Multivitamin Tablets making me ill!

I bought multivitamin tablets a few days ago and been taking them once a day after breakfast for the past two days. Ever since I keep on burping and can taste the tablet throughout the day. Yesterday I started hiccuping as well and the back of my throat feels like I'm going to or have been sick. Ive had the day of today as I don't feel right and my mums told me to stop taking them for a while to see if there causing it. Could it be them or is it something else? Has anyone else had the same problem?


  • They always make me feel sick.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    Me too. I cannot take them. Never could.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I can't stomach the big ones either. You can either look for ones that are round Advil size or check ou chewable vitamins or powders (mixed in drinks). .
  • I have tried them all including the gummies, my body just doesn't agree with them.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Depends on which ones, and at what time of day I take them. You definitely have to experiment a bit.

    Why do you feel you need one?
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    I take them right before bed so I'm sleeping by the time I feel sick
  • They make me vomit. Like clockwork 15 minutes after I take them, they come right back up. So I switched to the gummy vitamins because they stay down.
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    I've never had a problem with them before but the other day I took a big multivitamin and it made me throw up about 10 minutes after I took it. I don't know if I just didn't drink enough water to wash it down properly or what but its put me off taking them a bit. Might buy chewable ones instead.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    They shouldnt make you ill, as they are full of nutrients that the body needs. However, they are not all equal!! Some have Propylene Glycol in them, which is what is used to de-ice planes!! (Note, PG is found in a LOT of stuff!!).

    Look for a MV that is free of artificial flavours, preservatives, colours etc. Some need taking on a empty stomach like antibiotics. I always take mine as soon as I wake up (just to make sure I remember to take them!) And take them with lots of water.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I take the gummies too. Then I supplement with a fiber chewable that I actually like and a calcium with v. D chew. I was Vit. D. deficient a year ago and it ruined my hair among other things so I take care to see some sun (not much) and supplement.
  • I can't take the big ones either - they always give me a stomach ache. I take one of the Flintstones Chewables with dinner and they don't bother me. I think it really helps to eat a meal when you take the vitamin so that it digests easier.
  • I also take the flinstones since i cant swallow pills, but i have to take extra calcium and vit. d as well
  • andiimarie
    andiimarie Posts: 114 Member
    I have a hard time with them too. What works for me is to take them at night after my last snack, and I can only take the gummy ones. For some reason those are the only ones that will stay down for me.
  • SuzyQq02
    SuzyQq02 Posts: 64 Member
    I can't take the pills, either, they make me sick to my stomach. Even taking them at night didn't help. I switched to gummy vitamins and I've done much better with those... I just make sure I track them since they are a bit sugary. :-)
  • This happens to a lot of people, myself included. There are two tricks to avoid this.

    1. NEVER take them on an empty stomach. This will undoubtedly make you ill and many vitamins are fat soluble, meaning you won't absorb them on an empty stomach anyway.
    2. If your tummy still hurts if you take them with a meal, try cutting them in half and only taking half. You can either just take 1/2 a day, or 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the evening.
  • I can't take multivitamins either, but I can take prenatal vitamins. Go figure... and no, not trying to get pregnant.
  • Same with alot of folks, I use the gummies. When I did use the pill form, I took at night with a couple crackers
  • I have had the same problem before. I am taking pre natels now and they are in liquid form. I feel fine. So, maybe try a liquid form and see if that makes a difference....
  • i heard that the iron hurts the tummy mostly. some ppl suggest taking a multi-vitamin without it.
  • I take mine after a good breakfast (which follows my early a.m. workout) and never have a problem. I take a mens daily multivitamin and two fish oil capsules. All 3 are VERY large in size. Maybe try taking at a different time of day with a meal like I do and see if your reaction changes. If not, I'd stop immediately and consult your doctor