When is it reasonable to consider a boob job?



  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    I don't think you need to worry the reasons or where the acceptable line is. It's up to you. My ex wanted to get it done after our third and last was born. Breastfeeding had so annihilated her breasts that she just want to have some form back. I didn't care myself. I loved her to death. But, it meant a lot to her and I realized she saw it as part of her self image as a woman, and a mother. So I was happy to support her in the decision and stay at her side during the recovery.

    It's a very personal choice. And there is no wrong answer. Do what will make you feel best about yourself. My only advice would be to go the premium path. Don't go for the most affordable option. It will yield a bad outcome. We opted for the more expensive, under the muscle implants. It healed up looking completely natural.

    You do what's in your heart. Ignore the detractors.
  • amoeba15
    amoeba15 Posts: 38 Member
    I should add that I still have sensation in my nipples after my reduction even though mine were actually cut off (around the areola) and reattached.
  • RachelJE
    RachelJE Posts: 172
    Your body. Your choice.

    I have lost over 170 pounds. When I started this journey, I was a 46H. Oddly enough, I'm still an H cup but now am having considerable back and neck pain because basically I don't have the stomach to hold them up any more! Also odd - I consulted with a plastic surgeon, and don't have the volume to qualify for insurance to cover a reduction (although the length - NICE - is a qualifying factor for me). So what I need now would be considered a "lift" and is not covered by insurance. Of course, this was one doctor's opinion and I plan to get several more before making a decision. For me its a matter of comfort (the hanging is literally causing daily back and neck pain). I probably wouldn't consider it if it weren't for that reason. Having said that, I'll repeat again - your body, your choice. Some of the folks responding to you are being very judgemental in the name of Jesus - Lord have mercy. I mean, really?!? My brand of Christianity says - God is love and loves us all. And yes, we are created in the image of a perfect and loving God. But I don't think God stops loving us if we make a decision to alter our body to make ourselves more comfortable - whether that be physically or emotionally.

    Bright Blessings on your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I don't want to be snide, but there is a massive difference between:

    - I don't believe God made a mistake in making my body,
    - I don't think it would be throwing it in His face to get a breast augmentation if it were for the right reasons

    In the most sensitive way I can put this, I personally believe that above all else it is important to remember that God created us in his image. He doesn't make mistakes, and in no light are you a mistake. For this, I don't see any reasons that can justify surgery for what is already perfect.

    I think its also important to remember that the words that people have spat at you in the past can and only does hurt you if you let it.

    I'm a little confused... if god made you perfect, then why are you on here trying to lose weight/alter your body? o.O

    As a woman, I know that that area can change quite a bit, especially when you gain or lose weight. If you are dissatisfied with the way your body looks, I think you should be free to alter yourself whichever way you see fit. Whether that be losing weight, gaining weight, buying padded bras, or getting a breast augmentation, that should be your decision and your decision only.

    If YOU have certain religious views that prohibit you from getting a breast augmentation or YOU feel it is in anyway wrong, then you have your answer... I don't think you should rely on other people's opinions to make your decision. Do what you feel in your heart and mind is the best for you :)

    Wanting to lose weight is out of respect of the body God gave me. God didn't put me on this earth to die of heart disease because I was gluttonous.

    Losing/gaining weight naturally by exercising and eating properly is something I should be doing anyway. How is that the same as going in to get cut up and put plastic into my body?

    It isn't.
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    when is it reasonable to consider a boob job?
    *there is no answer for this. you as a person have to sit down and weigh your options, does it mean that much to you? do you think it would make you happier as a person? are you willing to live with that change?

    how much does it cost?
    *there are two girls who live in the town im from, whom both got breast implants for right around 2k. although I think it can depend on place to place, so I would assume anywhere from 2,000-10,000. (I would like to add that both girls look great, they didnt go overly big, mel got a small b and jessica got c's. but both sizes fit each girl. mel is a small/slender girl.)

