

  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    PCOS, I hate that I'm going to be fighting with you again this year to have a second baby. If you don't help, then in December I'm going to try Clomid for the first time. Alexander deserves a sibling you evil thing.
  • binkxo3
    GAH! I <3 this thread! Being a “Newbie” with PCOS I want to SCREAM! It so frustrating going to the gym with my friends doing the same thing, and basically eating the same thing just to see I have only lost 3lbs vs their 10 :-x
  • mjanet22
    mjanet22 Posts: 19 Member
    I hate you PCOS! I hate what you have done to my body. I hate the fact that you stop me from being able to have a child! :cry: I hate the fact that because of you, I work out and watch everything I eat, and still there is no weight loss. I hate the extra hair that you just think I need, I hate what you do to my hormones. I just can't stand you. :mad:
  • danidav88

    I have a few questions if any one can answer them. About two weeks ago i got admitted to hospital for suspected appendicitus but they could not find anything on the ultra sound. They did however find my left ovary had cysts. I am still waiting to hear back from my doctor about what to do next.

    What are your experiences of it?
    Any tips or advice?

    All i can think is will i get pregnant because if i can't I will be devastated.

    I agree weight loss is a pain but i am 35pounds down. 46 to go :S

    If you dony want to discuss on here I would really appreciate a messge.

  • kckrahn
    kckrahn Posts: 52 Member
    Dear PCOS,
    I despise the fact that you have "blessed" me with this pregnant looking belly that...because of YOU, cannot actually BE a REAL pregnant belly! ugh.............IRONIC isn't it. You will not win. I am fighting you everyday.

    I hear ya 100% We are still trying after 10 years! I have found a new supplement studied specifically for PCOS and I actually got a normal period after 1 month. I finally feel like I have some hope now. Such a lonely and discouraging place to be :(

  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I hate you PCOS! I hate what you have done to my body. I hate the fact that you stop me from being able to have a child! :cry: I hate the fact that because of you, I work out and watch everything I eat, and still there is no weight loss. I hate the extra hair that you just think I need, I hate what you do to my hormones. I just can't stand you. :mad:

  • mattie733
    You have brought me nothing but heart ache. You made me push away my husband because I didn't understand what was going on with my body the doctor tell me that I won''t concieve with out added help. The mood swings and the sadness that cripples me and of course those lovely skin tags and extra hair. The horrible periods that seem never ending and the pain! Oh and the tiredness..
    I don't know how to beat you but I do know how to put up a good fight.
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    I loathe you & the things you put my body through. You assist in my poor self image and depression I wish there was a simple way to get rid of you. I pray that my daughter will never know you & the negative things you do to me & all of the other women you have attached yourself to!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Im skipping my Clomid this month. I think Im going to do One month ON clomid and one month off....I don't want to kill my doing everything in my power to lose this friggen comes off so slow with PCOS....Im talking snails pace....but I suppose thats not all a bad thing. As long as I keep it off!:wink:

    Ask your RE or OB about Femara it got me preggo and less side effects. I miscarried but it wasn't because of the Femara.
    How exactly does Femara differ from clomid? Im under the impression that its almost the same?
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Dear PCOS,
    I despise the fact that you have "blessed" me with this pregnant looking belly that...because of YOU, cannot actually BE a REAL pregnant belly! ugh.............IRONIC isn't it. You will not win. I am fighting you everyday.

    I hear ya 100% We are still trying after 10 years! I have found a new supplement studied specifically for PCOS and I actually got a normal period after 1 month. I finally feel like I have some hope now. Such a lonely and discouraging place to be :(

    plz tell us what it is so anyone interested reading this thread can go check it out:) Thanks so much for the post!:smile:
  • mattie733
    What types of vitamins, supplements to people take. I know that a multi-vitamin is good but what can be added to that?
  • allishax9918
    Hey girls! Have any of you been able to regulate your periods and ect with diet and weight loss WITHOUT Birth control? I have been prescribed with metformin but have only been taking it properly for the last week and no luck. I can skip periods for months and months at a time. Ossasionally I get provera to force it back. I hate pcos!
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Hey girls! Have any of you been able to regulate your periods and ect with diet and weight loss WITHOUT Birth control? I have been prescribed with metformin but have only been taking it properly for the last week and no luck. I can skip periods for months and months at a time. Ossasionally I get provera to force it back. I hate pcos!

