Vinegars Can Help You Stay Lean and Fit



  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I have apple cider vinegar in my juice each morning.................
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    i use apple cider vinegar in my drinks
    i can tell it helps with my water retention and sinus congestion
    i need to use it everyday but sometimes i ge tina hurry and forget it
    i can tell when i forget it in my thighs!!!:bigsmile:
  • roxlen75
    roxlen75 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the recipes!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
  • hernoodlyness
    hernoodlyness Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for your post. A high-protein, high-fat diet increases the alkalnity in the blood, causing it to thicken. Apple cider vinegar affects the acid-alkali balance. It thins the blood, which may help lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation.

    Today american diets are high in meat and lower in alkalizing fruits and vegetables and this leaves a acid residue in the body. The acid residue, in turn, imbalances our biochemistry or pH blood levels in a direction where we are out of acid-alkalin balance. And that can lead to high blood pressure and other heart ailments.

    Thus, it is necessary for us to eat as much vegetables as possible to prevent acidity in your body fluid, which can result from too much animal protien.

    No offense... but this is all pseudoscience. I've looked. I can't find any evidence that DIET effects blood pH at all. The pH of your blood is regulated by your respiratory system, not by the food you eat.

    I understand, you're looking in the wrong places, because it's not about the blood. It is, but it isn't. Of course if the pH of blood drifts to far from a pH of 7.365 it will lead to death. The problem is the buffering systems.

    I know you have your pH in pharmacy or something like that. So I can talk to you on a biochemical level. I can approach this from the acidic side of the alkaline side. People think macro nutrients run the body, when in fact it's electrons. You can't deny with out electrons there would be no bonds to make micro/macro nutrients. You know that the body runs on electrons. H+ is a positive ion. H+ is acidic, OH-(alkaline) Is negatively charged. It has more electrons, When people consume alkalizing foods, common sense is that it turns in to salt and water with stomach acid. What are salts? They are ions.The more negative ions you consume the better. This is what will be absorbed in the body, this is what runs the body, negative electrons. Electricity is electrons, the body runs on electricity. Foods can be measured in mV(milvolts). Foods that have a positive charge are acidic foods, foods that have a negative charge are alkaline. If you Make a solution with NaCl, it will power a lightbulb. This is how batterys work,. The electrons transfer to the positive side. Neutralizing the positive charge. Once the cation has no charge. Electrons won't flow and there will be no more energy. As I said energy is electron based. Digestion starts in the mouth, not the stomach. Your saliva can be tested with pH strips. If you're in a alkalizing state your blood would be more alkalizing which aids in the digestion process, this alkalinity will travel to the stomach, making Salt and water. These anions of salt, is what gets absorbed through the body. Which would keep the alkalizing cycle going. The cause of most disease as i stated, is caused by the body "protecting" the blood. The pH of the blood won't change, if it did you will die. It's the buffering systems which cause the damage.

    Citation needed...otherwise you may as well be making this up.
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    Thank you for your post. A high-protein, high-fat diet increases the alkalnity in the blood, causing it to thicken. Apple cider vinegar affects the acid-alkali balance. It thins the blood, which may help lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation.

    Today american diets are high in meat and lower in alkalizing fruits and vegetables and this leaves a acid residue in the body. The acid residue, in turn, imbalances our biochemistry or pH blood levels in a direction where we are out of acid-alkalin balance. And that can lead to high blood pressure and other heart ailments.

    Thus, it is necessary for us to eat as much vegetables as possible to prevent acidity in your body fluid, which can result from too much animal protien.

    No offense... but this is all pseudoscience. I've looked. I can't find any evidence that DIET effects blood pH at all. The pH of your blood is regulated by your respiratory system, not by the food you eat.

    I understand, you're looking in the wrong places, because it's not about the blood. It is, but it isn't. Of course if the pH of blood drifts to far from a pH of 7.365 it will lead to death. The problem is the buffering systems.