    I personally dont have anything negative to say about it. If its something you wish to do, go for it. Just weigh your options and make sure to read all the facts before you do it and dont pick a place simply on price but the quality (you do not want tara reid's hack job)
  • Lary_babe
    Lary_babe Posts: 47 Member
    Your body. Your choice.

    I have lost over 170 pounds. When I started this journey, I was a 46H. Oddly enough, I'm still an H cup but now am having considerable back and neck pain because basically I don't have the stomach to hold them up any more! Also odd - I consulted with a plastic surgeon, and don't have the volume to qualify for insurance to cover a reduction (although the length - NICE - is a qualifying factor for me). So what I need now would be considered a "lift" and is not covered by insurance. Of course, this was one doctor's opinion and I plan to get several more before making a decision. For me its a matter of comfort (the hanging is literally causing daily back and neck pain). I probably wouldn't consider it if it weren't for that reason. Having said that, I'll repeat again - your body, your choice. Some of the folks responding to you are being very judgemental in the name of Jesus - Lord have mercy. I mean, really?!? My brand of Christianity says - God is love and loves us all. And yes, we are created in the image of a perfect and loving God. But I don't think God stops loving us if we make a decision to alter our body to make ourselves more comfortable - whether that be physically or emotionally.

    Bright Blessings on your journey. :flowerforyou:

    Your answer was quite helpful. Just to clarify, I am not worried about being condemned to hell. I don't think body alteration is a sin necessarily- it's the motives behind it. And no I am not considering it to be more sexy or because I think I am ugly. As someone mentioned earlier, it's to enhance what I have, to make life more comfortable as a woman. At any rate I can't afford it or justify spending that much money on them when people around the world are going hungry- I have seen it first hand. I was just curious about the various views, and liked to day dream about it for a minute. You have all been very helpful. Amazing how broad the spectrum of views is. I appreciate all your input! (Also I'd like you to know I am not taking personally what anyone has said on here and was not planning on making a decision based off that. I am a strong person- and like to make decisions fully informed. Part of making a good decision is getting feedback from those who have done it. ) Once again thank you all!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Your body. Your choice.

    I have lost over 170 pounds. When I started this journey, I was a 46H. Oddly enough, I'm still an H cup but now am having considerable back and neck pain because basically I don't have the stomach to hold them up any more! Also odd - I consulted with a plastic surgeon, and don't have the volume to qualify for insurance to cover a reduction (although the length - NICE - is a qualifying factor for me). So what I need now would be considered a "lift" and is not covered by insurance. Of course, this was one doctor's opinion and I plan to get several more before making a decision. For me its a matter of comfort (the hanging is literally causing daily back and neck pain). I probably wouldn't consider it if it weren't for that reason. Having said that, I'll repeat again - your body, your choice. Some of the folks responding to you are being very judgemental in the name of Jesus - Lord have mercy. I mean, really?!? My brand of Christianity says - God is love and loves us all. And yes, we are created in the image of a perfect and loving God. But I don't think God stops loving us if we make a decision to alter our body to make ourselves more comfortable - whether that be physically or emotionally.

    Bright Blessings on your journey. :flowerforyou:

    Your answer was quite helpful. Just to clarify, I am not worried about being condemned to hell. I don't think body alteration is a sin necessarily- it's the motives behind it. And no I am not considering it to be more sexy or because I think I am ugly. As someone mentioned earlier, it's to enhance what I have, to make life more comfortable as a woman. At any rate I can't afford it or justify spending that much money on them when people around the world are going hungry- I have seen it first hand. I was just curious about the various views, and liked to day dream about it for a minute. You have all been very helpful. Amazing how broad the spectrum of views is. I appreciate all your input! (Also I'd like you to know I am not taking personally what anyone has said on here and was not planning on making a decision based off that. I am a strong person- and like to make decisions fully informed. Part of making a good decision is getting feedback from those who have done it. ) Once again thank you all!

