New Friends (40 pounds or more to shed)



  • Good for you you are on your way!
  • A friend of mine told me of this site today so I got on line set up my goals and I will be up in the a.m ready to plan and start reaching my goals day by day and when needed minute by minute.I'm looking forward to 2012 being a healthy and fit year, looking forward toreaching my goal with the help of friends and others from this site, I'm so glad this site is available. Thank you .My goal is a lost of 1.5-2lbs a week. with exercising 4 days aweek for one hour a day. My goal is to journal my food intact and be aware of what I'm eating and what choices I'm making.
  • Thats awesome keep up the good work!
  • whitetiger011680
    whitetiger011680 Posts: 218 Member
    :happy: I need to lose 40-60 pounds. Add me if you'd like.
  • I'm thinking 50 lbs, 100 would be better, and thin would be 150 lbs to loose.
  • Hi! I've got at least 50lbs to go. Seems overwhelming! I'm sure with the right tools and support we can do it! Feel free to add.
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    I need to lose at least 45-50 (only managed 8 so far - started 2nd Jan) so still a long long way to go.
    Have given myself the year but would love it to be quicker of course.
    Best of luck on your journey.
  • im looking to lose about 40 or 50 pounds and i really need friends to keep me motivated! so anyone feel free to add me. i just started MFP today. so i am still getting all the cool features down! :)
  • hey guys i also have about 30-40 lbs to lose and i want to run a 5k in may. it would be great to have ppl who would help keep me motivated also. which is what has been my weight lose downfall .i lose motivation easy so i figure this time i am gonna not do it alone and ask for everyones help. feel free to add me thanks!
  • Calibayby
    Calibayby Posts: 23 Member
    I am looking to loose 23 pounds...feel free to add me as well! :)
  • I am not new to the site, but I have been on here and dead serious for 2 weeks now. I have lost 8 pounds, and I would like to lose around 60 or so. I need to lose more than that, but I want to start slow. I am going for 15 pound mini goals. Good luck. Feel free to add me.
  • EmilyHelene
    EmilyHelene Posts: 15 Member
    Hey! I'm new here & I have about 45 to lose! Feel free to add me! :)
  • Hi guys! I'm not new either, but I'm now trying to get more support and make some friends on here. I have about 50+ pounds to lose while at the same time trying to quit smoking. It's been tough so far, but I am serious this time. My head is in the right place. Feel free to add me :)!
  • Hi I also have 40 pounds to lose. so plez add me to keep me on track and I will try to do the same for you!!! I started 2 weeks ago so I am kinda a newbie.
  • :smile:
    Hi I also have 40 pounds to lose. so plez add me to keep me on track and I will try to do the same for you!!! I started 2 weeks ago so I am kinda a newbie.
  • Chloe_Chaos_
    Chloe_Chaos_ Posts: 150 Member
    22 graduating college student @ 170lbs looking to drop eventually 40. Trying to do about 10 at a time for now! Keeping my goals small so I'm not disappointed! I always feel good after a good hard sweat but getting to the gym (and not eating ice cream or candy!) is a really hard thing for me!
  • aellyn90
    aellyn90 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm currently on the WW program and it is going swimmingly! I wish you the best of luck and will gladly add you as a friend. I'm looking to lose around 75 pounds, so we can motivate each other!
  • lisa_darlene9
    lisa_darlene9 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm aiming for 60lbs gone,,,,feel free to add me ,,,strength is numbers,,,friends that is,,,not numbers on the scale,,lol
  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    Hi! I am new here as well. I joined after hearing everyone's happiness with this site. I am hoping to lose 50 (to start). Currently at 223.4 but have been told I don't look like I carry it on my frame. My goal is to fit back into the dress I wore when I met my husband 8 1/2 years ago :o)
  • Hey everyone - New here! I'm looking to lose around 40 pounds... tried every unhealthy crash diet in the world and finally trying it the right way. My favorite workouts are running, swimming and Jillian Michaels DVDS :) Feel free to add me, it's my first day!