Newbie from Pa looking for weight loss friends.



  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    NaomiLyn gave great advice - take it and you will be successful!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Welcome, Missy!! I had also tried a lot of different weight loss methods. In the past year, I have lost 32 lbs on the HCG diet. You take homeopathic drops, and have to stay on a strict diet for 6 weeks, but I believe it is the best way there is to lose pounds and inches. You see the results quickly, so it encourages you to stick with it. If you want to know more, email me at and I'll send you more info. Candi:smile:

    Those drops have been banned by the FDA. HCG is a bad idea. Something about a starvation diet, mixed with pregnancy hormones all while not being allowed to exercise, screams unhealthy, and/or run away. A large % of weight loss from this diet is lean muscle.

    OP: Just follow MFP and you will get there, this is a great program. Just remember that this in not a race.
  • yestowellness
    yestowellness Posts: 98 Member
    Hi everyone.. I'm new to this site and board.. I am 5'3" and weight in at 210 pds.. I want to get down to 160 by August.. We are going to the beach for the first time in at least 10 years and taking my two kids who have never been there before.. I want to have to buy a new bathing suite before we normal That is short term goal.. however by the time i'm all said and done i would like to be between 125/135 which is right for my height.. I have tried lots of diets out there.. including ww, video's out the butt, and weight loss plans. and never stick with it.. mostly because i get tried of no resualts this time.. however i'm not giving up.. it may be hard for me (thyroid ) but i will reach my goal some day.. For my kids... I want to be able to play dance and run around with them again.. with out feeling like i'm going to die..Any advise you guys can give would be great...i can use all the support i can get.. My family is not on board with this.. My mom says i can't do it.. Hubby wants to join right along with me. he also wants to loss weight So i guess it's us against the world right now..

    Hey it's Chelsea from New Jersey. I am a wife & mother of 5. If you're looking for motivation & encouragement, you've come to the right place. MFP is the place to be. Please feel free to add me & together we will achieve what the haters say is impossible.
  • Hello Newbie!

    As you can see you will have a lot of support on MFP. It's sad to hear that your mom isn't supportive on this journey. You can do it. You just need to be honest with yourself through your food and exercise diaries. It gets easier as it becomes a habit and then a lifestyle. I am just under 5'2" and am trying to get healthier. I don't really need to lose weight, but I still have flab from having a baby a year ago. I would love to be one of your cheerleaders. Feel free to add me :)
  • welcome! feel free to add me if you need any support!!!! you can do it!!!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Just sent a friend request. I'm in south central PA and 5ft 1 1/4"
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    first of all, congratulations on taking the first steps to get your life back! don't listen to all of those who say it can't be done. you can do this and YOU are worth every ounce of energy and willpower it takes to get there. having said that, please stay away from the hcg diet. this is not natural. the best thing you can do is to control your portion sizes and to exercise consistently. i would recommend that you find something you enjoy doing and just stick with it. the trouble most people have is that they are really good for a week or so, then fall off the wagon. they might climb back up again, but they keep throwing themselves off. be consistent and dedicated. you and your family are worth the effort and the sacrifice.

    you can do this! :-)

    read through the success stories here on mfp. they are SO inspiring! :-)
  • Hi everyone.. I'm new to this site and board.. I am 5'3" and weight in at 210 pds.. I want to get down to 160 by August..

    We could be twins! I'm 5'3" and 209. I'd like to get down to 160 again. I lost 70 lbs 3 yrs ago and now have gained back about 50 or so of that. WE CAN DO IT!!
  • Hello, I'm Brandi. Feel free to add me if you like. I can try to help motivate and support you. It's great that you are doing this and support is always the best thing to have when trying to lose weight. Always think positive!
    Positive attitude = Positive results! :)
  • Feel free to add me as I am from PA as well and am looking to lose my final 40 pounds for swimsuit season.
  • bfrederick3015
    bfrederick3015 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi there! Welcome to MFP! I'm in western PA, feel free to add me as a friend.
  • When I first started I found it helpful to use the Goals to get about wt loss of 1.5lbs per week, that will help you with cals, fat grams and carbs. I try to follow the cals and fat grams to simply it. Alas I still eat too much some days, but it's a starting guide until you figure what your body needs.
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    Hey, you can add me... and so can your husband if he joins or joined.
  • Hey all,
    It's not so much that my mom does not support me.. It's more like she doesn't believe i will do it.. since i have tried so many and gave up on them... She too was where i am, but she weighted more then me. she did ww...which worked for her.. but did not work for me.. i of course did good at the beginning, then quite going to meetings and well just did not keep up with it.. I am looking forward to eating whatever i want and still being under the calories. I work out when i can.. do what i can.. but it's not enough so we will keep pushing..
  • Hello and welcome! I'm pretty new here myself but have found a very supportive environment and I love the phone app that accompanies MFP.

    I'm 5'4" and weighed in at 250 when I frist started trying to lose weight about 3 years ago. I dropped 70 pounds and then fell off the wagon, gaining back half of what I had lost.

    My last weigh-in put me at 207 and my short-term goal is to be 140-150 by the end of July. I know what worked for me before when I was losing weight so I am falling back on my tested, tried and true - low carb and limited red meat/dairy. high fiber, increase whole grains and green leafies. keep the protiens lean and work out at least 3 times a week. I believe that every body is different and that different diets will have a better effect on different bodies, depending on individual needs.

    I also believe in the power of positive thought and visualization - don't let anyone discourage you from your goals!

    Best of luck and lots of sweat! Feel free to add me as a friend
  • I think you can do it. Use the diary, be active , have a plan when cravings hit or bored so you don't go on a snacking frenzy, get all the junk food out of the house." When Moma eats healthy everyone eats healthy" You are not depriving anyone if they don't get sugar or salt of fat. Keep the water at hand and sneakers on feet. Good Luck!