    I know you have your pH in pharmacy or something like that. So I can talk to you on a biochemical level. I can approach this from the acidic side of the alkaline side. People think macro nutrients run the body, when in fact it's electrons. You can't deny with out electrons there would be no bonds to make micro/macro nutrients. You know that the body runs on electrons. H+ is a positive ion. H+ is acidic, OH-(alkaline) Is negatively charged. It has more electrons, When people consume alkalizing foods, common sense is that it turns in to salt and water with stomach acid. What are salts? They are ions.The more negative ions you consume the better. This is what will be absorbed in the body, this is what runs the body, negative electrons. Electricity is electrons, the body runs on electricity. Foods can be measured in mV(milvolts). Foods that have a positive charge are acidic foods, foods that have a negative charge are alkaline. If you Make a solution with NaCl, it will power a lightbulb. This is how batterys work,. The electrons transfer to the positive side. Neutralizing the positive charge. Once the cation has no charge. Electrons won't flow and there will be no more energy. As I said energy is electron based. Digestion starts in the mouth, not the stomach. Your saliva can be tested with pH strips. If you're in a alkalizing state your blood would be more alkalizing which aids in the digestion process, this alkalinity will travel to the stomach, making Salt and water. These anions of salt, is what gets absorbed through the body. Which would keep the alkalizing cycle going. The cause of most disease as i stated, is caused by the body "protecting" the blood. The pH of the blood won't change, if it did you will die. It's the buffering systems which cause the damage.

    Citation needed...otherwise you may as well be making this up.

    What if I was write, and the citation was lying?

    Thank you for your indepth information. This post was about vinegars used in moderation. I dont want a debate on pH and buffering systems. I simply enjoy vinegars.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I understand, you're looking in the wrong places, because it's not about the blood. It is, but it isn't. Of course if the pH of blood drifts to far from a pH of 7.365 it will lead to death. The problem is the buffering systems.

    I know you have your pH in pharmacy or something like that. So I can talk to you on a biochemical level. I can approach this from the acidic side of the alkaline side. People think macro nutrients run the body, when in fact it's electrons. You can't deny with out electrons there would be no bonds to make micro/macro nutrients. You know that the body runs on electrons. H+ is a positive ion. H+ is acidic, OH-(alkaline) Is negatively charged. It has more electrons, When people consume alkalizing foods, common sense is that it turns in to salt and water with stomach acid. What are salts? They are ions.The more negative ions you consume the better. This is what will be absorbed in the body, this is what runs the body, negative electrons. Electricity is electrons, the body runs on electricity. Foods can be measured in mV(milvolts). Foods that have a positive charge are acidic foods, foods that have a negative charge are alkaline. If you Make a solution with NaCl, it will power a lightbulb. This is how batterys work,. The electrons transfer to the positive side. Neutralizing the positive charge. Once the cation has no charge. Electrons won't flow and there will be no more energy. As I said energy is electron based. Digestion starts in the mouth, not the stomach. Your saliva can be tested with pH strips. If you're in a alkalizing state your blood would be more alkalizing which aids in the digestion process, this alkalinity will travel to the stomach, making Salt and water. These anions of salt, is what gets absorbed through the body. Which would keep the alkalizing cycle going. The cause of most disease as i stated, is caused by the body "protecting" the blood. The pH of the blood won't change, if it did you will die. It's the buffering systems which cause the damage.

    Okay... I buy all of that... sorta. But that doesn't explain how any food can be alkalizing or acidifying. The gut is technically "outside" the body. Ions don't really cross the cell membrane of the cells that line your intestines, not without help. The cell membranes are lipophilic. Ions are hydrophilic. So... built in protection from excessively alkalizing or acidifying food (assuming the foods are not so alkaline or so acidic that they destroy the protective mucous layers in your GI track and actually cause damage to the cells).

    On top of all that... your body is a HUGE reservoir of ions. Your body intentionally creates electron gradients to drive thousands of biological processes... including neuronal electrical signaling.

    Add to all of this that you've got a remarkable organ called a kidney and you're just not going to experience any toxic effects from the ingestion of acid or alkaline foods. In fact, you NEED many of these acid or alkaline or salty foods to survive. Citric acid? Fantastic! You need it. Acetic acid... absolutely it has its uses in the human body. Fatty acids? yup... body wants those too. Aspartic acid... wants. And so on and so forth.

    And none of that is going to effect blood pH because you've got a nearly unlimited supply of CO2 being generated by cellular respiration. And you've got a nearly perfect way of getting rid of excess CO2 through breathing. Your kidneys can also get rid of excess bicarbonate if needed.

    Soooooo.... I disagree with your claim that vinegar is in anyway dangerous, but likewise I disagree with the other people who claim that vinegar is doing anything to the pH of the blood or body.

