Pasta, Not Bacon, Makes You Fat. But How?



  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Large portions make you fat. Massive calorie intake makes you fat. Broccoli can make you just as fat as bacon depending on your portions. The food doesn't matter, it's the portion size. Mind you, different foods carry more or less nutritional value for you (you'd lose weight eating 1200 cal/day of twinkies just like you would if you were eating 1200 cal/day of veggies), but when it comes down to weight, it's all about calories.

    1200 calories of broccoli? clear the room and light a candle!

    You should smell the asparagus ;-)

    :laugh: :love: These quotes just made me spit out my water. Love it!
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    You may enjoy the book Wheat Belly. It is all about... wheat! Basically wheat causes your blood sugar to spike more than any other food, including straight up table sugar. Due to the spike in blood sugar, and its eventual fall 60-120 minutes later, it makes your body go through an artificial cycle of hunger and satiety. This process is shown to increase visceral fat. It's a very good read, and I suggest it to everyone.

    ^^^^ this! I am on the primal diet which means I'm eating meat, veggies, fruits and nuts only. No legumes, wheat or sugar. However I still eat between 50-150 grams of carbs a day from fruits and veggies. Wheat and sugar spike your insulin which makes you store fat. Meat, and most veggies and fruits don't make your insulin spike making it much easier to burn fat.

    Meat, veggies and fruits don't spike your insulin?

    Scroll down to Table 4

    Holt SHA, et al. An insulin index of foods: the insulin demand generated by 1000-kJ portions of common foods. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Nov, 1997; 66: 5: 1264-1276.

    Acg has been unable to provide compelling evidence that the insulin spike of protein is the same as the insulin spike of carbohydrates in someone who is resistant to insulin. He has been unable to demonstrate that 1) people overeat nearly as much protein as they eat carbs, and 2) that the insulin response of protein generates an excess of insulin when eaten by those who are insulin resistant.

    Acg has proven nothing more than that Taubes insulin hypothesis is flawed and incomplete. Doesn't mean that it is completely wrong.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    You don't have to believe. I'll just reap the benefits and continue to astound doctors with excellent cholesterol/trig/ blood glucose readings and nice, low blood pressure readings as they say, "You're eating mainly meat and leafy greens? Meat with SKIN ON? MARBLED grass-fed steak?! You're a freak of nature!" And I'll just laugh.

    and are you going to substantiate this claim at all?

    "I think it's funny how no matter how much proof there is that carbs, especially refined ones (although all of them to a degree), not fat, cause obesity, people will still shake their heads and stomp around like a three year old who has been told they can't have a lollipop.

    It works for her so it automatically must work for everyone else and we are evil if we eat carbs.

    And now for a pop quiz question: If all snorks are gronks, and all gronks are snoods, are all snoods snorks? :tongue:

    Who said anything about being evil? :huh:
  • kikina
    kikina Posts: 57 Member
    i just made homemade fettucine was real easy and it only took about 20 min longer than my daughter who was cooking her store bought one!!
    much lighter and better..

    I'm italian and most italiaan in italy are thin and they eat pasta everyday BUT WHAT THEY DON'T EAT .... they don't eat like "an american" they say basically that means we have BIG portions they have a small dish and a salad. But because their food is very fresh it fills you up with the bursting fresh flavors.

    try it you will see.. it's all a balance!
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Acg has proven nothing more than that Taubes insulin hypothesis is flawed and incomplete. Doesn't mean that it is completely wrong.

    The burden of proof is on the one making the claim.

    Google "Russel's teapot"
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    You don't have to believe. I'll just reap the benefits and continue to astound doctors with excellent cholesterol/trig/ blood glucose readings and nice, low blood pressure readings as they say, "You're eating mainly meat and leafy greens? Meat with SKIN ON? MARBLED grass-fed steak?! You're a freak of nature!" And I'll just laugh.

    and are you going to substantiate this claim at all?

    "I think it's funny how no matter how much proof there is that carbs, especially refined ones (although all of them to a degree), not fat, cause obesity, people will still shake their heads and stomp around like a three year old who has been told they can't have a lollipop.

    It works for her so it automatically must work for everyone else and we are evil if we eat carbs.

    And now for a pop quiz question: If all snorks are gronks, and all gronks are snoods, are all snoods snorks? :tongue:

    Who said anything about being evil? :huh:

    Good question. I guess I did...but then you did. :laugh:
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Acg has proven nothing more than that Taubes insulin hypothesis is flawed and incomplete. Doesn't mean that it is completely wrong.

    The burden of proof is on the one making the claim.

    Google "Russel's teapot"

    His claim is that Taubes book is junk. That seems to be his most compelling argument against Taubes theory.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Acg has proven nothing more than that Taubes insulin hypothesis is flawed and incomplete. Doesn't mean that it is completely wrong.

    The burden of proof is on the one making the claim.

    Google "Russel's teapot"

    His claim is that Taubes book is junk. That seems to be his most compelling argument against Taubes theory.

    Taubes book is junk because it makes unsupported claims and ignores the contradictory evidence.

    I think that premise has been well supported. If you don't, then you haven't been paying attention.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    You don't have to believe. I'll just reap the benefits and continue to astound doctors with excellent cholesterol/trig/ blood glucose readings and nice, low blood pressure readings as they say, "You're eating mainly meat and leafy greens? Meat with SKIN ON? MARBLED grass-fed steak?! You're a freak of nature!" And I'll just laugh.

    and are you going to substantiate this claim at all?

    "I think it's funny how no matter how much proof there is that carbs, especially refined ones (although all of them to a degree), not fat, cause obesity, people will still shake their heads and stomp around like a three year old who has been told they can't have a lollipop.

    It works for her so it automatically must work for everyone else and we are evil if we eat carbs.

