Awkward starving day with the inlaws yesterday:(



  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    Constructive critism is one thing. Accusing me of not feeding my son and calling me names is another. I will always pack a snack, thank you for those suggestions
    The question of whether the kid was hungry was asked, and you answered it. I did wonder the same thing, as you mentioned not having eaten and that the baby was crying. Folks were curious.

    I missed the name-calling. Where was that?

    Edit: Yeah, reviewed the thread, and cannot find any name-calling. Sweetheart, folks were just providing feedback. No, not everyone was supportive of your decision to starve yourself. They offered their opinions.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    A good learning experience for you. Always carry food and water - we have nuts, snacks etc in all our vehicles all the time (comes from living in an area where we travel long distances to get anywhere). Plan on eating unhealthy when you visit in-laws AND - if you have to blow your healthy eating for a day, enjoy it and get back on track the next. YA _ I nix the sodas too!!!!!
  • SCUBAMomofTwo
    "Thank you to everyone for the positive feedback and for those negative comments, I think the old saying of if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it! Especially on a support group board! good lord:P "

    Just because someone doesn't say what you want to hear DOESN'T mean they aren't being supportive. Perhaps the person offering advice thought you didn't know that you could get a protein bar at the gas station's convenience store. And honestly, your husband couldn't sit in the car for 5 minutes with the screaming kid while you ran in and checked? You may have been in the middle of nowhere, but even the middle of nowhere has gas stations.
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    There is nothing worse than being hungry and at the mercy of other people's schedule for food. It makes me panicky and grouchy. I totally sympathize! Luckily I have really wonderful friends (I don't have much in the way of family) who don't mind food breaks. I've hung out with some people who won't eat all day, or even mention it, and it's almost like it's an unwritten rule that you just don't talk about eating. Like it's a superiority competition and whoever mentions food first loses. So bizarre! Pack some snacks in the future, they really make all the difference :)
  • nnapieralski
    nnapieralski Posts: 132 Member
    Eating a few cookies or crackers isn't going to hurt you if it's a rare thing. It would have been better to eat a few than go hungry!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Constructive critism is one thing. Accusing me of not feeding my son and calling me names is another. I will always pack a snack, thank you for those suggestions
    The question of whether the kid was hungry was asked, and you answered it. I did wonder the same thing, as you mentioned not having eaten and that the baby was crying. Folks were curious.

    I missed the name-calling. Where was that?

    I must've missed the name calling too.

    I saw one or two posts that questioned her about her child's snacks. I just ignored that because it just seemed irrelevent.
  • fitfabulousfoodie
    Subway is a pretty decent on the go food. Sounds like an insane day. Next time pop into a subway and look online to see which choices are best. They are cheap and outnumber McDonald's as far as locations now. I get upset when I let myself get this hungry so tough. I probably would have hidden in a bathroom and eaten a six inches roast beef on wheat with all the veggies. I feel terrible if I eat cookies and crackers on an empty stomach.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Hurtful comments, what can you do?
    Congrats on your weight loss. I'm sorry you had such a crumby day,
  • ksimmn
    ksimmn Posts: 37 Member
    I always carry a special k protein bar for emergencies and people who have always been thin definately dont get it
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Yesterday, we went to visit 3 different inlaws in 3 different cities. I started the day with a VI shake and the plan was to go out for lunch in one of the cities and then go to my Mother in laws for dinner. We arrived at house #1 about 2 hours after drinking my shake and we stayed there about 2 hours. About an hour in, I started to get hungry. We were offered a huge platter of cookies from Subway to snack on. This relative is battling cancer and having a really rough time. I said no thank you to the cookies and left it at that. When we left, my husband and I both were hungry and headed for the next town looking very forward to going out for lunch. We arrove at house #2 just over an hour later, so now it is 5 hours since I had anything to eat. We walked in to find this relative laying in bed (this relative also just got over cancer and is in an assisted living building). She quickly got up, but was not up for going for lunch:( She then offered up some cheezies, chips, cookies and crackers. Again, I just couldn't bring myself to eat this food. We stayed there for 2 hours. Upon leaving, my 6 month old started melting down and had a MAJOR screaming fit. We struggled to the car and headed to house #3. I was so starving that I was shaking! We arrove at house #3 about an hour an a half its been 9 hours since eating and I just feel sick. This was my Mother in Laws house and she was just making dinner. We both said we were famished, but she said don't eat, dinner is almost hour later and our dinner was finally done.....It was breaded pork chops covered in gravy, giant home fries, scalloped potatoes and a small amount of broccoli....not exactly the kind of food I have been eating. I took one chop, 3 fries and as much broccoli I could without looking like an idiot. I ate up and was definatly still starving after the meal.....not a nice feeling:( Everyone including my husband in this family are naturally thin and when I mentioned that I had lost 42 pounds and was dieting they all didn't really react. They don't get it...In fact, when I said no to a Pepsi their comment was" one pepsi isn't gonna make a difference" It was pretty frustrating and I am very Thankful to have MFP to vent!!

