First time using ground turkey........

Tonite I'm making a recipe using ground turkey instead of 97/3 ground beef. For those that use it regularly do you like it, did it take some getting used to?? I'm putting it in a cupcake lasagna recipe.

Trying to make better choices! Slowly I'm moving along!!!

Thanks in advance for hour advice!!


  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    I use it for taco salads frequently and love it.
  • MIssFinny
    MIssFinny Posts: 194 Member
    I think ground turkey is just as good as beef! I typically use it in place of beef to make meatballs, burgers, and tacos. At least for me, I can't tell the difference. Enjoy your cupcake lasagnas!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I use it in chili and make meatload with it.
    You can make meatballs for spaghetti too.
    Various uses.
    Good Luck.
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    My family now prefers ground turkey instead of ground beef. I use it in meatloaf, tacos, meatballs, soup, burgers etc. I will tell you that you need to season it really well because it is pretty bland. Also, you need to be sure it is thoroughly cooked unlike beef which can be rare or medium, turkey must be cooked thru. Enjoy!
  • jennynorris1
    jennynorris1 Posts: 5 Member
    I only use ground turkey breast, everything else is a little gamy tasting for me. I love tilapia instead of ground beef or turkey for tacos. Last night I mixed 94/6 lean beef and ground turkey breast for hamburgers-really good!
  • abassett822
    abassett822 Posts: 1 Member
    I have only tried it once in a meat sauce. My kids had no idea that I had used it instead of ground beef! (And let me tell ya...I have one that refuses to eat turkey even on Thanksgiving and even he couldn't tell the difference.) I plan to use it again and incorporate it more into recipes that call for ground beef.
  • Fitness_4_Jess
    Fitness_4_Jess Posts: 55 Member
    Ground turkey is all I eat now - now more ground beef for me. The taste does take a tad getting used to since they two tastes are a slightly different . Lean ground turkey is the best!
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I like making sloppy joes with it, but it seems to need a little more sauce than beef or it tends to soak it all up.
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I use it often and like it. My family can't tell the difference and they're pretty picky.
  • mccrockl
    mccrockl Posts: 55 Member
    I haven't used ground turkey a ton, but when I use it in recipes that I normally make with beef I have noticed that I need a lot more spices for it to not feel bland to me.
  • RedHatPatti
    RedHatPatti Posts: 78 Member
    I like it but to get a "burger" taste, I add LOW/NO sodium BEEF boullion (available on line)-- works pretty well!! :)
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    i use it all the time...and if i don't tell my husband that i made something with turkey, he usually can't tell. it's all about these little changes :smile:
  • Claible
    Claible Posts: 106 Member
    We use it for chili, tacos and in our spaghetti sauce. I notice the color is lighter but with the seasonings I don't really notice a difference. In fact my brother in law has asked me to make the Turkey chili again. He loved it as did my kids and husband.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I won't say that I can't tell the difference, because I can, but I like it. I think it gives a nice, different twist to recipes that call for ground beef.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    Turkey sloppy joes is what is for dinner tonight!!!
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    I actually prefer to use ground turkey instead of ground beef. Hubby says the turkey has a strange texture. I think I'm gonna start mixing it, or just not letting him realize what I bought and see if he notices. I'm all about making every step I can to get myself at a healthy weight and keep my family healthy.
  • Jess102979
    Jess102979 Posts: 98 Member
    We love it! I do think it does taste a little different, but not a bad different. I make meat loaf using all ground turkey and we actually prefer it with the turkey instead of beef.. Enjoy!
  • NewTeena
    NewTeena Posts: 154 Member
    I bought it for the first time last week after I was having a craving for a hamburger. I made myself a turkey burger instead and ended up LOVING it! I plan to buy it regularly, and try different foods using it. I'm not 100% certain I'll be able to completely replace ground beef with it, unfortunately the almighty dollar plays a role in the choice to buy it, but I do only use half the ground beef asked for in recipes now, so that's a plus.
  • mytime60
    mytime60 Posts: 176 Member
    I have used ground turkey for years and still do pretty often. I found a little more spice helps. However, depending on what you are watching, the extra lean ground beef may be better. I found for me I have to watch my sodium more than my calories. Turkey products are much higher in sodium generally.
  • amberkokette
    We use both but they actually are about the same health wise from my understanding.. I don't eat a lot of red meat so we have decided when we make something it should be with ground beef. Taste wise it tastes the same to me but to each their own.. Good luck..

    Here is a blog about it:

    Is Ground Turkey Better than Ground Beef?
    by Laura Torres | More from this Blogger
    You might be tempted to use ground turkey for a low-fat substitute for ground beef, but check the label before you assume too much. Not all ground turkey has the fat and calorie savings you might believe.
    If a package is labeled "ground turkey," what it means is that it can be any combination of breast and leg meat, and even skin. A 3-ounce cooked portion of this kind of ground turkey has about 200 calories and 11 grams of fat. A 3-ounce cooked portion of extra-lean ground beef contains 218 calories and 13 grams of fat, so you aren't really getting reduced calories and fat from using this type of ground turkey.