Is eating a bunch of snacks but staying under your calorie g



  • GuerrillaHermit
    bracing for the punchline.. o.O
  • Aranda7892
    Aranda7892 Posts: 20 Member
    WOW! I seriously could have wrote this myself. Well, myself about five months ago.

    I can tell you from my personal experience that it will affect weight loss 100%. I've learned that it's not just about the calories in but about ingredients in as well. It's all about what you're putting into your body.
    I did the exact same thing. Snacked on the 100 calories snacks (yogurt pretzels were my favorite LOL), a lot of fruit (which in huge portions is too much sugar) and "low-fat/no-fat" snacks.
    Well, week after week I stayed at the same weight, and sometimes even gained a pound. The worst is that I did most of this snacking later in the evening while watching a movie.
    Fat Free Cool Whip taught me this lesson quickly. LOL It is practically zero fat, very low on calories, low carbs and low sugar. But it's the fact the ingredients say "Corn Syrup, High Fructose Corn Syrup, etc.". NO GOOD!

    Just my experience. :) Feel free to add me if you want. :)

    Thank you so much for posting, seems like the same thing is happening to me, I probably should try a bit harder to make changes. :)
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    1. Eating a caloric deficit will mean you will lose weight

    2. Not eating the right foods will have a detrimental effect on your body's ability to function

    Healthy > Skinny

    You are free to eat what you like of course, but please just think about what your food and exercise choices mean for your long term health.
  • SCUBAMomofTwo
    if you can afford 100 calorie packs and diet soda you might want to rethink what you are eating cuz you certainly can afford to buy "healthy" food. i find that if I eat a lot of packaged foods that in the end I will end up being hungry and eventually overeat. when i cut most processed stuff, i have no problem sticking to food budget. eating out will derail your weightloss efforts and your wallet.

    Where's the "LIKE" button?
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    Sit down and do the math. Those 100 calorie packs are not cheap. Realize that a serving of most fruit or veggies is about 1/2 cup. You can get a lot of salads off one head of lettuce, a can of peaches is 3 servings, a carrot is a large serving. Not only are they better for you but you get to eat much more food for you money and your calories. Buy the veggies and fruit that are on sale. Get a head of lettuce, wash it, make sure it is dry, chop it up and put it in a plastic bag. Voila! Salad. Way cheaper than those prepared salad greens. There are ways, you have to want to do it.
  • SCUBAMomofTwo
    I feel your pain because I can't cook at all and most healthy foods require cooking. I actually googled how to boil a potato yesterday, haha. But they do taste good once you've gotten used to them and they're much more satisfying than packaged food. There's this site where I'm finding a bunch of low calorie, inexpensive recipes: try it and maybe you'll find something you like! :)

    Did you know you can learn to cook? Yep, it's true!!:bigsmile:
  • KNMD
    KNMD Posts: 28 Member
    Ok, you want to make improvements. That's awesome!
    1. Don't be discouraged.
    2. Improvements don't mean jumping off a cliff
    3. You're not alone and this place is suppose to make you feel that way.

    You could jump straight into "healthy" eating with fresh produce and whole grains.
    Or, you could start by thinking about the foods you like and working towards healthier eating step by step.

    Ask yourself why you eat premade food.... is it because your life is busy? is it because you haven't had to cook much, and you're not sure where to start. Is it because you have a picky pallet? All of the above, other reasons?

    Then set reasonable goals like, "I will trade 1 day of diet soda for 1 night that I cook spaghetti with a healthy sauce." Set it on the schedule and do it. Then set the next goal and see if you can work some goals into your routine.

    You can make mini steps to better choices. If you are already making pasta, and you want to migrate to whole wheat, buy both and mix them lessening the regular each time until you've transitioned your pallet to whole wheat.

    What about other pre-made options? Lean cuisine? It might be a good step away from having the 100 calorie packs for every meal and diversifying your nutrient source and let you try new foods without committing to the ingredients.