    NEVER rely on others to feed you when you are on a special diet. Carry an "emergency stash" in your purse. Considering you thought enough of your son to pack him some snacks, it shouldn't be too hard to think about yourself and your special diet too.

    Also, Dad was with you. Why couldn't you have run into a store and gotten a small snack. Even a gas station will have almonds.
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    And I tend to agree with them, one Pepsi was NOT going to make a difference here....

    Well it depends. No, one pepsi isn't going to make a huge difference. Unless you're like me, and you have almost a literal addiction to soda. One coke *will* cause me to fall of the wagon. One coke will lead to another and the next thing I know I'm drinking it every day. I know that there are "bad" foods thatI can still eat once in awhile and be fine, but sugared soda is not one of them. It's a very slippery slope for me, so it might be that way for the OP as well.

    agree for me one leads to two and so on. I have to stay completely away from soda.
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    Same thing happened to me today...I went longer than I usually do without eating, and it's no fun. Especially when you're in a car with someone else and you're not driving and they stop at a freaking hot dog stand for lunch!!!!! Sorry about that...I was venting for a moment. Today I learned my lesson to ALWAYS be prepared. I will forever have protein bars or fresh fruit in my bag!
  • michd1
    michd1 Posts: 5
    She just said the baby was eating fine all day. The visits probably got to him after ahwile and the stress of a baby screaming usually puts a parent's mind off of everything else..including stopping for food. Give the girl a break...she was venting, not looking for people to shake their fingers at her or even give her a pat on the back.

    Hang in there girl!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I would have stopped at a convenience store for a pack of peanuts or almonds or Sun Chips or something to take the edge off.
  • DR10
    DR10 Posts: 6
    I think you did a great job by turning down the food they offered you even when you had been starving all day,not a lot of people can do that. Good job!! That is why you have lost so many pounds, I would have been all over the cookies LOL. And that is why I have only lost 5 pounds, I am really proud of you for saying NO!!
    Way to go!:bigsmile:
  • iamaclno
    Be proud of yourself! I would have started with the cookies and then moved on to a bottle of wine and then I probably would have just kept eating and eating and eating...
    It is tough to not give in for me especially when I am in a stressed or emotional environment. I will keep you in mind (and I will remember how you did not give in) next time I am in this situation. I agree with earlier post too- keeping healthy snacks handy is a great idea too. Good luck with the family. Sounds like there's a lot going on. Just be proud of yourself and your healthy body.
  • sjv1966
    sjv1966 Posts: 121 Member
    Hang in there -- sounds like an awful day.

    And yes, I agree I am pretty shocked by the tone of most of these replies. After reading this I definitely won't be posting any of my personal dramas on the message board! I do use this site to vent but when I do I put it in my status where only my friends can see it -- they know my overall situation and can give me feedback that is honest yet supportive.
  • littletiger97
    littletiger97 Posts: 49 Member
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I keep a protein shake, a fruit, and a few snack bars in my backpack at all times. And of course a bottle of water.

    I always assume that there won't be proper food for me to eat.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I would have eaten the food offered by #2. And if not, I would have stopped for food after leaving there. One meal of junk food is not going to hinder your weight loss, and it's a lot better than feeling sick.

    And since you didn't eat anything all day, I really don't know why you didn't eat plenty of food at #3. I'm sure you had the calories left for it.

    Yeah, this is exactly what i was thinking.