My fitness confession



  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    I HATE burpee's (in any way, shape or form) with a passion.

    I love burpees but I suck at push ups! I don't know why though.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I lip sync in the mirror on the treadmill, and have been known to sing out loud when I'm the only one there.
    And I definitely sing out loud when I run outside, mostly when I'm out in the country or alone on the trail. I can't help being moved by a song!!!

    When I first starting walking at lunch at my last office I actually broke into the 'Thriller' dance when I walked through a forested part of my walk so I totally get this! My current fav is Robyn's "Dancing on My Own". I memorize the main dance starting at min 1.25 b/c I adore this song so much but unfortunately must resist the urge to do it where I work now - downtown core so there is no invisibility + I can't listen to music, it's just not safe in such a busy area. Hmmm, walking on the Harbor front is pretty desserted at this time of year, I think my mp3 player needs to come back for tomorrows walk, yay!
  • my confession: On the weekends, I put on my yoga pants and a sports bra because it makes me feel skinnier
    I live in my yoga pants and sports bra when I am home because it makes me feel like everything is just so!
  • Pinkmaddycat
    Pinkmaddycat Posts: 175 Member
    When I have had enough to drink to make me feel a bit tipsy I feel like i could run a marathon, in heels and often run through the streets between pubs, clubs or after taxis.....truth is i struggle to run a mile in my trainers when sober, go figure!
  • mlybrn
    mlybrn Posts: 31 Member
    As much as I love the post-workout feeling, I hate the bloating that comes with it.

    Oh, and I despise cardio.
  • I find Cardio so boring that any more than 30 minutes at a time can make me suicidal. Sports make it bearable, but otherwise it is just mind-numbing to me.

  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 241 Member
    Confession 1: I only take 1-2 rest days a month, and that's usually because something out of my control causes me to miss my workout.

    ^^^ yup yup thats me
  • cdl8
    cdl8 Posts: 164 Member
    I HATE burpee's (in any way, shape or form) with a passion.

    Totally agree!!! But they work my body so good!!!
  • This forum was soo much fun to read! Hilarious.

    My confession: I would have to agree with a lot of these, especially core work-outs...I am always like "hell no, no crunches today." I also HATE plyos...burpees, mountain climbers! If I could just spin all the time, I would be perfectly happy!
  • I won't do lunches or squats. I hate them so much that if I am doing a wii workout or a video i skip them entirely :/
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    My favorite hobby at the gym is to check out people with nice bodies, and see what work out they are doing to keep their bodies looking that way. (i.e. If a girl has a nice bum, I see how long she uses the stair climber, at what intensity, and her form)
  • mlybrn
    mlybrn Posts: 31 Member
    My favorite hobby at the gym is to check out people with nice bodies, and see what work out they are doing to keep their bodies looking that way. (i.e. If a girl has a nice bum, I see how long she uses the stair climber, at what intensity, and her form)

    I do that too, with a combination of jealousy and admiration!
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    my confession:

    I love love love weight lifting (and all kinds of squats - i know, wth! lol) but i have the weakest triceps to the point that I avoid the exercises my trainer gives me - my ego just can't stand picking up the 5lb weights in public! ;-)
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    I lip sync in the mirror on the treadmill, and have been known to sing out loud when I'm the only one there.
    And I definitely sing out loud when I run outside, mostly when I'm out in the country or alone on the trail. I can't help being moved by a song!!!

    When I first starting walking at lunch at my last office I actually broke into the 'Thriller' dance when I walked through a forested part of my walk so I totally get this! My current fav is Robyn's "Dancing on My Own". I memorize the main dance starting at min 1.25 b/c I adore this song so much but unfortunately must resist the urge to do it where I work now - downtown core so there is no invisibility + I can't listen to music, it's just not safe in such a busy area. Hmmm, walking on the Harbor front is pretty desserted at this time of year, I think my mp3 player needs to come back for tomorrows walk, yay!
    I knew I wasn't alone!
    Bohemian Rhapsody!
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    my confession:

    I love love love weight lifting (and all kinds of squats - i know, wth! lol) but i have the weakest triceps to the point that I avoid the exercises my trainer gives me - my ego just can't stand picking up the 5lb weights in public! ;-)

    I'm with you on the triceps training. I love to train everything and anything else, I try to pretend I'm hitting them with narrow grip bench pressing, lol.. I usually train them only 2 times per month. :O Oh wells...
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    my confession: On the weekends, I put on my yoga pants and a sports bra because it makes me feel skinnier
    I live in my yoga pants and sports bra when I am home because it makes me feel like everything is just so!

    I have a horrible road map of stretch marks on my stomach, so doing this in public is not an option lol
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    I enjoy passing gas when doing sit-ups.

    Ha! Cracked me up
  • I want that book! I can't do any regular push-ups. I still do them on my knees and can only do about 10 good ones that way! I despise burpees! I hate mountain climbers too. I could go on lol
  • eissak
    eissak Posts: 54 Member
    I spend entirely too much time checking out my body in panties and bra. Both admiring how much I have lost and picking out the flaws.

    Me too!!
  • baddbob
    baddbob Posts: 133 Member
    I rock to the Rolling Stones when I want to get an upper body burn really going while lifting!!! The Beach Boys while doing cardio. Don't tell anyone about the Beach Boys. I'll be barred from the Biker Bars!!