Looking for working moms to add :D



  • jelicaa
    jelicaa Posts: 83 Member
    I am a 31 yaer old working and single mom. I am thankful for having my parents though (living under their roof). Since having my son (now 5) I havne’t done any field work realted to my profession – I’m a aquatic/coastal ecologist..stuck in the cube, writing reports, and got heavier and heavier. Exercise was 2-3 days aweek, 2-3 miles with walking the dogs.
    On meetup.com I found a bootcamp class for free this past Thanksgiving day. I went and tried it. I LOVED IT!!! Love hate relationship with it…the pain sucks but when the class is done you’re personally thrilled that you survived! I am now a full paying member…signed up for the next 5 months. On my calendar at work I made the executive decision to make my bootcamp sessions a “meeting” that I cannot miss. It means coming to work early, working through lunch, or working from home to make up my time lost for leaving early. I have enough time to pick up my son after the session, or have my parents pick him up.
    This is the only way that I can commit myself to exercise..not only the $600 spent, but realizing that this is a “meeting” that I cannot miss, if I do, both the $ and weight loss go bye bye with no good result.
    Feel free to add me too!
  • chele1028
    chele1028 Posts: 248 Member
    You can add me! I am 41 and a mom to two young daughters (7 and 10) and I work for a company full-time from home. This allows me to be able to get to the gym at lunch or in the evenings after my husband gets home. I can't go first thing in the morning since my husband is out the door by 5:30 for work, and then I have the girls to get ready and to school before work. I have lost 50 pounds since Aug 1st, it can be done!! :) I have another 50+ to go!
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 556 Member
    working mom here too... I am 42 and have two young girls (2 & 5). Would love to connect with others in the same boat!

    I will have been on MFP off and on for a year in March and have lost 6 pounds but know if I were more consistent... and how difficult it is to be consistent with young ones running about... I could do better.

    Would love to create a group. I am happy to create it and will invite everyone that responded to this post. Is anyone else interested?
  • Marylynnrocks
    Will definitely add you. I have a daughter who will be 15 in April and a son who is 24. So i guess we're in the same boat. I'm going to be 51 in April and work full time.
  • KXanthos
    KXanthos Posts: 189 Member
    working mom here too... I am 42 and have two young girls (2 & 5). Would love to connect with others in the same boat!

    I will have been on MFP off and on for a year in March and have lost 6 pounds but know if I were more consistent... and how difficult it is to be consistent with young ones running about... I could do better.

    Would love to create a group. I am happy to create it and will invite everyone that responded to this post. Is anyone else interested?

    Count me in.
  • cherigurl
    cherigurl Posts: 184 Member
    Feel free to add me, i am 30 i have 3 girls I work 40 hours a week and take care of my girls, a cat and a dog.
  • BeckyBell918
    BeckyBell918 Posts: 7 Member
    New here, downloaded the app on the 20th and first time on the site! Feel free to add me too!! I'm a 30 year old working mom to a 3 year old! My husband travels for work, so it's just me and my daughter half the time! I'm trying to get the exercise in during the evening (Just Dance on the Wii with my daughter) and thinking of starting the 30DS tomorrow after she goes to bed!! I envy all of you that can find the motivation to get up in the morning. I'm not there yet, but maybe some day!
  • ssquirarte
    ssquirarte Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me, I am a working mom of four. Their ages range between 6 and 17. With work, homework, house and sometimes more work, it is very difficult to find time to workout. Most of the time, I workout after everyone is already in bed, which puts me in bed about 11:00pm.

    Its been working so far so I am happy :happy:
  • Calibayby
    Calibayby Posts: 23 Member
    You can add me....I am a working divorced mom of 3....:)
  • Aem2381
    Aem2381 Posts: 89 Member
    Feel free to add me!

    I am 31 (well will be on Friday) and a working mom of 3! My daughter is 6 and I have twins that just turned 4 on Sunday. I get up at 4:30 during the week and do a workout video then get the kids up and out the door to the bus and to day care. I work from 6:30 to 2:30 at a desk (no lunch break so I can get home in time to meet my oldest at the bus stop). Then we get the twins from day care. I try to fit in some type of workout in the afternoon but find it difficult with the kids being home and fitting everything else in!
    It is possible though! (oh and I do go to bed rather early during the week..usually around 9:30)
  • cheekydeeky
    cheekydeeky Posts: 146 Member
    feel free to add me! i'm a 32 single mom with a 13 year old daughter. i have a dog and a cat. i work 40 hours a week. work out 3+ days a week. my mom lives with me as well.

    btw, we totally rock! :)
  • cheekydeeky
    cheekydeeky Posts: 146 Member
    New here, downloaded the app on the 20th and first time on the site! Feel free to add me too!! I'm a 30 year old working mom to a 3 year old! My husband travels for work, so it's just me and my daughter half the time! I'm trying to get the exercise in during the evening (Just Dance on the Wii with my daughter) and thinking of starting the 30DS tomorrow after she goes to bed!! I envy all of you that can find the motivation to get up in the morning. I'm not there yet, but maybe some day!

    i do the wii too. just dance 2 and 3. i bought 30DS but haven't tried it yet. :(
  • speckwood
    speckwood Posts: 16 Member
    You can add me, struggling working mom trying to keep up!! Good luck to you!!
  • lmgroszek
    lmgroszek Posts: 9 Member
    I am a working mom and struggle with this weight loss/change in diet and exercise thing every day. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'd also love to have some "working mom" friends.
  • cheyniemama
    NOT a working mom, but might as well be! I have 4 kids at home and am in school 3/4 time, so finding time for just those two things is hard, let alone healthy eating and exercise! Feel free to add me...I am looking too!
  • kkarst
    kkarst Posts: 11
    Feel free to add me. I am 32 and a working mom with a 13 year old son. My husband travels constantly so it's just me and him most of the time. I get up at 5 every morning and work out at home with p90x at 5:30am. It works best for me because everyone's asleep which gives me ME TIME! Sometimes it's nice to focus on yourself when normally you are focused on everyone else. :)
  • Linda916
    Linda916 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi! I too am a working mom (and gramma). I work more than 40 hours per week plus a minimum of 2 hours a day travel time..... I have a GOB of kids! 3- mine (13,18,21); 3- his (22,20,10); 1- soninlaw (23); and one awesome darling grandson (1.5) ... who will surely be the next president of the United States!! My biggest problem is my passion for all things yummy! and aversion for all things requiring exhertion!! I will 'add you as my friend' gladly!
    God Bless all the Hot Mamas!!! Let's do THIS!!
  • NCShar
    NCShar Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm open to new friends for mutual encouragement and support. I'm a working mother too and much of my job involves sitting on my beee-hind in meetings, in the car, or at my desk. I have a 7 year old daughter and a 3 year old son. I regained about 8 pounds in two months after starting my new job, and decided it's time to do something about it. I joined a gym that's very close to work/ home. Sometimes I'll leave work at 4:30-ish and do a short workout before picking up the kids. Usually I go home, fix dinner, then go back to the gym while hubby puts kids to bed. I also try to find time to walk around the block for 20 - 30 minutes on the days that I don't go to the gym. Every little bit counts, right?
  • littlecrystal
    littlecrystal Posts: 110 Member
    Feel free to add me every working mum! I am 33yo working FT with 4yo and 1yo.
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Working mom too! I work 3-12 hour shifts a week. My son is 6! Add me if anyone is interested!!