Pasta, Not Bacon, Makes You Fat. But How?

Interesting infographic/article. Not sure how accurate it is, but it seems to make sense, so I thought I'd share:

I drastically cut my breads and pastas when I lost my weight, so I'm thinking there's some truth to this.


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Oh based on Why We Get Fat by Taubes?

    That entire book besides the part on the lipid hypothesis was a bunch of junk
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I like this one:

    Calorie surplus makes you fat.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I'll read it tonight over my chicken parmesan dinner.

    Best of luck to all you low-carbers. It's not for me. Luckily counting calories has worked well.

    I have pasta twice a week or more. :wink:
  • freder1ck
    freder1ck Posts: 44 Member
    I had a lovely spaghetti, egg beaters, and sausage breakfast this morning :)
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    I like pasta sauces that have bacon.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Interesting infographic/article. Not sure how accurate it is, but it seems to make sense, so I thought I'd share:

    I drastically cut my breads and pastas when I lost my weight, so I'm thinking there's some truth to this.

    More than likely cutting your breads and pastas simply made you more aware of what you were eating and you ate less..
  • steffanyjames
    steffanyjames Posts: 47 Member
    So I want to cut my bread intake but still have pasta once a week or so... I think it's still okay to have it as the carbs are good the night before a long run or intense spin workout.

    Tonight's Meatless Monday dinner: farfalli with roasted red pepper sauce and baby spinach. YUMMMMMMMM
  • krypt5
    krypt5 Posts: 243 Member
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    The more I read, the more I realise how important carbs are. No carbs = low energy = exercise torture. No thanks. A fairly equal split between carbs, fat and protein seems to be far and away better for you.
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    I eat a lot of carbs.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    I like pasta sauces that have bacon.

    Pasta Carbonara FTMFW!!!!
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    Large portions make you fat. Massive calorie intake makes you fat. Broccoli can make you just as fat as bacon depending on your portions. The food doesn't matter, it's the portion size. Mind you, different foods carry more or less nutritional value for you (you'd lose weight eating 1200 cal/day of twinkies just like you would if you were eating 1200 cal/day of veggies), but when it comes down to weight, it's all about calories.
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    i love carbs! :)
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    The underlying idea is that the insulin spike/drop caused by high carb foods causes you to feel hungry and thus eat more, which the basis for the South Beach Diet, the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet, the Woman Doctor's Diet for Women, and a bunch of others.

    It's another way to control the intake of excessive calories. Some people benefit from this insight/tool, others don't need it.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Large portions make you fat. Massive calorie intake makes you fat. Broccoli can make you just as fat as bacon depending on your portions. The food doesn't matter, it's the portion size. Mind you, different foods carry more or less nutritional value for you (you'd lose weight eating 1200 cal/day of twinkies just like you would if you were eating 1200 cal/day of veggies), but when it comes down to weight, it's all about calories.

    1200 calories of broccoli? clear the room and light a candle!
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    Large portions make you fat. Massive calorie intake makes you fat. Broccoli can make you just as fat as bacon depending on your portions. The food doesn't matter, it's the portion size. Mind you, different foods carry more or less nutritional value for you (you'd lose weight eating 1200 cal/day of twinkies just like you would if you were eating 1200 cal/day of veggies), but when it comes down to weight, it's all about calories.

    1200 calories of broccoli? clear the room and light a candle!

    You should smell the asparagus ;-)
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    1200 calories of broccoli? clear the room and light a candle!

    I don't think you'd want to "light" anything................BOOM!
  • menglema

    Get your grains intact from foods such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole grain pasta, and other possibly unfamiliar grains like quinoa, whole oats, and bulgur. Not only will these foods help protect you against a range of chronic diseases, they can also please your palate and your eyes.

    *Start the day with whole grains. If you're partial to hot cereals, try steel-cut oats. If you're a cold cereal person, look for one that lists whole wheat, whole oats, or other whole grain first on the ingredient list.

    *Use whole grain breads for lunch or snacks. Check the label to make sure that whole wheat or another whole grain is the first ingredient listed.

    *Bag the potatoes. Instead, try brown rice or even "newer" grains like bulgur, wheat berries, millet, or hulled barley with your dinner.

    *Pick up some whole wheat pasta. If the whole grain products are too chewy for you, look for those that are made with half whole-wheat flour and half white flour.

    *Bring on the beans. Beans are an excellent source of slowly digested carbohydrates as well as a great source of protein.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • CosmicBella
    CosmicBella Posts: 195 Member

    ^^...this!!! I eat pasta all the time and still lose weight every week. :)
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Eating more calories than you burn makes you fat. It doesn't matter whether you eat straight lard, white bread, or kale (although eating enough of just kale to exceed your caloric requirements would be incredibility difficult). Some people have an easier time controlling calories with some types of foods versus others, but in the end, it's CICO.