why to quit diet soda



  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    In Soviet Russia, soda quit you.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    In Soviet Russia, soda quit you.

    This is why you're my favorite.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Who would put chicken in coke? I'd eat the chicken & then drink the coke personally. :tongue:

    Re aspartame: http://thebodyevolutionreport.blogspot.com.au/2011/12/aspartame-and-sucralose-youre-on-trial.html
    "What really amuses me is that while Aspartame is ‘bad’ (for people with Phenylketonuria) and everyone must avoid it, bananas have MORE Phenylalanine than what is found in Aspartame! Yet you do not hear ANYONE say bananas are ‘bad’ and should be avoided. Also if you drink protein shakes or eat protein from whole food you are consuming more Phenylalanine than what is in a diet soft drink."

    100% of people who drink diet soda will die.

    100% of people who don't drink diet soda will die.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Artificial sweeteners, like splenda have been known to cause brain lesions and arthritis. I'm good with my ice water.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    But somebody wrote a book on how bad it is so it must be true

    Yeah just like the 10000's of diet books out there are true
    And the pills too all backed by research and doctors lol
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I have never big a big soda drinker, I like tea/water/juice mainly tea hot or cold. But I occasionally pick up a case of diet mountain dew/dr pepper/rootbeer/ or whatever if i'm craving it but one case lasts me forever. My husband probably drinking 5-6 cans of non diet soda a day, such a waste of calories! I hate the idea of drinking my calories.... I do go to starbucks once a week though & get a soy carmel macchatio sooo worth the calories unlike soda
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member

    100% of people who drink diet soda will die.

    100% of people who don't drink diet soda will die.

  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    artificial sugar makes you crave real sugar and it makes it harder to stick to your goals.

    That is a not a fact and has not effected me at all. I've stuck to my goals for the past 4 months with many artificially sweetened treats.

    me too I am all about splenda...baking/tea/cereal as long as its 0 calories 0 fat, its good enough for me
  • dilligafmr
    Diet soda = barf

    just drink water
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I drink water because I am too cheap to pay for beverages and since I live in The Natural State, my tap water is better and higher quality than most bottled water. (excluding Mountain Valley as it comes from here anyways.)
  • KristinLeAnn252
    KristinLeAnn252 Posts: 136 Member
    There's always going to be articles about how diet soda is bad for you, or how it's good for you. Or how carbs are bad/good, fat is bad/good. I think I'll just stick with what works for me. And I LOVE diet sunkist so I'm sorry, but I don't think I will ever completely stop drinking it :)
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Who would put chicken in coke? I'd eat the chicken & then drink the coke personally. :tongue:

    Re aspartame: http://thebodyevolutionreport.blogspot.com.au/2011/12/aspartame-and-sucralose-youre-on-trial.html
    "What really amuses me is that while Aspartame is ‘bad’ (for people with Phenylketonuria) and everyone must avoid it, bananas have MORE Phenylalanine than what is found in Aspartame! Yet you do not hear ANYONE say bananas are ‘bad’ and should be avoided. Also if you drink protein shakes or eat protein from whole food you are consuming more Phenylalanine than what is in a diet soft drink."

    100% of people who drink diet soda will die.

    100% of people who don't drink diet soda will die.
    I say we only eat bananas that have been marinated in diet soda! (well not me cause bananas constantly try to kill me...so rude....plus they taste icky. But I bet the marinated ones taste delish!)
  • j_twirl
    j_twirl Posts: 33 Member
    every one of my 82 lost pounds was saturated in Coke Zero.

    And I'm still alive.

    I don't buy into scare-science. Show me some peer-reviewed articles and I may be interested.

    Boom. Thats how you do it people.
  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member
    I dont drink soda's......no disrespect to those who do. Guess its better than being on drugs or being an alcoholic.

    I hardly think these things can even be compared. Seriously. You are labeling people who drink soda as "just" better then drug addicts or alcoholics. WOW that is pretty offensive. Not impressed that such a sad thing can be flung around in such a trivial way.

    That being said, I very rarely drink soda. If I do decide to have some there is no way I am drinking diet. For as little as I have it no reason to worry about it.
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    Doesn't anyone remember the MAIN rule with eating/drinking? Too much of ANYTHING is bad. Everything in moderation. Unless it is LITERALLY a poison, a little bit won't kill you.
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    OK soda dissolves chicken breasts and pennies. Also ketchup cleans copper pans very nicely, vinegar cleans hard water deposits off your shower heads, and orange oil is used a hand cleaner and paint stripper. So what? These things are mildy acidic. Simple chemistry, nothing ominous, still food.
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    I used to get migraines -- REALLY bad migraines...and I used to drink diet pop, etc. I went away for a month and didn't have access to any diet pop, sugarfree gum, etc. and guess what -- not a single migraine (whereas, I had one pretty much every day).

    I came home, resumed my usual diet, and my migraines started up again. FOR ME, aspartame causes migraines. For the record, splenda does the same thing for me (and the longest study done on humans was only 14 days long -- scary!).

    In two years, sans aspartame and splenda, I've not had a single migraine. (Splenda actually causes my stomach to cramp up severely ontop of the migraines).

    Now, I rarely drink pop at all -- maybe one or two a year, and it's always the regular, sugar-sweetened pop.

    Our bodies were designed for pure, natural foods, not processed junk and chemicals. We're surrounded by pollution and toxins, why add to it? Cigarettes were once considered safe and recommended by doctors; mark my words -- several years from now (maybe when lobbyists are banned), aspartame and splenda will be as reviled by the public as cigarettes are.

    We're all adults and I'm a strong believer in personal freedom (I even support the legalization and taxation of all drugs.). Do what you want to your body, and reap the rewards and consequences.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    I used to get migraines -- REALLY bad migraines...and I used to drink diet pop, etc. I went away for a month and didn't have access to any diet pop, sugarfree gum, etc. and guess what -- not a single migraine (whereas, I had one pretty much every day).

    I came home, resumed my usual diet, and my migraines started up again. FOR ME, aspartame causes migraines. For the record, splenda does the same thing for me (and the longest study done on humans was only 14 days long -- scary!).

    In two years, sans aspartame and splenda, I've not had a single migraine. (Splenda actually causes my stomach to cramp up severely ontop of the migraines).

    Now, I rarely drink pop at all -- maybe one or two a year, and it's always the regular, sugar-sweetened pop.

    Our bodies were designed for pure, natural foods, not processed junk and chemicals. We're surrounded by pollution and toxins, why add to it? Cigarettes were once considered safe and recommended by doctors; mark my words -- several years from now (maybe when lobbyists are banned), aspartame and splenda will be as reviled by the public as cigarettes are.

    We're all adults and I'm a strong believer in personal freedom (I even support the legalization and taxation of all drugs.). Do what you want to your body, and reap the rewards and consequences.

    Personal intolerances to specific substances do not make that substance inherently dangerous.

    My fiancee is allergic to shellfish. By your rationale, I should start a website / write a book called "Shellfish: the Secret Killer"
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member

    Personal intolerances to specific substances do not make that substance inherently dangerous.

    My fiancee is allergic to shellfish. By your rationale, I should start a website / write a book called "Shellfish: the Secret Killer"

    Didn't say it was. I simply shared my experience.
  • Nitachi
    Nitachi Posts: 142
    I just lol'ed and continued to drink my coke zero