    And now for a pop quiz question: If all snorks are gronks, and all gronks are snoods, are all snoods snorks? :tongue:

    Who said anything about being evil? :huh:

    Good question. I guess I did...but then you did. :laugh:

    I did? When? Quote me?
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Acg has proven nothing more than that Taubes insulin hypothesis is flawed and incomplete. Doesn't mean that it is completely wrong.

    The burden of proof is on the one making the claim.

    Google "Russel's teapot"

    His claim is that Taubes book is junk. That seems to be his most compelling argument against Taubes theory.

    Taubes book is junk because it makes unsupported claims and ignores the contradictory evidence.

    I think that premise has been well supported. If you don't, then you haven't been paying attention.

    Taubes book is based on the work of decades of research and dozens of researchers who believe in the same hypothesis. Just because you can disprove a couple of his scientific explanations, does not make the entire hypothesis wrong.

    Then Acg's second argument is that insulin is not required to store fat so Taubes' theory on that is also wrong. So what, it is impractical to even eat a diet without any insulin produced. Whether ASP or insulin stores the fat doesn't matter, the point is insulin DOES inhibit fat mobilization.
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    Pasta and bread portions in this country are completely out of control. If you eat a sensible portion size and incorporate pastas into a healthy balanced diet, they do not make you fat. Sorry, but millions of Italians can't be wrong. (I'm talking in Italy, not the Americanized super-size-me Italian restaurants). Just like white rice as a staple of Asian diets.

    Everything in moderation and as part of a balanced diet with your calories in/calories out balanced.

    Exactly. I don't know why PORTION CONTROL is so hard to understand.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Taubes book is based on the work of decades of research

    While completely ignoring the last 3.

    and dozens of researchers who believe in the same hypothesis.

    Many of his sources believe no such thing. In several instances, his distorts and/or misquotes them.

    Just because you can disprove a couple of his scientific explanations, does not make the entire hypothesis wrong.

    Read what I said about burden of proof.
  • When I was avoiding simple carbs (processed grains, refined sugars, potatoes, corn, etc), I was eating **more** calories than I am now and was losing weight faster. I did not experience any lag in energy levels. This held true for over a year and a half.

    In mid-December I started using MFP and watching calories instead of carbs. I also increased my exercise 30+ minutes a day. I'm eating *less* calories and exercising *more*, yet I'm losing weight at half the rate I was on South Beach. I'm getting frustrated and strongly considering a return to South Beach.

    I don't know how people can argue so adamantly against diets that stress complex carbs over simple carbs. Every body reacts differently to different foods. I'm not diabetic or insulin resistant, but personal experience tells me that my body cares far more about the type of carbs I'm ingesting than the amount of calories I'm eating and burning.

    Rather than digging through all the conflicting science and what everyone else says, pay attention to what *your* body tells you. That will be your personal truth.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Taubes book is based on the work of decades of research

    While completely ignoring the last 3.

    and dozens of researchers who believe in the same hypothesis.

    Many of his sources believe no such thing. In several instances, his distorts and/or misquotes them.

    Just because you can disprove a couple of his scientific explanations, does not make the entire hypothesis wrong.

    Read what I said about burden of proof.

    Taubes presented an alternate HYPOTHESIS. He used this word more times in his book than probably any other word.

    Last I checked, a hypothesis is not proven. And so far, neither you nor Acg have provided compelling evidence to disprove his hypothesis.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Taubes book is based on the work of decades of research

    While completely ignoring the last 3.

    and dozens of researchers who believe in the same hypothesis.

    Many of his sources believe no such thing. In several instances, his distorts and/or misquotes them.

    Just because you can disprove a couple of his scientific explanations, does not make the entire hypothesis wrong.

    Read what I said about burden of proof.

    Taubes presented an alternate HYPOTHESIS. He used this word more times in his book than probably any other word.

    Last I checked, a hypothesis is not proven. And so far, neither you nor Acg have provided compelling evidence to disprove his hypothesis.

    Cognitive dissonance is truly an amazing thing.

    More reading:
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    You don't have to believe. I'll just reap the benefits and continue to astound doctors with excellent cholesterol/trig/ blood glucose readings and nice, low blood pressure readings as they say, "You're eating mainly meat and leafy greens? Meat with SKIN ON? MARBLED grass-fed steak?! You're a freak of nature!" And I'll just laugh.

    and are you going to substantiate this claim at all?

    "I think it's funny how no matter how much proof there is that carbs, especially refined ones (although all of them to a degree), not fat, cause obesity, people will still shake their heads and stomp around like a three year old who has been told they can't have a lollipop.

    It works for her so it automatically must work for everyone else and we are evil if we eat carbs.

    And now for a pop quiz question: If all snorks are gronks, and all gronks are snoods, are all snoods snorks? :tongue:

    Who said anything about being evil? :huh:

    Good question. I guess I did...but then you did. :laugh:

    I did? When? Quote me?

    Who said anything about being evil? :huh:
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    More from the same source:
    The hypothesis that insulin, in a physiological context, increases body fatness has been around for a long time. However, most obesity and metabolism researchers considered it defunct by the mid-1980s, if not before, because of its failure to explain a number of basic observations (11). The case against this hypothesis has expanded considerably since then.
  • Emilia6909
    Emilia6909 Posts: 309 Member
    Replace white rice with SHORT GRAIN BROWN RICE
    Replace white pasta with BUCKWHEAT or WHOLEWHEAT pasta
    Replace white bread with RYE BREAD
    Replace a baked spud with BAKED SWEET POTATO
    Replace fries with VEGETABLE FRIES

    The perfect carbs as far as I am concerned..... :wink:
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Who knew one would need degrees in biochemistry, human physiology, liguistics, debate, & cellular bioology, just to make it thru a thread on eating carbs.