Who works out 5 days a week?



  • DisneyMommy
    Monday - Cardio 60 min, abs
    Tuesday - Cardio 45 min, Strength Training (lower body) 20 min
    Wednesday - Cardio 55 min, abs
    Thursday - Cardio 30 min, Strength Training (upper body) 20 min
    Friday - abs, rest day
    Sat - Cardio 60 min
    Sunday - Long Run, times vary

    I've been doing the same routine for to long (Turbo Fire and running for cardio). I need to mix it up a bit since I am getting bored.
  • ritmeyer
    ritmeyer Posts: 136 Member
    Right now I'm training for 2 half marathons in march & april, but this is pretty much my normal schedule. My sunday runs will go up to 15 miles by the end. Normally I just do 6-8 miles that day.

    Monday-rest day
    Tuesday- 1 hour fitness class (cardio/weights/strength training) 4 mile run. 1 hour volleyball
    Wednesday-4 mile run
    Thursday- 1 hours fitness class (cardio/weights/strength training)
    Friday- 4 mile run
    Saturday-1 hour fitness class (cardio/weights/strength training) or a rest day
    Sunday- 8 mile run.

    I do 150 crunches & 30 pushups everyday, even on rest days
  • simplyblessed5
    simplyblessed5 Posts: 130 Member
    I work out 6-7 days a week.

    50-55 minutes on the elliptical and then at least 30 minutes on the bowflex - I work different muscle groups each day though. Hope that helps!
  • MiAmorDeanna
    MiAmorDeanna Posts: 73 Member
    I do.

    My routine is different everyday though. I do Tae Bo, Pilates, Strength etc.

    I switch it up a lot so my body don't get used to one routine.

    I will workout for 45-1hr.
  • SithZombie
    SithZombie Posts: 165 Member
    5:00AM (Mon-Fri): 30 Minutes of cardio (usually the elliptical)
    5:00PM (Mon-Fri): Weightlifting (Whatever muscle group the crew feels like working on)
    Scattered thought the week: Random workouts via Xbox or Jillian Michaels.
  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    Walk dog for 20 mins 7 days a week (she's an old dog)

    Monday - Warm-up walk, 10 mins; weight room, 50 mins; elliptical, 30 mins
    Tuesday - Warm-up walk 10 mins; elliptical, 30 mins
    Wednesday - Warm-up walk, 10 mins; weight room, 50 mins; elliptical, 30 mins
    Thursday - Warm-up walk 10 mins; elliptical, 30 mins
    Friday - Warm-up walk in the pool 15 mins; heart-rate-upping swim 30 mins; cool-down walk in the pool 15 mins

    I do a weight training program designed for me by a personal trainer.
  • shereigns
    I get up at 4:30am or 5:00am and do the P90X workout. The workouts differ. They are from 1 hour to an hour and a half, 6 to 7 times a week. I've been doing it for 5 weeks.
  • libbyncarter
    Reading all these posts have inspired me, as soon as I get back on my feet ( I have sprained my tendon in my foot) I am uping my aim for the gym from 1-3 to 3-5.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I exercise 5 days a week but not in the gym. I find that I'm too worried about looking silly or being all sweaty out in public to get a good workout in even if I can find the time to get over. Instead I do 30-60 minutes every afternoon in my living room while my 2 year old naps (usually Jillian Michael programs).
  • eknight2005
    I am in the gym every week for at least 4 - 6 days a week. Cardio and strength training.
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I go to the gym in the morning at around 5 or 5:30 a.m. (before work and getting kids up for school) and do either the eliptical or stationary bike for 30-35 minutes. Then I do some upper-body weight machines. On the weekends sometimes I go to the gym or we do a family outing - usally bike riding or a walk. I find if I don't excercise first thing in the a.m., chances get slimmer and slimmer (no pun intended) that I'll get the excercise in later in the day. :smile:
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Wow great ideas in here! I'm always stumped and never have a game plan.. I need a plan!
  • Rboch
    Rboch Posts: 53 Member
    Currently doing the P90 workout program so Mon- Sat around 40 minutes of Cardio or Sculpting (alternating days). Plus Spinning class at least twice a week, and swimming twice a week.
  • Jamie145
    Jamie145 Posts: 164 Member
    every single day!
  • Pookey14102
    Pookey14102 Posts: 7 Member
    i do 5- 6 days a week here walk- jog- kickboxing do a hour work out 5-6 days out of the week
  • Thad81
    Thad81 Posts: 138 Member
    I workout on average 5 days a week if not six, that seventh day is a hard one to get in. I find that I need to keep moving to cont my momentum. I dont view it as some challenge to workout but rather as a necessary part of each day.

    Five days a week I do crossfit workouts and cardio along with weightlifting at least four of the five days. I run everyday! I try to do 3 miles plus a day but no less than two.

    I am finding that I really like two a days as it finishes my day off nicely, and is easier to burn more calories (of course) but feels really good.

    oh and no workout is less than an hour and average nearly two hours. And with the two a days I would say roughly three hours but less than four daily.
  • fieldsbean
    Can anyone who responded to this or reads this question ..


    tell me what your daily calorie intake is..and fat/ carb intake per meal..i am not seeing any weight loss after 3 weeks of a 4/5 day workout per week..feeling really sad with myself..but my daily intake accoring to this site says under every day..also..how much water are you ABSOLUTELY drinking daily? thanks
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I've been with a Personal Trainer since August. Lost over 40 inches and just under 40 lbs.
    Some weeks I take a day off for recovery, but since I can't do leg work other than the bike and the pool, I try and do that every day. I'm not even allowed to walk long distances.

    7 days a week 45 mins recumbent bike S-S
    M, Tr, Sat 1 hour with Personal trainer working Upper body, abs back.
    Starting 3 days a week at the pool on opposite training days to work legs.
  • craig1970
    craig1970 Posts: 139 Member
    Mon, Weds, Fri, - 1 hour rowing/elliptical, plus upper body weights.
    Tues, Thurs - 90 minutes aquajogging
    Sat/Sun, whatever I feel like doing.
    Its not set in stone, I rest when I need to.
  • LoriaAmnekia
    I walk half a mile (according to google maps) to my daughter's school every afternoon to pick her up, and then walk her home. So I walk about a mile every school day. I try to do some dancing (just my own silly dancing to my music in my room, where no one can see me because i look so silly lol) at least a few times a week. I try to do something on the wii a few times a week too, we've got a bunch of the sports games and just dance 2. This week I'm making space on my living room floor for the mat to my new plug and play Xtreme Fit thing. It just plugs into the tv and it says it does yoga and has some movement games.

    I don't do any sort of formalized work out or exercising. I just do what feels good to me and what I enjoy doing.

    I'v honestly only recently started really trying to make myself do stuff though.