Girl Scout Cookies



  • langababy
    langababy Posts: 43 Member
    my BF always says that girl scout cookies should be a controlled substance.

    and yes, I have eaten an entire box of tag-alongs in one sitting :ohwell:
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    THIN MINTS. My roommate and I last year finished a whole box in one night. The Samoas and Lemon ones get to me as well!
  • thesarahsundae
    thesarahsundae Posts: 240 Member
    I'm a Girl Scout Leader and currently have 200+ boxes in my garage not to mention the 3 cases I've purchased and are sitting in my kitchen.

    I put the Thin Mints in the freezer...If I open up the freezer and take the silver foil package out I will eat the whole thing in about 7 minutes.

    I can eat a box of Caramel Delights in 6 minutes and a box of Peanut Butter Patties in 5.

    I cannot stop at one or two cookies...I have recognized my weakness and try not to put any in my mouth, but today I found the kids had left a box with just two little Peanut Butter Patties in it...I ate them both, but spaced it out to last about 15 minutes.

    I'm just trying to stay out of the garage now.

    : )

    OMG!! :noway:
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I gave up buying the cookies and now give my neice money to NOT sell them to me! (she donates the cookies to the troops with her donations).

    That said, back in my binging days when I weighed 450lbs, I could knock back a couple of boxes in one sitting. I don't do that anymore thank goodness...I could probably eat 1-2 then put them away. I still have 3/4 of a box of chocolates that my daughter gave me for Christmas. I just don't binge like that anymore.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I'm a Girl Scout Leader and currently have 200+ boxes in my garage not to mention the 3 cases I've purchased and are sitting in my kitchen.

    I put the Thin Mints in the freezer...If I open up the freezer and take the silver foil package out I will eat the whole thing in about 7 minutes.

    I can eat a box of Caramel Delights in 6 minutes and a box of Peanut Butter Patties in 5.

    I cannot stop at one or two cookies...I have recognized my weakness and try not to put any in my mouth, but today I found the kids had left a box with just two little Peanut Butter Patties in it...I ate them both, but spaced it out to last about 15 minutes.

    I'm just trying to stay out of the garage now.

    : )

    I would be parking outside and taking the front door if I were you...YOU POOR THING!!
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    I'm pretty sure I've eaten a box of Thin Mints in one sitting before. I KNOW I've eaten at least one roll of Thin Mints in one sitting before. And I know I've also eaten a box of Peanut Butter Patties in one sitting as well.

    Those cookies are delicious....r
  • angijunbug
    Could eat the whole box of the Samoas! Now, I buy them & send them to the troops. They will never enter my house again! :laugh:
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    samoas are my favorite also... I use to eat two rows at a time. I learned recently that they are 150 calories for two little cookies! I would buy a case (ten boxes) and freeze them, trying not to eat more than one box a week. Last year when I decided to get my stuff in order, I refused to buy any cookies. I did make a donation to the little girls selling the cookies in my supermarket. :happy:
  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    When the girls approach me at the front of the grocery store or Wal-mart and say "Would you like to buy some Girl Scout Cookies?" I politely tell them "I would love to buy some but I can't because I'm allergic to them. When I eat them I swell up!!" The girls don't get it but the moms always get a good chuckle.
  • msharif71
    msharif71 Posts: 34 Member

    Edited to Add: Just found out that the Peanut Butter Patties are vegan. There goes that excuse! Crap crap crap.

    I love love that, and that is totally me I love the Thin Mints! :tongue:
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    does anyone think they got smaller with in the years?

    YES they did get smaller and I argued with my co-worker about it a few years ago, when his kid was in the scouts.
  • msharif71
    msharif71 Posts: 34 Member
    Good for you! IF I can ask how did you lose your weight? Did you have surgery? Or just workout and will power?
  • moviewatcher
    I ordered 2 boxes of thin mints over a year ago and have only eaten half of 1 box. I also ordered 2 boxes of the lemomn ones a month ago. When i sold them back in 1978 they were a dollar and a half a box, now they are 3 dollars 50 cents a box.

    I think 2 boxes a year is good.
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    A whole box of Junior mints in one sitting( took me 30 mins)
  • pogojr
    pogojr Posts: 83 Member
    Thin Mints all the way! Frozen is even better. Previous years I crushed a few frozen cookies and sprinkle them on vanilla ice cream. Might have to rearrange my counts to allow for a little treat when my cookies come in!
  • Opheliac_Xx
    Opheliac_Xx Posts: 32 Member
    omg!!!! you haaave to try them. or maybe you shouldnt. lol i will be happy to send you a box when i get my order in. (i had to order from my niece. how do i tell her no).
    I'm from the UK, and I have no idea what you are talking about! :P Can anyone enlighten me? Do girl scouts go around selling them to raise money for their club?

    bless your heart!! girl scout cookies are the best. they sell them once a year as a fundraiser. someone should send you a box :smile: i may be willing to donate one of mine to the cause. i can't be held responsible for addiction though :smile:

    Aww thanks for the offers! I'd love to try some :p
  • JaiHook
    JaiHook Posts: 12 Member
    I have easily finished off an entire box back in the day. We would have a stockpile all year (former girl scout who's mother bought too many each year). The past 2 years I have not bought any. They are and will always be a weakness for me
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    my daughter is a Daisy (the younger girl scouts) I bought 7 boxes of cookies from her!! Only because the bf bought 7 boxes from someone at work, I thought she deserved the same amount. So yes, we will have 14 boxes of girl scout cookies in this house. Good thing I do NOT have a big sweet tooth! I'll only eat a couple at a time.
  • Butterfly3730
    Samoas and Shortbread! LOVE THEM however, I know ME so can't bring them in my house anymore! However, I faithfully donate $20-$30 yearly to the girl scouts and tell them to keep the cookies!