Tuna Lovers! HELP!



  • I too eat tuna straight from the tin, sometimes with a shot of mustard, other times just straight.... I’ve scrambled it with eggs and green onions...

    I was eating it every single day until somebody pointed out the dangers of mercury poisoning related to Tuna. And although I typically do not heed what the American government says is safe for me. The information I read caused me to stop and think... now I just have it 2-3 times a week and I truly miss it.

    This. I love tuna too and it's a great source of protein, but the mercury dangers do scare me, so i limit it a lot. I ate it a little bit while pregnant too because i craved it. I thought i read somewhere that the chunk light stuff (as opposed to solid) has less mercury in it. So I do buy chunk light low sodium in water.

    That is correct that canned tuna and light tuna have little to no mercury in the cans opposed to fresh tuna steaks, etc.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Umm, no fish has "next to no mercury" in it. According to the EPA max 12 ounces of canned tuna per week (6 for albacore). See item #2 in the link below.

  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Whole grain pasta, broccoli, tuna and some melted laughing cow sundried tomato and basil cheese. Yum!
  • I have a go-to salad I make with tuna when dieting. I had it today. I use a can of tuna, chop it fine, throw in a ton of chopped red onion, two tablespoons of guldens mustard, grape tomatoes, spring salad mix - douse in balsamic vinegar and chop it all up together. Heaven! I love it and have it 3x a week. Mercury poisoning be damned. Zero fat, keeps me full all afternoon.
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    My brother spent 2 years in Italy and came back saying that American pizza is nothing like actual Italian pizza. The toppings they put on are so different... like tuna! We all kinda turned our noses up at it at first, but after trying it... YUM! So here's my adaptation:

    1 whole wheat tortilla
    1 Tbs pasta sauce (whatever you like)
    1/2 oz mozzerella cheese
    1/2 can (5oz can) tuna

    I put the tortilla under the broiler for a couple mins to get it semi crispy. Put all the toppings on, then back under the broiler pretty much until the cheese melts. You can cut it into slices like a pizza, or, I folded mine taco style. :) Yummy!
  • brit7880
    brit7880 Posts: 59 Member
    1 can of tuna
    1/2 tsp of pepper
    1 tsp of garlic
    1 egg white
    1/4 cup low fat cheese (i like sharp cheddar)
    and a little bit on chopped onions (can eat without if you don't like onions)

    Mix all ingredients in a bowl, form into 2 patties, cook in pan for 5-10 minutes until both sides are golden brown...

    sooo yummy.. and very few calories!

    You can eat alone or on a bun...
  • 1 can tuna and 1TBL fat-free mayo or Miracle Whip, on a whole-wheat lite English muiffin = 170 cal and it's filling!
  • kme2011
    kme2011 Posts: 100 Member
    I make an awsome tuna pasta. U just cook whatever pasta u like, add a can of tuna, red onion, mortons nature seasoning and mayo. Yumm its amazing. I make it at least once a week. And cold leftovers are good too. :). So sometimes i have it two days.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I like a pasta tuna salad.

    There's tons of variations but the basic recipe is:
    medium pasta shells
    2 cans tuna
    chopped veggies (raw sweet peppers, carrots, onions, peas, spinach, broccoli....)
    dressing (balsamic vinegar/light mayo, light Italian dressing, or whatever you like)
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    BUMP - my mouth is watering now!!
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member

    2 cans Tuna + 1/2 cup ketchup + 1/2 cup shredded cheddar, baked on whole grain hamburger buns for 5-10 minutes @ 350. Yeee-ummm!


    not so diet-friendly: Mac & Cheese + cream of mushroom + tuna + can of peas.... oh my!
  • I make a tuna salad that fills me up and is so good!

    1can of tuna
    1/2 cup of black beans
    chopped red onions
    chopped tomato
    1 tablespoon bacon crumbs
    1 tablespoon of mayo
    1 tablespoon of mustard

    mix it all together and viola, a delicious salad full of protein! :) Sometimes I put some garlic, salt and pepper for seasoning. :)
  • tishieb
    tishieb Posts: 80 Member
    Tuna Salsa Melts ...

    This is QUICK, delicious and can be pretty low on calories, Depends of course on your choice of bread / cheese slices.
    The fat free ( 30 calorie cheese slices are what I use ) And I usual use Dempster's whole grain bread ( you can use weight
    watchers bread of course ( depends on what you have room for on your calorie count that day ! )

    2 pieces of bread ( toast them )
    pre-heat oven 350 degrees
    1/2 can tuna
    1/4 cup salsa
    2 cheese slices ...

    Mix tuna / salsa together, take toast put on a flat plan put a cheese slice on each piece and put
    the tuna salsa mix divided onto each slice. Bake for 10 or so minutes, until the cheese is melted and the toast
    is really toasty .. hehe

    Anyway, enjoy !
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    i do tuna casserole (hot) or tuna noodle salad (cold). also tuna melts.
  • Fish patties
    6-7 oz can/filet finely shredded fish
    2 tablespoons parmesan cheese
    1 egg
    Any seasoning/vegetables you want.

    Mix it all together and press into a patty on the pan. Use minimal cooking spray if needed. It's extremely filling and delicious. I'd live off of these things if it were physically possible.

    I eat these every day after school.
  • This all sounds sooo good. I love grilled tuna steaks with saracha mayo or tuna from the pouch mixed with regular mayo and eat it on pork rinds or celery. (I know, weird) I also like to take white canned beans, rinse them and add cherry tomatoes, diced onion garlic, tuna and a balsamic dressing.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Just bumping to read later cause I love tuna.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Mashed avocado with a can of Sirena tuna in chilli oil mixed in (drain the oil first).
    Add a big of lemon juice and cracked pepper if you can be bothered.

    Great spread on wholegrain toast or crackers. Or just eat it with a fork!
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I make spicey tuna wraps:

    mix tuna with hot sauce and light mayo
    spread on low fat/carb wrap
    top with fat free cheese and warm up
    top with lettuce, tomato, and onion if you want