Zumba fitness?



  • koulamara
    koulamara Posts: 19 Member
    I just had my 2nd class of Zumba / Curves and I think that I HAVE TO QUIT SMOKING!!!! I was sweating like a pig after 30 min of workout. Fun fun fun
  • I have been an instructor for two years going on three...when I started the program before I got certified, I went 3 times a week for 3 months straight and lost the pounds like crazy!!!! I watched my portions also....totall of about 30lbs...it's usually about a 55 minute class..and the time goes by quick since you're having so much fun...if you go to a zumba class and dont sweat...FIND ANOTHER CLASS!!!! If I dont sweat there it is time to move on....:) Have fun with it though!!!! I LOVE IT!!!
  • bonimag
    bonimag Posts: 16
    Thanks for the help people!! I began today on zumba wii at home and I feel great...and I continue with my new eating habits...just a lil problem... a pain in my left shoulder I dont know why.....
  • Yes! I did a session of Zumba (about 10 classes) and noticed a bit of a weight loss, mostly around my mid area. I also had some tone and new strength in my arms (since you hold them up a lot!) Most dramatically I noticed an increase in my overall energy. It is fantastic high heart rate cardio and I recommend it to anyone. Not to mention it's very fun!
  • Pilotcookie
    Pilotcookie Posts: 19 Member
    I used this website to see how much calories i burn, and i just added it to my excercises
  • Narisong
    Narisong Posts: 191
    Zumba is great, but I don't think anyone would want to see me doing this in a class :blushing: so I do mine from home via the Xbox :laugh:
  • Zumba is a ton of fun! I have the Wii game and it kicks my butt weekly. I have had it for 2 months and haven't gotten bored. I've only done it live once but that was a blast too! If you have friends that are interested, get them in the game as well. You definitely know you have worked out. Great cardio, can def. feel your heart rate increase.