What is your go-to hangover cure?



  • tinkerbell42381
    tinkerbell42381 Posts: 44 Member
    McDonald's fries, tons of water, and sleep.

    McDonald's fries are the only thing I can force down when massively hung over...if it's too early for fries, then the hashbrowns work almost as well. Also, tons of gatorade - water just doesn't sit well. I usually can't eat much else for the rest of the day, so I don't feel too bad about the fries lol.
  • allysabee
    I like anything greasy... burgers, fries, pizza, etc. McDonald's breakfast is also the best, but usually it's over by the time I wake up. It's a good idea to get it on your way home after a looong night of drinking. I also drink a lot of water!

    My boyfriend drinks pickle juice when he's hung over.. I refuse to try this (even though I love pickles). He says it's the best hangover cure in the world though!
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    Two Tylenol's before drinking is the best method for no headache the next day.

    Waking up and downing a beer in the morning after a hard drinking night also makes me feel better.

    For the hangover muchies the Awful Waffle (Waffle House) does the trick.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Its not about cure its about prevention. Drink plenty of water throughout the day before drinking and you should be solid.
  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    Bojangles, Sprite Zero, Pepto, Excedrin, and LOTS of sleep!

    OH! and make sure you puke before bed...puke real good...puke it allll up!
  • Raiderxx
    Raiderxx Posts: 105 Member
    Smoke some weed.....
  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    poutine..Oh YEAH
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    dont really drink anymore, but NOTHING cures a hangover for me. and belive me, i have tried most everything. :( thus, i dont drink much anymore bc having toddlers and a hangover dont mix.
  • sawyermark
    sawyermark Posts: 74 Member
    Dont get older. Use to never get hangovers but the closer to 40 I get to worse they get.
  • SugarNtheRaw
    SugarNtheRaw Posts: 191 Member
    I try to stop any hangovers before they start, so I hydrate like mad before going out, eat McDonalds on the way home, and drink a bottle of water between every adult beverage. I'm usually up at 7am the next morning cleaning the house or making breakfast for everyone else with the hangover, hahah!!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    If I can, the night before, I drink a spicy V8 and drink as much water as I can. In the morning, I drink another spicy V8 and eat greasy food (eggs, sausage, hash browns).
  • Thad81
    Thad81 Posts: 138 Member
    I dont get hangovers and all I do is force myself to drink three cups of water before I go to bed after a good drunk! I dont drink that often but this has really worked for me. Its the dehydration that makes you feel so ****ty.
  • kcalabama
    Lots of water before you go to bed. Lots of water in the morning.
  • FatNurseSlim
    when on my diet....... I make homemade chips by spraying them with 1 calorie frying spray, a sprinkle of salt and baking in the oven then top with low fat cheese

    When im having a blow out, i large macdonalds meal, a full fat coke, and an afternoon in bed !!
  • kimysc
    kimysc Posts: 12
    Mine would be to not drink that much. But for the times that I have it's been lots of water before bed, water or coconut water when I wake up and ibuprofen.
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    chinese buffet.
  • KellieLouise84
    pot noodle, skips and fizzy vimto!
  • ryaneric55
    I will wake up in the middle of the night and drink alka-seltzer and go back 2 sleep. Works everytime.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    More alcohol. Always works.
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    B-complex, fresh orange/clementine or any kind of juicy fruit, and tea