embarassing gym moments.?



  • amigababy
    amigababy Posts: 24 Member
    The council gym I went to every week was decorating the downstairs changing rooms, so I was asked to use the upstairs ones, where I'd never been before.
    Downstairs it was mens first, then ladies. (You're ahead of me already) Yes, upstairs the plan was reversed, but on auto pilot I didn't notice, went in and started changing. Then looked in the mirror, which reflected to the showers, and thought
    "that doesn't look like a very female bum!"
    It dawned on me, I quickly got dressed again and did a runner before the guy in the shower turned round. I got away with it ... :)
  • sailorsiren13
    I workout at military gyms and this particular gym let the snowbirds workout it was a busy Saturday and this rather old gentleman wouldn't let me finish my workout but was screaming at me and got on the treadmill with me and was trying to stop it because with the 5 min cooldown i went over the 30 min time period. Not only was I mortified but i could have been hurt as well. The Trainer that was there tried to get me banned but my doctor and a ton of other witnesses had my back and i was tramautized for months!!! ok not embarrasing gym moment but traumatizing for sure!!!!!
  • Emellon
    Emellon Posts: 36 Member
    My first Zumba class. So uncoordinated, and all grace went out the window. :tongue:
    Lots of fun, though.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Holy s**t - these are some damn funny stories. I have tears pouring out of my eyes from laughter. Thanks everyone - I needed this afternoon pick-me-up!

    I farted while doing abs with my trainer. Thank god I had my eyes closed.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I was running on the treadmill, flailed my arms like an idiot, caught the headphone wire and pinged my iPod halfway across the gym.
    I had to smack the emergency stop, walk ALL THE WAY to the other side of the room and pick it up )"=
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    Boners. Spontaneous boners. Sooo embarrasing.
    So that is why my boyfriend wont go to the gym with me :/ I always wondered.
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member

    you wanna laugh? haha ok, here is MY embarrassing story.. get ready..

    So i was taking a spinning class... it was my second class at this gym and im really getting into it. Like im feeling great, im going to the beat and following the instructor. It wasnt until i caught i glimpse at myself in the mirror and said to my self. OMG I AM LOOKING GREAT, LOOK AT THOSE CURVES COMING IN... WOW!! As i was thinking this i wasn't paying much attention to my muscle contractions and BOOM! While we were in the standing up climb position, my legs descided to get fatigued and gave way to my upper body and i was trapped in between the bike seat and the handle bars, HAHAHAHAHA! Just imagine a plumper girl literally stuck between the spin bike with her feet still in the straps and her upper arms still holding the handle bars! HAHAHA! OH and the kicker.... no one stopped to help me.... it wasnt until the endd of class that someone asked if i was ok...... HOW EMBARRASSINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! lol :embarassed: :embarassed: :laugh: :embarassed:
  • cms6300
    cms6300 Posts: 163
    Bench press, no spot - pinned. 2 ridiculously hot girls lift it off of me. Promptly handed in man card. Drive an extra 5 miles to go to a different Y.
  • George1567
    Was at a small town gym, only had about 6 cardio machines. A younger gal was running on a treadmill, I would guess in the 7mph range. There was a lady who came in to clean and she was running a vacuum sweeper. I didn't see where she plugged it into, but it was the same outlet as the girl running. Most quality vacuum sweepers pull the full capacity of a normal circut, so the second she turned on the vacuum it blew the breaker. The girls tradmill stopped instantly, and she went over the front end. She was basically doing a hand stand in front of the treadmill when she stopped. Amazingly she wasn't hurt, but from then on I always pay attention to the power supply if im going to be on a treadmill.
  • hunibuni73
    hunibuni73 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm a rather busty girl (uk H cup) and I made the mistake of going to aqua aerobics in a "normal" swimming costume!
    Well I went for it as always, and one of the girls escaped! Ha Ha Ha!!!
    Alls good now, I've got costumes with bras built in! And they've been behaving since!
  • hmseals
    hmseals Posts: 30
    Last summer I was running on the treadmill and I closed my eyes for just a second to try and help slow my breathing down. The next think I knew I was falling backwards and landed up against the fan on the floor. I don't remember hitting my shin, but I did because I had a big knot and black and blue all the way to my toes. Thank goodness no one was down there to see me!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I was doing jump rope at the gym one day as a part of our circuit. It's not a huge gym, but it's big enough since it's ONLY a circuit training gym, but anyway, I got too close to a pot plant against the back wall and took a few leaves off it while I was skipping.... :blushing: Needless to say that was the last time I ever did THAT! :grumble:
  • zasiiniya
    zasiiniya Posts: 100 Member
    Firstly I have to say, I use my phone to listen to music (with headphones attached).

