My fitness confession



  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    My confession - i have a mad crush on my trainer, and some days that is all that gets me into the gym. :D
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    I HATE burpee's (in any way, shape or form) with a passion. :explode:

    I lip sync in the mirror on the treadmill, and have been known to sing out loud when I'm the only one there.
    And I definitely sing out loud when I run outside, mostly when I'm out in the country or alone on the trail. I can't help being moved by a song!!!

    although I sing in classes when others are there (but only if I know the musics loud enough they can't here me!) The harder I find the workout the more I need to do it :blushing:
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    My confession - i have a mad crush on my trainer, and some days that is all that gets me into the gym. :D

    Whatever works :happy:
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    I hate running.

    That "runners high" everyone talks about - total myth for me.

    This is totally me.

    The positive self talk that I have to use to get through a workout is insane. A motivational speaker must live in my brain at this point.
  • Boingo1
    Boingo1 Posts: 205 Member
    I enjoy passing gas when doing sit-ups.

    Enjoy? or it just happens?

    Seriously, I spit out my tea when I read that!
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    I haven't worked out my abs in well over a month. I thought about it today, for like 5 seconds but didn't.

    Same here, and i also haven't done curls in over a month. Even though i have some of the strongest arms at my gym these guys don't seem to understand that curls are not the way to go.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I find Cardio so boring that any more than 30 minutes at a time can make me suicidal. Sports make it bearable, but otherwise it is just mind-numbing to me.


    I'm doing C25K and although I am enjoying the challenge and the increase in my endurance.... I HATE CARDIO.

    If I could just lift for my entire work out and burn enough cals, I would.

    Unfortunately, cardio is a neccesary evil.
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    I find Cardio so boring that any more than 30 minutes at a time can make me suicidal. Sports make it bearable, but otherwise it is just mind-numbing to me.


    I'm doing C25K and although I am enjoying the challenge and the increase in my endurance.... I HATE CARDIO.

    If I could just lift for my entire work out and burn enough cals, I would.

    Unfortunately, cardio is a neccesary evil.

    All you lifting lovers and cardio haters really need to look into Metabolic Conditioning. I did a "cardio" session the other day, it consisted of dead-lifts, hand stand push-ups, and jump rope. If this sounds like fun do some research!
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    interestingly, there are a bunch of guys at my office who are weight training almost exclusively (they occasionally play b-ball). I can bound up the four stories and not be out of breath, these guys are huffing and puffing when they reach the top (I'm 10-15 years older than they are). And don't ask them to climb the143 steps (9-stories) of the parking deck.

    I would love to see you try and out lift them though. They are focusing on strength, you are focusing on your cardio, they couldn't beat you in a 5k but I'm thinking they would kill you in a power lifting competition.

    Carefull on the way down from your high horse.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I find Cardio so boring that any more than 30 minutes at a time can make me suicidal. Sports make it bearable, but otherwise it is just mind-numbing to me.


    I'm doing C25K and although I am enjoying the challenge and the increase in my endurance.... I HATE CARDIO.

    If I could just lift for my entire work out and burn enough cals, I would.

    Unfortunately, cardio is a neccesary evil.

    All you lifting lovers and cardio haters really need to look into Metabolic Conditioning. I did a "cardio" session the other day, it consisted of dead-lifts, hand stand push-ups, and jump rope. If this sounds like fun do some research!

    I'd love to do something like this, I'm kind of limited by what's offered at the university gym right now, but when I can I will look into it :)
    I'm also really into the idea of Crossfit.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    Confession: I do not like Jillian Micheals. I thought her 30 Day Shred program was insanely boring and stopped midway through (while continuing my other cardio/lifting routines). The woman drives me crazy.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I get so bored doing cardio that I have to watch TV. Two and a half men get me through the elliptical.
    I hate weight lifitng and only do it once a week at Bodypump.
    I HATE the bootcamp class and the teacher, but I still go and then complain for the next week.
    I wear two bras and still can't jog without them flopping all over.
    I like going to the gym mostly to get away from the kids. Daddy can deal with their fighting for 2 hours.
  • kndlkai1
    kndlkai1 Posts: 103 Member
    I hate working out in any form and avoid it at all costs. I've bought the DVDs, tried walking/running around the block, had a gym membership and a trainer. Eventually it all comes to an end and I'm no further along than when I started, other than out the money. I hate to sweat and be all out of breath.

