

  • JWalker514
    JWalker514 Posts: 87
    Good morning everyone. So far so good with the eating. If Daniel feels better when he wakes up from his nap I am going to go for a bike ride or take him for a walk. He is doing much better this morning. :smile:

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  • chiccloset777
    chiccloset777 Posts: 34 Member
    hey j walker,my son is sick to. he is 23 months and woke up with a fever,yesterday a runny nose and cough. i really have to watch out ,beause the last two times he got a cold I ended up at the hospital with emergency breathing treatments. his colds seem to bring on a like astma attack. any way i hope you little one feels better and mine too. As for my weekeend diet,no screw ups this weekend. I have set my goal for 1200 but i go over every day. Im just going to look at it like this if i set it for 1200 i might eat 1500,but if i set it for 1500,i might eat 1800:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: . I feel good today the scale is starting to go back down yea!!!!111655.png
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  • JWalker514
    JWalker514 Posts: 87
    chiccloset, I hope your little one feels better too! It stinks having a sick baby. Mine is 14 months. He hasn't been sick much, so seeing him so run down was really hard. He is pretty much back to himself tonight though. :smile: And the fever seems to be almost gone.

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  • chiccloset777
    chiccloset777 Posts: 34 Member
    hey j walker, sure enough his health took a turn for the worst ealier today. My husban had to take him to the urgent care for a breathing treatment. he is doing ALOT better since he got one. We need one of those things at home,because this seems like it is going to be a common ocurrence. well I have stuck to my 1200 cal today,plus the ones I earned from exercise. The only problem is my husband wants me to go to a barbeque tonight. urrgghh. its also a birthday party-cake oh no!!! will keep you ladies updated.

  • JWalker514
    JWalker514 Posts: 87
    Ariel, sorry that he had to go in for a breathing treatment, poor little guy! I am happy to hear that he is feeling better though.
    And good job with the calories! Keep up the good work!!!
    Im doing pretty good today. Pushed mowed the lawn for an hour this morning so thats good and I am about to go for a walk.

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  • happyplace
    happyplace Posts: 37 Member
    Started a new thread for week 3.....see you all there?? :smile:
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