I am literally sitting here balling my eyes out.

xoalyssaox Posts: 318 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
B/c I am a COMPLETE moron. Seriously FOR TWO YEARS NOW I have been saying I need to lose 30 pounds (that I gained while prego). FOR TWO YEARS I fail.

My Mother in law calls today and invites herself over to go swimming in my apartment pool. I am SERIOUSLY A MORON SITTING HERE CRYING b/c I DON'T WANT TO GO. My shorts I wear over my bathing suit don't fit, there is no way in heck thatI am not wearing shorts, my stomach hangs over my suit...

I am just really hating life right now. I am probably the most self conscious person you will ever meet. I mean seriously who cries all day b/c they don't want people to see them in a bathing suit. I cannot even enjoy my life living in FL, b/c I care what every one thinks of me... I seriously just don't even want to go any where any more b/c I am so sick of being fat. :( I wish there was someone who could help me...


  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    why don't you start today by helping yourself...stop being so overly critical.
    take control and stop worrying about what others think........
    life is toooooooooo short to waste worrying about others.....start eating
    right to keep yourself healthy for yourself and your kiddo. by looking
    at your picture, you're very young and have nice elastic, go back in place
    skin. try having a baby at 41 and see what droops and hangs over!! lol!
    my youngest just turned 8yrs and i still have baby fat!
  • You can do it!!!! The first step is getting exercise to fit into that swimsuit! You go girl
  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387
    I've noticed several of your posts... I've noticed something... you are really hard on yourself.
    You are gorgeous!
    I've been on here over a year and I've gained all the weight back, but I am still here and trying.
    It doesn't help to beat yourself up, for many it makes it even worse (can we say my love of burgers, pizza, and Chinese food come into play with my mopes).

    So, it's been 2 years.... My kids 6 and I soooo know she's not the reason I am still fat. I'm lazy/busy/tired/ or a million other excuses I can come up with. I HATED buying a swimming suit this year, but my kid loves the pool... do I punish her for my choices or do I suck it up and just deal. I may not LOVE the body I have, but I am the one who has control of it... be it diet or exercise or both. If I want it to improve I HAVE to do the work... WISHING to lose weight, be skinnier, etc never got anyone there. Hard work did.

    You are not a moron.

    What have you been doing to lose weight?
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    B/c I am a COMPLETE moron. Seriously FOR TWO YEARS NOW I have been saying I need to lose 30 pounds (that I gained while prego). FOR TWO YEARS I fail.

    My Mother in law calls today and invites herself over to go swimming in my apartment pool. I am SERIOUSLY A MORON SITTING HERE CRYING b/c I DON'T WANT TO GO. My shorts I wear over my bathing suit don't fit, there is no way in heck thatI am not wearing shorts, my stomach hangs over my suit...

    I am just really hating life right now. I am probably the most self conscious person you will ever meet. I mean seriously who cries all day b/c they don't want people to see them in a bathing suit. I cannot even enjoy my life living in FL, b/c I care what every one thinks of me... I seriously just don't even want to go any where any more b/c I am so sick of being fat. :( I wish there was someone who could help me...

    I am sooo sorry you are having such a bad day!! I do understand having the extra weight and knowing it needs to come up and it just doesn't happen. It is not easy, it really is not especially with a baby. Don't be too hard on yourself. I know it sounds like a load of crap but everyday that we do pay attention to what we eat and try to excersize even just for a little bit will start to show. Im 20 years old, you look around my age. I know for myself at least, I feel like people look at me and think why is she young and that heavy?! .... All of that to say, I understand and you are not alone. It does take alot of work and focus but I know if you keep at it, it will get better!!
  • leg8
    leg8 Posts: 49
    well you are beautiful!! so just find a bathing suit that you love that flatters your figure until you're able to accomplish your goals!! find a pretty coverup to wear over your suit..something that you feel really comfortable in.