    Now if I could get my carb addiction under control, I think I'd be ok. :laugh:
  • 4hotmama
    4hotmama Posts: 112 Member
    I really do not like running on the treadmill, I luv, luv, luv running outside.
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I lip sync in the mirror on the treadmill, and have been known to sing out loud when I'm the only one there.
    And I definitely sing out loud when I run outside, mostly when I'm out in the country or alone on the trail. I can't help being moved by a song!!!

    When I first starting walking at lunch at my last office I actually broke into the 'Thriller' dance when I walked through a forested part of my walk so I totally get this! My current fav is Robyn's "Dancing on My Own". I memorize the main dance starting at min 1.25 b/c I adore this song so much but unfortunately must resist the urge to do it where I work now - downtown core so there is no invisibility + I can't listen to music, it's just not safe in such a busy area. Hmmm, walking on the Harbor front is pretty desserted at this time of year, I think my mp3 player needs to come back for tomorrows walk, yay!
    I knew I wasn't alone!
    Bohemian Rhapsody!

    I think we should all get together on some treadmills and have a sing off because this is totally me! I have a hard time not breaking into dance while on one too!
  • stephw75
    stephw75 Posts: 3 Member
    I am too embarassed to try yoga despite all of my friends who swear by it. Sure sounds like a good way to burn some calories but I'm too afraid that I would look ridiculous (as a fat person) trying out those poses. Of course I can't say without a shadow of a doubt but I always just figured that yoga's for people who are already skinny.... I mean there's not a lot that's forgiving about yoga pants!!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I hate running, My boobs are too big. I usually end up reading a magazine on the elliptical and I dont think its all that effective :(
    Get an Enell bra and you WILL be good to go!! I will not workout without one!!!! As for the elliptical, yes it is effective, don't use the arms but lean forward and peddle like hell! I do intervals using the arm and sprinting leaning over and can do 9 minute miles! It is like speed cycling and burns tons of calories!! Sweat pours off me!!!
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    I lip sync in the mirror on the treadmill, and have been known to sing out loud when I'm the only one there.
    And I definitely sing out loud when I run outside, mostly when I'm out in the country or alone on the trail. I can't help being moved by a song!!!

    When I first starting walking at lunch at my last office I actually broke into the 'Thriller' dance when I walked through a forested part of my walk so I totally get this! My current fav is Robyn's "Dancing on My Own". I memorize the main dance starting at min 1.25 b/c I adore this song so much but unfortunately must resist the urge to do it where I work now - downtown core so there is no invisibility + I can't listen to music, it's just not safe in such a busy area. Hmmm, walking on the Harbor front is pretty desserted at this time of year, I think my mp3 player needs to come back for tomorrows walk, yay!
    I knew I wasn't alone!
    Bohemian Rhapsody!

    I think we should all get together on some treadmills and have a sing off because this is totally me! I have a hard time not breaking into dance while on one too!

    I wake up early most mornings and go downstairs to the basement where I ride my bike trainer for an hour or so. The other day my kids kept making fun of me because I must have gotten a little loud while singing (iPod w/ Dave Matthews Band), and they could hear it all through the air ducts. It looks like my aerobic singing career has officially come to an end. Drat.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I am too embarassed to try yoga despite all of my friends who swear by it. Sure sounds like a good way to burn some calories but I'm too afraid that I would look ridiculous (as a fat person) trying out those poses. Of course I can't say without a shadow of a doubt but I always just figured that yoga's for people who are already skinny.... I mean there's not a lot that's forgiving about yoga pants!!!!

    Try it at home with a video first! Learn the moves and that way you will feel less self concious when you go to a class!