    Then maybe you'll get more and more interested in food and cooking and preparing, or maybe you find a bit more diversity and some better nutrition.

    Also, I suggest a multi-vitamin, you may not be getting all the vitamins and minerals you need.

    Best of luck, feel free to friend me if you would like some support.
  • Shariet0630
    Steamed veggies(u stick the whole bag in microwave) and chicken breast, along with fish you can find pretty cheap these days. As for not knowing how to cook, that is just an excuse, IMHO internet you can Google anything and learn to cook the simplest things. Protein bars now a days are pretty good as well and cheaper than a case of pop.
  • techigirl78
    techigirl78 Posts: 128 Member
    It is a start and everyone starts somewhere. I find myself more healthy over time. Started with cutting out calories, then improved a meal at a time. For a long time, I focused on sodium and fiber (constipated a lot). Now that I have those set, I'm focusing on protein, while keeping others in check.

    I hate to cook. Started with easy things. I really love my blender. Eat smoothies pretty much every day with yogurt, fruit, spinich, and protein. Yummy. Just like a shake and way more filling then those little tiny snack packs. Now I am on to making my own seafood, chicken, and steaming vegtables with ease.

    Put peanut butter on veggies. Or get some healthy crackers and humus. Eat some string cheese. There are healthy snack options too that are quick.

    I save the quick bad snacks for something I really like and then only do that occasstionaly. Like a Ghiralldeli (sp?) chocolate square at 70 calories. If you eat bad things, just limit it and make it things you really like.
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    Technically you should lose scale weight if you eat a caloric deficit.

    However, you're VERY low on protein, which could potentially affect you body composition- even if you lose weight you could end up skinny fat. Muscle needs protein.

    Also, are you gonna eat this way the rest of your life? At one point you're gonna have to make the transition into eating like a grown up. The sooner you do it, the sooner your body has a chance to recover and make up for lost ground.

    I appreciate your advice. However I wasn't aware a 'grown ups' eat a specific way.

    In all fairness, not all of them. Just the ones that want to live past the age of 40....... There is a relationship between the foods we eat and our health.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm no food nazi. Many of us like cookies, cakes, and potato chips, etc. But if I eat that stuff as a large chunk of my daily diet I feel crappy. My bet is that if you ate more whole foods for a while and went back to your current eating habits you would feel similar effects, and realize this stuff isn't good for you long term.
  • shenderer
    I have only made it this far with the recipes off of I can figure out what to have for brekfast and lunch fine but dinners were a challenge. It is not easy to find things that will work into my plan and my children who don't like "healthy" food will eat. We have made many of the recipes on her web site and they all have been very good. They are delicious and low calorie. I also do not like to cook and all the recipes are very easy and usually can be made quickly. Our favorites are the Turkey Taco Lettuce Wraps and the Crock Pot Chicken Taco Chili. Worth trying as they are healthy but you will be happy with how good they are.
  • seehawkmomma
    Think about it this way. If all you ate was twinkies but stayed under your calorie goal do you think you'd still lose weight?
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    I looked at your diary and you don't get the nutrients you need in a day so yes, it will eventually affect your weight loss.

    You eat pizza for breakfast... cookies for breakfast... etc. Not a very healthy diet even if it's under your daily calorie goal.

    Where I am those 100 calorie packages of cookies are $3 for a six pack that seems to last you two days. For that same $3 you can buy 3 heads of lettuce that would make at least six meal sized salads. For that same $3 you can buy a bag of apples that will last a week. For that same $3 you can buy a package of eggs. For that same $3 you can buy bread, buns, bagels, etc.

    When you actually sit down to think of it on a per serving basis healthy food isn't all that expensive. Invest in some spices to make things taste better if you don't like the taste of things how they are.

    You may lose weight but you sure aren't going to be healthy by looking at what you are eating daily.
  • GuerrillaHermit
    54% carbs and 14% protein...
