Started Shred last night and hated it lol Anyone relate?



  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    stick with it! you will be glad you did!

    but, I do have a piece of advice that helped me get through it....... after a day or two of getting familiar with the circuits, MUTE the TV and turn on some music! It makes it much "easier" to get through when you are not listening to her voice for 30 minutes. Just keep an eye on the screen so you know when it's time to go to the next move.

    On day 2 I had to mute her!!! Its a good quick workout, but her voice grates on me...Working on day 3 tonight! :)
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I did it one day and dropped out. Don't be a loser like me! :)

    Honestly though, I could hardly keep up and I felt sore for the next 3 days.

    I'll restart it at some point.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    stick with it! you will be glad you did!

    but, I do have a piece of advice that helped me get through it....... after a day or two of getting familiar with the circuits, MUTE the TV and turn on some music! It makes it much "easier" to get through when you are not listening to her voice for 30 minutes. Just keep an eye on the screen so you know when it's time to go to the next move.

    Maybe this is my problem....
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I hate it. Not because I find it especially hard, I am happy doing press ups etc, but I found it boring, Jillian immensely irritating, and I don't burn nearly enough calories doing it to make it worth while.

    Now HERE'S my problem!!!!
  • I hate it. Not because I find it especially hard, I am happy doing press ups etc, but I found it boring, Jillian immensely irritating, and I don't burn nearly enough calories doing it to make it worth while.

    Now HERE'S my problem!!!!

    How do you know how many calories you are burning during a workout? Am not sure how to calculate it.
  • 11Jayme11
    11Jayme11 Posts: 194 Member
    I did it for one day, and almost felt like I was out of shape so much, that I needed to get in better shape to start again... Is that crazy? It killed me for days.
  • I hate it too, but I get through it by remembering that each set is actually very short, so I try to think of it as, "I can handle 30 more seconds of this" instead of dreading "I don't think I can do 20 minutes of that!" It helps me get through. So does using profanity. Loudly.
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    I hate it. Not because I find it especially hard, I am happy doing press ups etc, but I found it boring, Jillian immensely irritating, and I don't burn nearly enough calories doing it to make it worth while.

    Now HERE'S my problem!!!!

    How do you know how many calories you are burning during a workout? Am not sure how to calculate it.

    I wear an HRM and it says I burn approximately 188 calories for Level 1
  • emmasmum07
    emmasmum07 Posts: 43 Member
    Tonight is Level 1 Day 4 for me! This morning is the first time i woke up not sore!!!!!
    It is still VERY hard for me but i am putting the game face on and getting through the 20 mins!

    Stick with it!!!! I have done it once before and results were AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I started it after many people on here posted their good results, Day 1 was horrific i was completely out of breath and couldn't get through it without stopping, and i though they was no way that in just ten days i would be able to move on to level 2, but i stuck with it and carried after all everybody can't be wrong. I did day 7 today and it is now a breeze granted i still do modified push ups but i am determined to at least one proper one by the end of 30 days. Keep it up its worth it i can already see a change in my body shape x
  • ferrari_mad
    ferrari_mad Posts: 2 Member
    Don't give up on it. I did the 30day shred before xmas. Yes it was hard for the first few days, but by day five and six it becomes a lot easier. Then it starts again at levels two and three. After your body gets used to it, it's a lot easier.

    I found I lost inches off my body rather than weight, but I had great results. Since this I've gone to do 6 week 6 pack and ripped in 30!

    They all take some time to adjust to, but remember the old saying "No pain, No gain".
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Have to agree with the rest posting here, DONT GIVE UP! First week is by far the hardest cuz everything is so new, especially if youve new to resistance training. Thats why its also crucial that you do it at least for a couple a days straight and keep at it, so youll get in to the new habit, that way youll miss it as soon as you even think about taking even one day of rest.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I hate it. Not because I find it especially hard, I am happy doing press ups etc, but I found it boring, Jillian immensely irritating, and I don't burn nearly enough calories doing it to make it worth while.

    Now HERE'S my problem!!!!

    How do you know how many calories you are burning during a workout? Am not sure how to calculate it.

    With a heart rate monitor. I burn about 125 cals doing level one and about 190 doing level 2. I just CBA for that. I'd rather do something fun. I do a fair bit of exercise anyway, though, and do circuit training twice a week.
  • I'm on L1 D4, and I still find some exercises pretty difficult (squat presses)...especially when I'm trying to do the workout everyday. My arms are killing me. At least I know it's working.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I completed the series and loved it. Still throw it I to my weekly workout from time to time. Jillian rocks! I lost 3.5 inches in my waist from 30 day shred!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    30 Day Shred was not for me either. I didn't care for Jillian's personality, and I really, really wanted to pull her pants up! I also constantly was distracted by the fact that her 'tougher' background exerciser is always cheating on the intensity level of her exercises. And, honestly - I didn't find any of the levels challenging enough or long enough.

    I have a huge library of fitness videos and strongly believe there are better ones out there than Jillian's. Of course, this is my personal opinion based on all my personal preferences. I know loads of other people love her workouts, just not me.

    So no... you are not alone. :-)
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    stick with it. the first 5 days are the worst and leave you the most sore. after that it gets easier, more routine, and hopefully you enjoy the workout!
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    I started last night too! It was intense, and for my lack of exercise currently, BRUTAL! But, I want to stick with it because while I've lost 15 pounds, I don't SEE a difference. Most of the reviews should dramatic size differences after doing it and I need to see that now. I hope you'll keep up with it! :smile:
  • ok everyone is talking about the shred, but Im lost and have no idea what anyone is talking about can someone please tell me what it is??:blushing:
  • ViSabbi
    ViSabbi Posts: 120 Member
    Weightloss is all about challenging yourself! You find it hard, that's a great news! You shouldn't hate it because you couldn't do it, you should rather challenge yourself into getting better at it and then you will be so proud of yourself to have continued and seen that the moves gets easier with time.

    @Elona_30: Look on youtube for 30 day shred by Jilian Michael. You will see parts of it. :)