    i understand how you feel about being in a suit... i just found a cute little dress to wear over top until i am more confident with my body. hopefully that will make you feel more comfortable and happier, and if you're smiling, nobody will care about anything else!
  • p34tsho
    p34tsho Posts: 2
    :flowerforyou: Don't call yourself a failure!!!!! The only time a person is a failure is when they DON"T TRY!!!!! AND you are trying!!!!! SO give yourself CREDIT!!!!!
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I'm so sorry that you feel like this, but darling, your picture is beautiful! You are beautiful! Don't overwhelm yourself. I know it's hard, but take a deep breath and one day at a time. Hell, on minute at a time. Every minute is a new chance.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    OH sweetie- Please stop crying and take a deep breath. You only have 30 pounds to lose. I am in no way trying to make your problem seem small. I know how you feel. We have a pool in our little neighborhood and last summer I only swam once with my daughter. I was soo self consious. I have alot of weight to lose. I have lost some but I have 145 more to lose. I have been in the pool 12 or more times this summer with my daughter. You shouldn't feel weird shorts or no shorts. I'm sure NO one will be thinking bad thoughts about you. What I'm trying to say is don't let yourself talk you in to feeling this way. Don't let yourself be your worst enemy. Put that suit on -be proud- Go swimming -have fun and burn some calories. Look around when you get there too because I bet there will be at least 1 person there that SHOULD feel embarrased about what they have on. We have a neighbor who probably weighs 240 pounds and she wears a bikini. Thats right a bikini. She looks so bad but you know what? She doesn't seem to care. She still has fun. Cindy :heart:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I am so sorry you are having a rough day and trust me, I have been there too!! :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    And you are a beautiful girl and shouldn't feel so horrible. I know that is easy for me to say..but life is too short to miss out on so much.

    I know with my own weight-loss, it is taking my brain a lot longer to catch up than it did for my body to lose the weight. This "lifestyle change" is as much mental as it is physical! If not MORE so!

    You will do it!! And you will be living your life the way you should be!! Just let it happen!!! And try to look at yourself differently and stop missing out on life!

    One thing that kind of feeling taught me is that food just isn't worth feeling like that, is it?? :wink:

    You'll be OK!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • Its ok! I was the same way. I don't know if you exercise but that makes me feel better. Walking 40-60 min, 4-5 times a week will help your mood ALOT! If you don't want to go swim DON'T! Work up to feeling comfortable enough to do that.

    I have been fighting weight for the past year. I have PCOS and Ive been going to a psychologist(spelling) and he helped teach me things to control my moods. Exercise is the biggest.

    I have not lost ANY weight since Ive been to him. I will lose a pound or two and it will come right back. My mood however has changed very much. I don't worry about what other people think as much as I use to.

    Hope I helped!:flowerforyou:
  • sdesrosiers
    sdesrosiers Posts: 5 Member
    You know what? They make beautiful clothes in all different sizes, even my size...20. Go buy yourself a bathing suit and some shorts that fit who you are right now. Good fitting attractive clothes make us feel good, feeling good about ourselves leads to treating ourselves better. You can't accomplish much if you hate the person you are working for (you)

    You can keep the other short and swimsuit for when you are back to that size. And swimming in the apartment pool will help you get there.
  • xoalyssaox
    xoalyssaox Posts: 318 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support! I just wish it was easy!
    I have had a history of eating disorders. I've been like this my whole life, overly critical and I saw a psychiatrist once and it was a load of crap. She told me the reason I felt this way, is because my husband doesn't pay enough attention to me!! UM HELLO LADY, I had an eating disorder way before I even MET HIM. I stopped going there, and just dealt with my feelings ever since, but today I literally just broke down.

    Thanks again everyone, I wish I just could have someone like keep me motivated every day or something. Wouldn't that be nice?
  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387

    Thanks again everyone, I wish I just could have someone like keep me motivated every day or something. Wouldn't that be nice?

    Isn't that why we have this place?
    To gather strength from others when we aren't strong....
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    B/c I am a COMPLETE moron. Seriously FOR TWO YEARS NOW I have been saying I need to lose 30 pounds (that I gained while prego). FOR TWO YEARS I fail.

    My Mother in law calls today and invites herself over to go swimming in my apartment pool. I am SERIOUSLY A MORON SITTING HERE CRYING b/c I DON'T WANT TO GO. My shorts I wear over my bathing suit don't fit, there is no way in heck thatI am not wearing shorts, my stomach hangs over my suit...

    I am just really hating life right now. I am probably the most self conscious person you will ever meet. I mean seriously who cries all day b/c they don't want people to see them in a bathing suit. I cannot even enjoy my life living in FL, b/c I care what every one thinks of me... I seriously just don't even want to go any where any more b/c I am so sick of being fat. :( I wish there was someone who could help me...

    When you have gone swimming have you ever noticed if there are other overweight people, whether it be a little or alot? Bet you haven't...
    I'm not gonna say there aren't people out there that judge others that way but really who wants to be friends with someone like that who can't look past the exterior. To be honest if I don't wanna be friends with them I don't care for thier opinion either. So start worrying about you rather than a handful of people that are too busy looking at what they think is wrong with you to avoid the stuff they are self consious about.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    I work at a resort and see all shapes and sizes in suits, the most important part of their outfit is their confidence and smile.

    I watched a young woman at the resort sit miserably by herself, clutching her clothes around her, while watching everyone else have fun. Her husband obviously adored her and was very solicitous and entertaining but she would not take part in anything.

