine facing the TV, so I watch it. If I'm going slow or if you have a stand you can read, play on a laptop... of course I can't do either I go to fast and have no stand. You can listen to Audible. I love Audible. Music... but in my opinion music is better with outside with the secerny changing.

    I mostly watch TV, lots and lots of TV, but when I can't watch it because hubby is I relay on Audible to read to me... Sometimes I look at facebook on my phone while on the treadmill to, it's a little difficult but not so hard to hold since it's tiny. If you had an ereader that could work to, never tried though.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    And another thing I do to keep from being bored is go from 3.0 up to 4.0 (that's as high as mine goes), 1 minute each time until 4.0 I do 2 minutes, then back down... takes 22 minutes, I do that over and over sometimes, keeps my fingers moving and me watching the number, so my mind has something to do buy dose off.... I also jog 3.8 up and back down to 3.8 for 6 minutes each time to get my heart going faster, then back to walking... some people jog the whole time.. mine goes to slow for me to do that, I need a new one!
  • cekeys
    cekeys Posts: 397 Member
    If your machine has a variety of programs, mix it up on a daily basis. If it can create higher elevations, try that variation as well.
  • There's so much you can do on the treadmill! These are a few things I do to switch it up;

    - warm up walk for 5-10 minutes
    - jog a mile
    - 15 minute sprint intervals
    - 15 minutes walking uphill
    - 15 minutes jogging/walking uphill
    - 15 minutes jogging backwards, left & right side shuffle and walking intervals
    - finish off with a 5-10 minutes walk
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I go outside to do my cardio. I don't like treadmills. They are boring. I rather watch all the Twlight movies with director commentary than use a treadmill. I do remember seeing at the gym people reading, watching things on their phones. I even seen the backwards motion people. Saw a guy doing farmers walks on a incline with it too. Very slow and steady pace. Now that I think about it, when lacking the space it's a good idea.

    For those unfamiliar with farmers walks, it's a strength training excercise. Carry a heavy dumbell in each hand and walk.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I like to mess with my incline. 5 minutes at 2.0, then 5 minutes at 15.0 etc.

    Up at 15.0 degrees you are seriously burning - even if you're just walking.
  • Alice_H
    Alice_H Posts: 58 Member
    try running backwards!!!

    My physical therapist had me walk backwards as part of the rehab on my knees. I can't recall what exactly it does that's rehabby, but it was part of the routine.

    If you feel like dancing:


    or you can try the Tracey Anderson Method:

  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    I can't do the treadmill. It's just too boring for me. Before circuit training at the gym, I have to walk for 5 minutes on the treadmill to warm up first... longest 5 minutes of my life! I'd rather go outside and do a walk/jog/walk/jog routine on my own. At least the scenery changes. I can't do that during the winter though (cold weather kills my sinuses). :(
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    Sometime to make it a little more interesting, I do intervals. I'll run at a fast pace for 3 minutes, jump off and lift weights for 3 minutes, back on treadmill, work on the step for 3 minutes....etc
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    Run backwards
    Run at an incline
    Shuffle to one side then the other
    Get a platform and walk on your hands (with your feet on the platform to create a plank position)
    Duck walk

    And last but not least!!!!!

    Drink a couple of shots of alcohol and run at the fastest speed and highest incline, but make sure the camera is rolling ^_^
  • GateCrasher1
    GateCrasher1 Posts: 108 Member
    Put it in front of a mirror and admire your shrinking physique as you run!
  • try running backwards!!!

    I've done this also, just be careful. Sometimes I slow the speed down and do lunges. I listen to my mp3 and sometimes catch myself dancing if there are good tunes :smile:
  • reankanesmom
    reankanesmom Posts: 132 Member
    I do a 5 min warm up then I spring for 10 min running as fast as I can then slowing down and then running as fast as I can again. Once those 10 minutes are up I put the incline all the way up and I walk for another 5 then I go up by two with my speed till I am jogging till I get a total of 10. Then I just run for another 10 then cool down for 5. I take my mp3 player or if I am int the mood I will read on my kindle. Another thing I started doing my husband got me hooked on is running for 5 then getting off the treadmill and I do kettlebell swings then get back on run for five the get off and do a diff type of swing and so on till I get 45 min on tread.
  • After a 5 to 10 minute warmup, I like to gradually increase the speed over a period of ten to fifteen minutes. Crank it up by a set pace every 30 seconds or one minute for example until you are at a near sprint and then do the opposite (decrease by set amount every minute) to wind back down again.

    You can also do this interval-style training with changes in incline instead of speed.

    I have to say though, a nice run outside beats the treadmill every time.
  • GlenWalterGal
    GlenWalterGal Posts: 85 Member
    I love the series "Dexter" on TV but have never managed to catch a show (conflict of schedule) so I bought seasons 1-2 and 3 so far and made a deal with myself that I could only watch them if I am walking/running on the treadmill.

    So far, I've stuck to it. I also have added some reality shows that I recorded and can only watch on my treadmill. I also mix up tht workouts so I'm never doing the same thing. Incline, fast, slow, low incline, run, etc......Works for me.
  • Kilpezie83
    Kilpezie83 Posts: 1 Member
    Walking Inclines - Walk at varying incline levels for 5 minutes each: 0,3,5,7,7,6,5,4,7,6,5,4 (total of 1 hr) - I do this at 3.5mph right now.

    Rundowns - Switch between jogging then running each at the following time intervals: 5 mins, 4 mins, 3 mins, 2 mins, 1 min (total of 30 mins; repeat for a total of 60 mins) - Ex. 5 min jog, 5 min walk, 4 min jog, 4 min walk, 3 min jog, 3 min walk, etc.
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    I started walking, then added running spirts in between, i would run as long as i could before slowing down, Now I added incline, so equvilant to walking up hills, and next I will be running up the hills. One step at a time, I am adding more and more. Better excersize and it keeps it interesting for me. I also usually wear my ipod and try to go with the beat of the music. :wink:
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    Put it in front of a mirror and admire your shrinking physique as you run!

    haha fuaaaaarrrrrkkk gonna go do that at my gym! grab the machine n move it to the mirror.. someone asks wtf...... mirin braah!