


  • Good Question,:smile:
    Avocado's are such a wonderful source of good fats. I use them to replace chocolate milk after my runs, and use them instead of mayo on sandwiches. Just because it is a good fats does not mean that it is not a fat, it is. But it does not have any saturated fats the way milk and mayo do. Last year I used them to replace the mayo on sandwiches and I feel it helped me lose 30 lbs and lesson my dependance on needing mayo to make the sandwich taste good.
    Good Luck
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i love avocados......as everyone has said, they are loaded with good fat.....as long as your diet is not full of other fats you should be good....
    i made a recipe tonight that includes avocados

    southwest black bean salad
    1 can of black beans, rinsed and drained
    1 tomato, chopped
    1 scallion chopped
    1/4 red onion, chopped
    1 lime-juice
    salt and pepper
    1 hass avocado, diced
    1 can of corn, drained
    3 tbsp olive oil

    combine beans, tomato, onions, scallion, corn, , salt and pepper, juice of lime, olive oil together....mix well, cover and marinate in fridge for 30 min. add avocado and cilantro right before serving....great with low carb wheat tortillas or on romaine lettuce as a wrap.....
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    I love avocados! I mash them up and mix them with a little lime juice and some chili pepper flakes for homemade guacomole. I put it on kavli crackers. I'd eat it every single meal if I could lol
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    I love love love avocado. You have to be careful because it's not low in calories, but like other people have mentioned it has good fat.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    Have you tried them grilled or pan fried? Get an avocado that it still a bit hard and grill them or pan fry. They go a bit crunchy on the out side and spectacularly creamy and awesome on the inside. (don't peel them either, it helps keep the shape. Yummy.
  • GlenWalterGal
    GlenWalterGal Posts: 85 Member
    My little guilty treat once in a while: an avocado cut in halves and in the hollow left by the pit I put some "light" italian dressing. YUM!
  • laurensmomma09
    laurensmomma09 Posts: 46 Member
    I love them in my oatmeal! with raisins :)
  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    Avocados are wonderful, I just finished eating 1/2 of one. Just have to watch the fat, but it is a good fat. Thanks for the recipes and the idea of replacing mayo with them. I've never tried that and I will know.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    They are a huge part of my diet .. always have them in my Sushi !

    Fact : " Avocados provide nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins and folic acid. They also act as a "nutrient booster" by enabling the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients, such as alpha and beta-carotene and lutein, in foods that are eaten with the fruit. "

    Like every other " good fat " ... always eat in moderation ! :)
  • It's one of the best EFA's you can have. Have you ever heard of the author Natalie Rose? She writes a lot of books about Raw Food. I used to have her book Detox for Women: An All New Approach for a Sleek Body and Radiant Health in 4 Weeks. She had salad dressing (or topping) recipes using avocados as the base. Of course you eat salad daily and it's all good. I really miss that book. Now, if only the price of avacodo's would go down!
  • Love Avocado and have started slicing it and putting into salads, so I can compensate for their high cals - but the fats are so good for you, I think they should be compulsory :-)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I love them! When they are in season I'll eat a couple a week, as long as they fit in your calorie and macro goals, I think they are a great source of healthy fats.
    My favourite ways to eat them:
    - mashed with chilli tuna and used in a sandwich or on crackers for a snack
    - chopped up into a fresh salsa with red onion, tomato, coriander, olive oil, lime juice
    - half an avo with the hole in the middle filled with fresh chilli relish. Yum!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I love them in my oatmeal! with raisins :)

    Oh, that's a new one for me - do you mash it or add chunky bits?
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    I eat at least one whole one a day!!! They are so good for you and better fat from the avocado then a bag of chips or other crap.
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    I eat
    chicken + avocado
    eggs + avocado
    tuna + avocado
    steak + avocado
    sashimi + avocado

    come to think of it, there isnt anything i wouldnt eat it with!
  • Thank you so much guys for your replies!

    I know they are high in (good) fat... however, they represent one of the only fats I eat during the day... I'll see what my scale says as time goes by...

    Thank you also for the great recipes!!! Woohoo!!

  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I love them and eat them in spite of an allergy to them.
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I love love LOVEEE Avocados...we just got a bunch so I've had one for the past few days....I'm struggling to eat the calories eery day so Avocados are a fab addition to me.
  • twhitney
    twhitney Posts: 65 Member
    Love them! Hard to find decent ones where I live though.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I could eat them with every meal, LOVE them!!!