    I lost weight before, about 35lbs and they returned and my symptoms improved and then BAM!!! PCOS happened again and I regained the weight and they stopped again :(.

    Ive lost 19lbs and got my first period in 9 months this weekend and even tho I was in bits I was delighted! Just sick of the excess hair!
  • allishax9918
    Did you get alot of cramping before your period returned? I've been getting them off and on so I think it's going to come but it hasn't yet. Yeah the hair growth just sucks!!! Girls shouldn't have to put up with this b-s! lol
  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member
    Yep- I think the beard sucks the most ;)
  • kckrahn
    kckrahn Posts: 52 Member
    What types of vitamins, supplements to people take. I know that a multi-vitamin is good but what can be added to that?

    This is the products I have been taking along with eating low carb. It has really helped with my belly fat and skin tags. They actually fell off the other day... I have never felt better and I had a period last week for the first time in a long time!

    I do not sell these products or anything I just know a lot of ladies on her line of supplements that have had tremendous success getting pregnant as well as controlling and halting PCOS.

    I have not experienced any side affects either which is really nice.

    Here is the link to the supplements I take.


    I encourage you to browse her website as she has spent most of her life dedicated to womans help. I just listened to her at a seminar last night and I am truly amazed at the studies and results.

    Enjoy the read :)

    just the website is
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    I hate that because of you I had 11 pregnancies but only one successful birth. I hate the facial hair and slow metabolism. I hate that every time I get my period I feel like I am going to die of pain. Most of all, I hate that you are heriditary so my daughter will more than likely have you too as my mother gave it to me. I will defeat supplements help me to defeat you. You will not win and I will fight you every day. You are the one who should be afraid - I will overcome.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Reading through this post has me wondering if this is something I should be talking to my dr about. Can any of you tell me what the warning signs were or how you came to be diagnosed with PCOS? I know these might sound like silly questions, so forgive my ignorance.
  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member

    I have a few questions if any one can answer them. About two weeks ago i got admitted to hospital for suspected appendicitus but they could not find anything on the ultra sound. They did however find my left ovary had cysts. I am still waiting to hear back from my doctor about what to do next.

    What are your experiences of it?
    Any tips or advice?

    All i can think is will i get pregnant because if i can't I will be devastated.

    I agree weight loss is a pain but i am 35pounds down. 46 to go :S

    If you dony want to discuss on here I would really appreciate a messge.


    Cysts are different than PCOS-- most women get small follicular cysts when they ovulate, the cyst collapses and that is that. Sometimes they linger and those are cysts. Some cysts are bad, some are benign. PCOS is a little different because basically your ovaries are overproducing male hormones and it causes a multitude of problems- most noticably weight gain, acne, excess body hair (where men get it and women usually dont- chin, lip, etc) but it also can cause infertility, diabetes and heart disease. It is called PCOS because some (and not all) people with PCOS develop alot of cysts on their ovaries. Dani, I would wait on what your doc says. If it was a cyst- such as a follicular or simple cyst, likely it will go away and that will be that, usually no cause for infertility. Just wait and see what the doc says, good luck!
  • thekacks
    thekacks Posts: 146 Member
    Reading through this post has me wondering if this is something I should be talking to my dr about. Can any of you tell me what the warning signs were or how you came to be diagnosed with PCOS? I know these might sound like silly questions, so forgive my ignorance.

    I would miss my period for several months... kept gaining weight... almost violent mood swings... and not only do I grown chin hair, but also darker hairs between my breasts and all over my belly.

    Usually to diagnose, first it is bloodwork.... mainly looking at your glucose levels. You have to drink this awful crap and then they pull blood 1 hour after and then 3 hours after. Then from there some doctors will do an ultrasound of the ovaries. Usually most PCOS or PCOD (same thing) diagnosis is made just by the symtoms and bloodwork.