Quick, easy high protein breakfasts?



  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    3 eggs easy over yum yum
  • caroline_g
    caroline_g Posts: 201 Member
    Well I split my calories as 45% carbs, 25% fat and 30% protein. Which on 1300 a day gives me 98g of protein to find but I exercise 6 out of 7 days and so that ends up meaning I try to find a bit more but as long as I reach 100g a day, I'm happy with that.

    I've never thought of breakfast burritos. I've heard of them but never really looked into what they are, I might have to look into them.

    I can think of plenty of ways to get protein in, it's having things which are quick to cook and eat that I struggle with but there's been some great suggestions here. Thanks for all the replies, they're much appreciated.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    This is the hardest part for me too. I need mine to be relatively low carb too (to accomodate my insulin resistance) and no milk (lactose issues) but I can do yogurts and cheeses and I am not a fan of oatmeal or cereal. I did find that I really like ricotta cheese on a slice of whole grain toast with an egg on that.
  • whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter and a banana or all fruit spread. Or a bagel with lox and cream cheese, or a protein shake...many many options....You can do oatmeal or cream of wheat also with a scoop of protein powder
  • RealTanyah
    RealTanyah Posts: 21 Member
    I always have microwave turkey bacon and turkey sausage in the fridge at work. The other night I also made Weight Watchers Quiche Cupcakes, this way I just have to heat them in the morning. They taste great.
  • tyra47
    tyra47 Posts: 97
    I eat 2 boiled eggs and instant oatmeal for breakfast. I let the eggs boil while I'm getting dressed. I have to be at work at 6:30 . I get up at 4:45.and leave the house at 6.
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
  • sirihermine
    sirihermine Posts: 123 Member
    i usually mix cottage cheese with a few tablespoons of sugarfree, fatfree vanilla youghurt.
    Have som berries on top, og just good sugarfree jam if I don't have fresh fruit og berries.

    I love it, yummy! :)
  • kasebrad
    kasebrad Posts: 61 Member
    My favorite breakfast is:

    Kashi Go Lean cereal (13 g protein in only 1 cup!)
    6 oz greek yogurt (usually around 14-15 g protein)

    Mix them all together and it's delicious. If you get plain yogurt, add some honey and cinnamon. That's nearly 30 g of protein in one meal that's only around 300 calories and takes a few minutes.
  • ZumbaTriad
    ZumbaTriad Posts: 61 Member
    I've made an "egg casserole" before which I can bake up on Sunday, then reheat throughout the week. Basically, I line the bottom of a greased 8x8 dish with hashbrowns (fresh or frozen), spray with olive oil, and bake at 375 for about 10 minutes to crisp them up a bit.

    Next up I decide what type of meat I want with it and prep it. I've used low-fat sausage, low-fat bacon, and canadian bacon. I imagine it would also be good with lean ground beef and/or turkey.

    While that's cooking, beat 3 whole eggs & 6 egg whites with a few tablespoons of water and whatever spices you like. Remove the dish from the oven, and layer the following on top of the hash browns ... meat, egg mixture, low fat cheese to taste.

    Bake for 15-20 minutes until eggs are thoroughly cooked.

  • snakesandladders2
    snakesandladders2 Posts: 59 Member
    You could make a batch of my banana whey protein cakes (see my wall) ahead of time - a completely balanced meal with LOADS of protein. I've just experimented with a choccie version with an even better nutritional profile, will post. These cakes / bars would be perfect for on the go.

    Alternatively you could buy a box of protein bars on line and have them.

    I always have a protein shake at 6am and then a bar at noon, or some fruit and almonds.

    Mmmm breakfast!
  • I cook my eggs in the oven in a muffin tin and then put them in the fridge. Then I just have to reheat. I never feel like cooking in the morning so this is an easy way to get a nutritional breakfast early in the morning. I like to make low calorie "egg mcmuffins" minus the cheese. My cooked egg (perfect size from the muffin tin), a whole wheat english muffin toasted, and either veggies or turkey sausage.
  • ara005
    ara005 Posts: 32 Member
    In the mornings I like:

    -Chobani fat free plain yogurt, mixed with frozen blueberries (for a sweet crunch). Dole has individually packed 50 cal frozen blueberry packages if you are on the go.

    -3-4 hard boiled egg whites

    -Egg white omelette with some mushrooms or tomatoes added at the last min, fat free shredded cheese

    -For an easy open faced egg sandwich: Put egg beaters in a mug and microwave for about 2 min. Toast half an english muffin. Place one low fat or fat free piece of cheese and one slice turkey or ham on english muffin and add egg.
  • gogogo53
    gogogo53 Posts: 17 Member
    half of cup of Greek plain yogurt
    half of cup frozen or fresh blueberries or other berries
    half of cup of Kellog's All Bran

    I sometimes add a bit of soy milk so that it is less thick.

    equals 220 calories and delicious.
    If this is too many calories cut it in half.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    If you don't have objections with 0 calorie sweeteners, a packet of splenda or truvia or whatever in a 6oz cup of greek yogurt takes the sour taste right out.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    Make quinoa the night before and keep it in the fridge. Take 1 cup in the morning, add honey, fruit, and some flaxseeds. It's kind of like oatmeal, but with quinoa.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Since you have Strawberry protein powder, you can always take a scoop of that and mix it with plain greek yogurt. It will make the yogurt taste strawberry and not the regular sour taste greek yogurt has (I do this with my chocolate protein powder). That would be high in protein for you and a quick, easy breakfast.
  • kodibear123
    kodibear123 Posts: 185 Member
    Good idea Amy! I eat 40 Protein/30 Carbs/30Fat and I almost every morning I have 1/2 cup cooked Old Fashioned Oatmeal with 1 scoop Isopure Protein Powder and 1 tsp. Udo's oil (or flaxseed oil) and cinnamon. Very quick and easy. However, I must say I will be hungry in 2-3 hours so prepare a snack too! I eat 5-6 times a day so this works for me! :) On the weekends when I have more time I like to make a huge protein blueberry pancake! Oh, and a bucket of coffee!!!!
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    I spray a measuring cup with cooking spray, scramble an egg & pop it in the microwave for about a minute. I toast whole wheat low cal bread & spread laughing cow cheese light on it. I top it with the egg for a quick one handed breakfast.
  • delvir
    delvir Posts: 14 Member
    I scramble eggs on Sunday and Wed night and pack mini morning pack that microwaive in am for 40 seconds out the door........