    You're probably one of the most down to earth people I've seen post a topic on here... >.> *sending friend request!*
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    it's been 14 years, never a moments regret. Love love love them, had a perfect experience, no bleeding, no scarring, no lumps or weirdness. Yes it did hurt really bad for a few days. Just had a fancy new fangled mammo/ultrasound and they look great. ( . Y . )
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Not going to read the sanctimonious bull**** replies that are typical to this type of thread.

    What you need to worry about is what you want and how you feel about this. You should also become familiar with what the complications/follow-up requirements for cosmetic surgery like this are. IIRC it is common to need follow-up operations after breast augmentation. Go through a cost-benefit analysis in your mind. In the end, it's your decision alone that matters in this.
  • holliph
    holliph Posts: 88 Member
    things you need to consider first: are you really doing this because you want to change the way you look for a self image reason? or do you still have unresolved issues from your past with getting teased that you think getting an augmentation will be the bandage to fix those memories? if the second is the reason please see a therapist, because that is for the wrong reason. body image is forced on all of us on a daily basis in advertising, music, television shows, heck even our coworkers and friends. not all of those body images thrust on us are the most positive images either. everyone had a different body type that is UNIQUE to them. accentuate what is your best feature and do a ton of research before you commit to undergo the scalpel.
    self image does not immediately improve after surgery. what one imagines to come to fruition does not always occur. not all doctors can work miracles either. the cheaper the surgery = cheaper work and most likely no improvement in your self image. a good plastic surgeon who is board certified with no mars on his record should cost about 10k minimum. a plastic surgeon like this will install a pain pump directly into each breast that will stay for 3 to 4 days so you will have little to no pain with no need to take an oral pain pill
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I'm not one to judge at all. But, if you can first watch a boob job being done on video and still be ok considering it, then it's worth thinking about it a little more. But, like with any cosmetic surgery, there are risks. Make sure you know them, you research the doctor, and you are aware of any short and long term effects.
  • pixieakabigd
    My opinion:

    I think unless there is some medical reason to do it (like with a breast reduction where breasts are causing back pain) I would avoid it. Disliking your breasts smells of body hatred perpretrated by media and the people around you to me, but I don't know you at all so these are of course only assumptions!

    Change comes from the inside out. If you lack confidence at this size, you will lack it at a bigger size. The problem with finding our value and worth in our appearance is that our appearance fluctuates. Then so does our sense of confidence and worth. Not a good situation to be in!

    Plenty of men love small, neat boobs. You can wear things that I can't wear, and vice versa. Of course it is your choice, but if you believe you are created by God and He makes things well like you said, then I say learn to love your body and treat it well. Not fill it with poison and plastic!

    Sorry if I sound preachy :D
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    My opinion:

    I think unless there is some medical reason to do it (like with a breast reduction where breasts are causing back pain) I would avoid it. Disliking your breasts smells of body hatred perpretrated by media and the people around you to me, but I don't know you at all so these are of course only assumptions!

    Change comes from the inside out. If you lack confidence at this size, you will lack it at a bigger size. The problem with finding our value and worth in our appearance is that our appearance fluctuates. Then so does our sense of confidence and worth. Not a good situation to be in!

    Plenty of men love small, neat boobs. You can wear things that I can't wear, and vice versa. Of course it is your choice, but if you believe you are created by God and He makes things well like you said, then I say learn to love your body and treat it well. Not fill it with poison and plastic!

    Sorry if I sound preachy :D

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I would NEVER do it and I am small chested. Fake boobs are gross (in my opinion)
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Everyone has their own ideas and opinions about plastic surgery. Personally, I don't see myself getting anything done unless I became disfigured from my original appearance or unless I need a reduction if the girls are hurting my back.

    However, what is right for me may not be right for you. If it will make you happy, and you think you can recover quickly, then just do it. It's so common these days, and the only difference between plastic surgery and wearing makeup is that one requires a knife and a doctor and the other does not. Changing your appearance is not "wrong" but plastic surgery just requires more effort and risk than say, dyeing your hair.
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    I think the closest thing to a "right" reason is for women who have radical mastectomies. I know it's frustrating to be flat-chested (I lost two cups sizes after having my babies and losing weight). But honestly, there are ways to dress that can make you look and feel more feminine -- and I love my slightly-padded bras! It's not worth surgery, I don't think, to change something about yourself that truly is only on the surface. That being said, I don't know that it's a sin, either. God looks at the heart, and you're the only one here who knows where your heart is in relation to Him. That's what's important.