    1.) Bringing hand weights to use while on the elliptical - but they snagged my headphones cord and yanked my phone out of the holder to the ground, where the case popped off and the battery flew out.

    2.) Once again, snagging my headphones cord (this time without a weight - I did it myself), ripping it out of the phone, so my music began blasting. (I listen to strange music, so it was like... Japanese choral music from a show I watch, hahaha)
  • Asavitzk
    These are great! I just started a few weeks ago at the gym so I don't have anything yet but I'm sure I will and I promise to share.
  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
    The council gym I went to every week was decorating the downstairs changing rooms, so I was asked to use the upstairs ones, where I'd never been before.
    Downstairs it was mens first, then ladies. (You're ahead of me already) Yes, upstairs the plan was reversed, but on auto pilot I didn't notice, went in and started changing. Then looked in the mirror, which reflected to the showers, and thought
    "that doesn't look like a very female bum!"
    It dawned on me, I quickly got dressed again and did a runner before the guy in the shower turned round. I got away with it ... :)

    Oh how funny!
  • susanaemendez
    susanaemendez Posts: 19 Member
    While working out with a trainer, attempting to do a pull up, I slipped and fell flat on my face.
  • siddlesmom
    I normally work out at home, or by myself running. So no one cares what I say or sing, or yell. But in the winter I head into the gym, and this year as I was running my sprints on the treadmill, I hit my highest minute per mile ever and so I just yelled "F*** YEAH mother F***ER!!!" it was loud...REALLY loud....and did I mention the 80 year old woman next to me walking daintily along nearly lost her balance and fell....

    Yup...might need to ball gag it at the gym from now on.

    OMG my husband and kids came running to see what in the world I'm howling at! I can totally see this happening! I'm still giggling!

    I tooted doing squats with my trainer! Loudly...thank god it wasn't stinky too!
  • valerietoxii
    valerietoxii Posts: 93 Member
    Firstly I have to say, I use my phone to listen to music (with headphones attached).

    1.) Bringing hand weights to use while on the elliptical - but they snagged my headphones cord and yanked my phone out of the holder to the ground, where the case popped off and the battery flew out.

    2.) Once again, snagging my headphones cord (this time without a weight - I did it myself), ripping it out of the phone, so my music began blasting. (I listen to strange music, so it was like... Japanese choral music from a show I watch, hahaha)

    Oh man, I use my phone for music too. I keep my phone on the little tray on the treadmill and I'll be jogging and my hand will yank to cord, pulling my phone off the tray and onto the swiftly moving treadmill, which hurdles it across the gym at mind blowing speed. LOL That sucks. I need one of those arm band thingys.
  • kimoRUN
    kimoRUN Posts: 325 Member
    Well I'm sure I'm not the 1st one to post this type of experience but I was thrown off a treadmill. I used to go to this 24 hour fitness in Pasadena, CA. This place is a dump. It’s basically in the basement of an old building. Everything is hodge podge with 3 levels of gym area to navigate through. Well the very top level is where the treadmills are. It was summertime and the A/C didn’t reach this part of the gym that well so they mount industrial sized fans to the back walls to blow on the members while working out. Well I began my morning run and I was a mile into when I realized I was sweating like a pig, which wasn’t normal. I glanced over and noticed the fans weren’t on. Well my “smart” *kitten* jumped off….leaving the treadmill on at 8mph… went to the back wall to plug in the fan and position it towards me. Well on my way back to my treadmill, my dumb *kitten* just stepped on the darn thing as it was going full speed…. And that’s where the fun ensued. I’m talking eating *kitten* like no other. It immediately whipped my legs from under me so now I’m falling face first into the spinning belt, so naturally I brace myself with my hands. But of course once my hands hit the belt, it whips me onto my back. And I swear, it’s like the machine was just waiting to get me in the right position onto my back so it can literally throw me head first into the wall behind me. As I laid there on my back, I was cracking up laughing. I looked over at the other people around and no one came to help nor asked if I was ok. They all didn’t want to make eye contact. So I of course get up with all my pride and get back on the thing, with raw abrasions on my legs and arms where the skin was ripped off…. And finish my 5k. When I was done…I went to the manager to see if there were any cameras in the area. Unfortunately there wasn’t because I so wanted to get a copy and send it to Tosh.O
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    And that’s where the fun ensued. I’m talking eating *kitten* like no other. It immediately whipped my legs from under me so now I’m falling face first into the spinning belt, so naturally I brace myself with my hands. But of course once my hands hit the belt, it whips me onto my back. And I swear, it’s like the machine was just waiting to get me in the right position onto my back so it can literally throw me head first into the wall behind me.

    Sorry for laughing but oh DAMN that was a hilarious vision!