    Vinegar is great stuff for a variety of reasons... but not because it's preventing acidity in your body fluids.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Thank you for your indepth information. This post was about vinegars used in moderation. I dont want a debate on pH and buffering systems. I simply enjoy vinegars.

    Nothing at all wrong with enjoying vinegar. I even agree that they are good for you. Just not for the reasons you stated.
  • Mama_cc
    Mama_cc Posts: 45 Member
    I use 2 TBS brags apple cider vinegar/16 oz water and sip w/straw. Old granny had this as one of her tricks. Works for me, as I feel less cravings for sweet foods when I do this daily. Never had a problem w/it and feel it gives me a sense of well being.
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    Thanx for the dressing recipe!
    For those of you who drink this, or sip it, or whatever... Did you find that it took some time to get used to? Is it an acquired taste? I cook with it on occasion, when a recipe calls and it's not usually enough to taste.
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member

    What if I was write, and the citation was lying?

    It's very difficult to take someone claiming to have superior knowledge seriously when a) they seem to have very little knowledge of spelling or grammar, and b) they claim to be 'majoring' in science, yet have no respect for citations and stoop to the level of retorts such as "What if I'm wright [sic]?" when challenged to provide citations.
  • gstauder
    gstauder Posts: 2 Member
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    Oh, and by the way, I enjoy a variety of vinegars, not because I think they are miracle foods, but because I love the taste. My cupboards & refrigerator host Bragg's apple cider vinegar, red wine, white wine, regular balsamic, black cherry balsamic (YUM!!) and raspberry balsamic vinegars.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Thank you for your indepth information. This post was about vinegars used in moderation. I dont want a debate on pH and buffering systems. I simply enjoy vinegars.

    I consume vinegar too, The problem I have is when people are told things that aren't true, and end up damaging themselves. IIf someone knows something is bad for them and they choose to consume it, that's fine. The issue I have is when people believe something is good for them and it's not. As you know there are a ton of myths we believed in the health and fitness community. I have been victims of them too. It's just not right.

    But vinegar is NOT bad for you. It's actually quite good for you. It's just not going to change the pH of our bodies and it's not going to burn fat.... other than that... it's absolutely a healthy choice.

    Here's the problem... on once side we've got people claiming it's a miracle food... and then you actually are claiming it's dangerous... and neither claim is true.

    The truth lies in the middle. It usually does.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    balsamic is amazing on salads <3
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 195 Member
    How strange, My mother was just telling me last night to try aplle cider vinegar. Her and Dad are having a go and seeing what affect it has hehe. My turn now :) thanks for confirming more of what she said
  • I drink apple cider vinegar but I water it down alittle. I also make cucumber and onions and let them soak in apple cider vinegar and water mixture, great low calorie snack.
  • shellicious777
    shellicious777 Posts: 48 Member
    Dr Oz recommends a "shot" of vinegar a day. How much should a person ingest on a daily basis? :smile:
    I have acid reflux badly. I am drinking the "green juice" from "fat sick and nearly dead" it upsets my stomach but I deal with it. Would a "shot" of vinegar a day help stop my acid reflux?
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I am assuming you have experience or knowledge of an alkalizing style diet. I am not saying i disagree with you. You talked often about excess. The body protects itself as you know. I think you mentioned alpha lipoic acid. Which is an acid. The over consumption of lkalizing products or acids will be harmful. the key is to find a balance. An alkalizing diet is recommended to be 70-80% alkaline 20-30% acidic. Of course there are acidic functions in the body which are necessary.

    No, actually... I don't know about an alkalizing diet. I've heard the claims on MFP but I've never seen anything that I consider credible evidence. If you can explain the rational to me, please do so. I even started a thread about it (so that we can stop hijacking the vinegar thread). You'll find it here:

    I would love to know if my basic assumptions are wrong. I really would... but until then, I firmly believe the concept of an alkalizing diet is... well.. voodoo.

    I AM open to solid, scientific evidence to the contrary. I DO try to reign in my biases. When I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I want solid data before I change my mind. I want someone to show me cause and effect. I want someone to show me that you can measure pH changes in the blood or interstitial fluid or even the cell in response to diet.

    I DO know of times when pH will change in the body on a microlevel. pH changes in neurons signal impending doom. It's bad (usually). Brain cells don't like pH changes.