    Meddler that I am I went over and talked to her. Reminded her these days only come once, there is no rerun and get it right next time this day comes around. She had a beautiful smile, great kids, and a loving husband. Today is it, get up, and get moving, have fun. "If only I were thinner I could have fun, go swimming, take a trip, or a million other things." are excuses you will still have on the day you die,what a waste of life. The whole world is not focused on you and your weight. Lighten up on yourself!!!!!!!! Get out and LIVE!!!!!
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    B/c I am a COMPLETE moron. Seriously FOR TWO YEARS NOW I have been saying I need to lose 30 pounds (that I gained while prego). FOR TWO YEARS I fail.

    My Mother in law calls today and invites herself over to go swimming in my apartment pool. I am SERIOUSLY A MORON SITTING HERE CRYING b/c I DON'T WANT TO GO. My shorts I wear over my bathing suit don't fit, there is no way in heck thatI am not wearing shorts, my stomach hangs over my suit...

    I am just really hating life right now. I am probably the most self conscious person you will ever meet. I mean seriously who cries all day b/c they don't want people to see them in a bathing suit. I cannot even enjoy my life living in FL, b/c I care what every one thinks of me... I seriously just don't even want to go any where any more b/c I am so sick of being fat. :( I wish there was someone who could help me...

    My rail thin sister and I went to Hawaii a couple of years ago. (it was a business trip she earned at work and asked me to go so I paid nothing but my souveniers (sp). I didn't even OWN a bathing suit then and was dreading it BIG TIME. Once I got there I realized there were people MUCH bigger than me wearing MUCH less than me and DUH no one was taking time out of their day to look at me.

    Like others said, get some sort of cover up. It will be fine really. You could even look at this as a work out if you want. Walk in the water as fast as you can and burn some calories while you are there.
  • There is nothing I can say that hasn't already been said... I just wanted to say to you that I understand how you feel. A lot of people do. Up until last year, I wouldn't go swimming for the same reason. I'm a REALLY big girl and finally one of my friends just made me do it - I was crying and "kicking and screaming" the whole way to the pool... but you know what? NOBODY looked at me. Everybody else was too busy having their fun to worry about me. And I live in a nosey neighborhood. LOL GO and enjoy yourself. If you are that self-conscious wear a tshirt and say you don't want to get sunburned!
  • Try listening to Miley Cyrus's The Climb. It's become my workout mantra. :bigsmile:

    I can almost see it
    That dream I am dreaming
    But there's a voice inside my head saying
    "You'll never reach it"

    Every step I'm taking
    Every move I make feels
    Lost with no direction
    My faith is shaken

    But I gotta keep trying
    Gotta keep my head held high

    There's always gonna be another mountain
    I'm always gonna wanna make it move
    Always gonna be a uphill battle
    Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

    Ain't about how fast I get there
    Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
    It's the climb

    The struggles I'm facing
    The chances I'm taking
    Sometimes might knock me down
    But no, I'm not breaking

    I may not know it
    But these are the moments that
    I'm gonna remember most, yeah
    Just gotta keep going

    And I, I got to be strong
    Just keep pushing on

    'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
    I'm always gonna wanna make it move
    Always gonna be a uphill battle
    Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

    Ain't about how fast I get there
    Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
    It's the climb, yeah!

    There's always gonna be another mountain
    I'm always gonna wanna make it move
    Always gonna be an uphill battle
    Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

    Ain't about how fast I get there
    Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
    It's the climb, yeah!

    Keep on moving, keep climbing
    Keep the faith, baby
    It's all about, it's all about the climb
    Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa
  • nance1109
    nance1109 Posts: 25 Member
    I think just being on this site everyone can understand your frustration. Some times we have to just have a good cry then jump back on and reasses our goals. Your's being to be able to feel comfterable in your cloths. Someone suggested to get another suit that is more fitting for you at this time. I think thats a great idea. Its actually what I do! I have bathing suits of all sizes from 4 to 14. I can't bare to get rid of them for fear I will need them again! I will be darned if I will sit in the house and deny myself the chance to exercize in a pool or beach cuz my suit don't fit.

    Right now I am in the middle of sized as I also have 30 to lose...I will get there but it will take some time and effort on my part.

    Feel better cuz this too shall pass.
  • You seriously have to be your own motivation! You can't expect some one to do it for you! If you don't want it enough to motivate yourself how can you expect some one else to care enough to. You're the one who has to want it, to push yourself everyday to work out and make the right food choices. It's hard, I'm not going to lie but it IS do able. 30 lbs. really isn't very much. You could lose that in 6 months time. And you have all of us here for support when you need it. I realize your obstacles may be slightly harder because of the eating disorder but you still can do it!! i promise you!! Just stop feeling sorry for yourself and DO IT!!!!

    p.s. none of this is meant to sound mean...so please don't take it the wrong way.:smile:
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