Whats the most you ever weighed?



  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    270lbs at 5'11", NEVER AGAIN! That was my turning point, I was 30lbs from 300lbs... completely could have made it to that if I didn't change my life one summer day when I chose to check out the 3 gyms in my hometown... :-P This is why I'll get a tattoo of the number 270 with a Ø over it to symbolize my NEVER getting that large again... I'll get that tattoo on my foot and at 100lbs lost!
  • nevergiveup92
    my heaviest was 170
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    330 to this...that's awesome!! Congratulations!

    thank you :) MFP !! :)
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    268 Jan 1st 2012.

    Looong way to go... :frown:
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    During the last few months of 2011, I got up to 140. Yikes! Doesn't seem like much but im 5'4 and I want to get down to 120. The last time I weighed that I was about 17 or 18 and im 23 now lol. I managed to lose 8 lbs but then gained 2 or 3. Meh. Im still working on it though!
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    my before :

    and after:
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    262.4 Huge. Ginormeous! :explode:
  • ashheartshawaii
    ashheartshawaii Posts: 18 Member
    298... I think that was around 1999. And I am 5'6 on a good day.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    WOW sorry that picture is so huge!!! my bad... :blushing:
  • Chefette27
    Chefette27 Posts: 6 Member
    I tipped the scales at 317. Im 5'10 and I realized I was in trouble when I was too embarassed to give the pictures taken for my church directory to my family for christmas. I also was having trouble fitting into my XXL chef jackets. I have lost 45 lbs, gained back 25 and have lost back down to 34 now. Have a wedding dress on order that I WILL have to have taken in and be proud of the pictures that are taken of me on my wedding day. I have been on mfp for a while but am just now realizing its full potential. Feel free to friend me and can someone PLEASE tell me what BUMP means?!?!?!
  • LilBee82
    LilBee82 Posts: 189 Member
    My biggest was 330 at 5'4" and this was 7 years ago. I hate this pic.


    This is me on NYE and was about 274, but as of last Monday I was 266 =)

  • joann1948
    joann1948 Posts: 161 Member
    I weighed 300 lbs about 25 yrs ago. I am now 208 and looking forward of getting out of the 200's. It will be 25 yrs since I was this low....A great milestone for me once I lose those 8 lbs.......
  • brisbanemom
    178 lbs. now at 169.5 and having to for once fight off every pound. I recently hurt my neck, which puts a crimp into exercise. I am now able to walk around town and have been walking an hour a day. I just purchased a Fitbit to keep track of everything more easily and to see how much I am really moving. I just read that after 60 one of the top 10 things that one should do to be healthy is to KEEP MOVING! I will try.:love:
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    Around 220-230, halfway through college.
    Have hovered around the 200 mark for a while, and now back down to where I was in high school, upper 180s and lower 190s, which was experienced as an endless plateau that was both brought on by and continued by EDNOS (cycles of bingeing, fasting, and intermittent purging). I am determined to beat it though... but it's discouraging that I'm not seeing any changes at this weight, despite staying below my cal goal and working out over an hour a day. But I'll keep it up and something will work.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    WOW sorry that picture is so huge!!! my bad... :blushing:

    You look amazing!
  • toabetterlifestyle
    160 -___-
    150 right now. slllllloooooowly but surly dropping.
  • melcpia
    melcpia Posts: 118 Member
    Dec 6th 2011 I was 143.6 Kgs (abt 315 lb)
    Now 132.6 I think just 2 months later.
  • rdzilla
    rdzilla Posts: 113 Member
    335 in the fall of my senior year of high school. Then I really got into weight lifting, was down around 245 junior year of college, continued training after college, got a desk job, been between 275-300 for the past seven years. I'm going to get down to 260 (hopefully retaining strength) and re-evaluate where I want to go from there. Dream is 240 with a six pack.
  • babytis
    babytis Posts: 326 Member
    My highest weight I know of was 223.5...... I then lost weight and got to 155 and I'm 5' 10". Right now I've been hovering between 194-196, but thats changing thanks to MFP ;)
  • jmrcmama
    My highest weight was 301 in Nov of 2003 I am at 241 right now as of weigh ins tonight I have been down as low as 222 since then but had let the healthy living go by but I am starting back just joined MFP and have started a Zumba weight loss challenge with 3 weeks left to go in it. My goal is to get down to 180. I CAN DO THIS!!