    (And by the way -- are you sure the double-takes people give you are to make sure you're a girl? Maybe they're because you're a hottie!)
  • girlyathlete21
    girlyathlete21 Posts: 150 Member
    I have the same problem. When I was thin I was barely and A cup...Barely! Now I am a C and whenever I start losing weight those are the first things to go. My family is against it even though I have always thought about it. Then I start weighing the options. I am only 24yrs old so I would have to get then redone later in life definitely and if I do get them done when I am old the rest of me will be saggy and those still up at attention. Also one of my moms friends mom had them done and as she aged they hardened and caused her alot of pain. I know that usually doesnt happen but it could and I dont think I would like to deal with it. Lastly a padded bra usually works just as well and you can never tell when you are cold lol!!!! So for me personally I think I will just stick with what I have. Especially since I actively participate in sports still so littleler is better for me... But in the end its a personal choice!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    These days they have GREAT bras that are filled with padding, water, gel, etc that can give the illusion of having big(ger) boobs. I don't think getting a boob job is necessarily the right answer. There are so many things that could potentially go wrong. I never think plastic surgery is the right answer.

    I myself was small chested growing up. I remember boys coming up and asking me if I was bored, and when I'd say no they'd laugh and say 'well your chest is!'...lol Now I laugh about it, but at the time I was very insecure about it and it hurt my feelings. I always wanted big breasts.

    There are so many bonuses to having small boobs though...
    they don't get as saggy as big boobs
    LESS stretch marks
    they aren't as senstive as big ones
    easier to detect lumps
    more youthful/young/perky looking for longer
    people with smaller boobs usually don't have to suffer from health problems such as back-aches (no additional weight to carry around)
    with smaller boobs you dno't always have to wear a bra, etc.

    That being said, if you are still unhappy with yourself then please ensure that you find out EVERYTHING about the surgery before diving in.
  • TheYankeeBelle
    Although I am a Christian, I color my hair, wear make-up, paint my nails and work-out all for vanity. I know that doesn't equate the more extreme and permanent nature of breast aug surgery. I had my first aug done to make me go from one breast being a B cup and the other a C cup, to both being DDs. I did tons of research, loved my surgeon who did everything I asked and they turned out great and the surgery was very smooth. However, they were HUGE. a few years later, I had a lift and the implants replaced with smaller ones, so now I'm a small D cup and very happy.

    LIke you, I was very self concious growing up and got teased about being freckly and boyish looking. Not anymore!

    There are drawbacks, as others have mentioned: they are for a lifetime. Mine have a 10 year warranty that is about to expire. All of mine was paid out-of-pocket, as insurance doesn't cover my vanity. That said, I'm very happy with what I have now...and even though I had to correct my first set of implants, I felt it was a very good (though expensive) learning lesson.

    I say, do tons of research, find a very qualified surgeon, take photos of what you like and what you don't like about implants and be very open about it with your doctor. I would also caution....go smaller first. You can always go bigger later, but you can't do the reverse without a lift to remove the stretched skin! From your photos and description of yourself, try a B cup at first. Implants don't have to mean DD porn star boobs!
    Keep us posted and good luck!
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    First, get to your goal weight, and be healthy. Then, make sure you do your homework on the risks. Lastly, it really is up to you. It is your body so this really should be your decision.

    This. ^^^

    I know a couple people who've had the procedure recently, and they've all been really happy with it. I think it would be good for you (once you get to the weight and fitness level you're shooting for) to talk to a plastic surgeon about the risks, side effects, and ask if there's a local group that you can join, or if he/she has any former patients who'd be willing to discuss it with you. I think it's important that you talk to someone you can get to know, and you'd probably be surprised at how willing some people are to do that.