100 lbs to lose,In the beginning, What workouts did you do?



  • megansmom311
    You have to find a form of exercise that you enjoy. I'm sure there's something out there! :smile:

    I used to loathe walking on the treadmill. But I do it 5 times a week now, ONLY because I take my Kindle and read while I'm walking. The time flies by and I actually look forward to it! I also strength train daily and ride the stationary bike (also while reading...it's just so boring otherwise).

    Good luck to you! Find something you enjoy doing and stick with it. You can do it!
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    i have over 200 lbs to lose and i have tried:

    Zumba which I love.

    I started with Leslie Sansone walking dvd's it isn't boring and it is effective lost 40 lbs to her.

    Also love kick boxing I did farrells extreme body shaping.
  • StrugglingtoMove
    StrugglingtoMove Posts: 73 Member
    Wow you guys are great, thanks for all the advice. I have everything at my house which makes it even sadder. Top of the line treadmill, elliptical, weight machines, bands, wii fit, balls, medicine balls, just soooo very hard to want to do it when your alone. I think i may just start walking outside around the block pushing the baby. I like the mapping idea and see how fast i go and see if i can make it faster as i go. Thanks everyone!
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I am just starting my journey, I started walking, then running, now I am too sore some days from running so I started weights, elliptical and swimming the past 2 weeks.... I , like you, am heavier, and even though I am committed and love working out, I have to be mindful of my joints and my extra weight right now.....

    Once I lose the weight look out !! bahahaha..... this girl is going to run like the wind....
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I started walking on my two 10 minute breaks at work and 1/2 of my lunch for a total of 50 minutes. I would come home and either take a walk out behind my house, work out on my lil exercise machine, or just dance for 30 minutes to my favorite club songs. I kept with this, added bicycling (for bits at a time because it hurts your *kitten* if you're not used to it, lol), stationary bike and finally jogging before moving on to Zumba. I still walk at work and got in some snow walking this winter.

    FYI, since getting a heart rate monitor and being able to see how many calories I'm burning, I push myself more. This may be a helpful motivator. I just have a wrist version, a MIO, but it's relatively accurate and I like it well enough. :bigsmile:
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    When I started off, I never exercised. I hated to even think about it. I started with short walks. I finally took the plunge and joined my local YMCA, and tried water aerobics. I love that! I started using the treadmill and the bike at the gym, that went pretty well. Then I started strength training with the weight machines and found out that I love it! I started doing Zumba and love that too! I now have to admit that I love to exercise! I NEVER would have thought that would be the case if you told me I would a year ago. I think you just have to start somewhere, and find something you enjoy. It gets better! Good luck!
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I started with 10 mins of Wii Fit Plus Advanced Step in the morning and again at night. I worked up from there. Doing all kinds of things now - including Zumba Class 3X a week (what a workout).

    Start where you are comfortable and once you are no longer winded - bump it up. I also get bored. I have TONS of Wii fitness programs, some weights and resistence bands, DVD's, and a pool (water aerobics - I bought the Speedo water resistence equipment) but they were purchased over a year and a half. Learn from others on here about what is fun exercise - you do not need a gym (you may want to consider but I am not a fan).
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    I do the same cardio pretty much every workout (elliptical or a video). To keep from getting bored I play with my ipod... sometimes I might play each song for only a minute, and staying focused on each minute makes it go by faster (I listened to 70 songs in one workout... whoa!) or I do intervals... I'll give everything I've got for the length of each chorus, and slow it down to 50% during the rest of the song.
  • zumbaabby
    I started out doing Zumba two years ago, and I am an instructor now, and i've lost right at 100 pounds! I love it!
  • unsivilized6
    unsivilized6 Posts: 52 Member
    Wii Fitness has really gotten me up and moving and motivated. I began with it and am now also doing some Leslie Sansone walking videos, along with walking my dogs when the weather is nice, and and an ellipitical maybe once a week. I alternate the Wii with walking so I don't get in a rut. I started Jan. 10, 2012 and have lost eleven pounds. Ninety-seven to go!
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    I started with Couch to 5K, great program and have been running ever since. Much easier with a workout buddy.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    Don't get too crazy in the beginning, do an amount you feel that you can maintain and keep at. Then you can add minutes and exercises overtime, so you don't get overwhelmed. I viewed exercise as a part time job. Something I had to do everyday. I started small. Mostly cardio for the first couple months. I started out just doing 15 to 20 minutes a day 3 days a week and slowly increased the time and when I got bored with walking I changed it up. Changing it up is key cause you never will get bored. I moved to walk/jog. Then walk/jog/run. Now for cardio I can just go for a run. Before I got to that point I would work in different types of cardio exercises like arc trainer, eliptical, stair climber. I would do a mix of 10 minutes on each. The key is being consistent and not get bored with it. I have been at the point now where for the last 4 or 5 months I have been focusing on weights. I started by mixing muscle groups in my circuits for the first 3 or 4 months and now I am focusing on a single muscle group in my circuits and two muscle groups a day. I also throw in cardio for a warm up and at the end as a cool down. I only have one full cardio day now, where I change up the machines I use since it's getting tougher to go for a run outside where I live.
  • Anathama
    Anathama Posts: 82 Member
    I've just started, and I've got about 150 lbs to loose. Most of the exercise programs I've seen like P90x or Insanity or whatever, seem to be fore people who are in average shape that want to get "ripped" not for people who are way out of shape. Starting from 363, I needed something that was geared for my fat *kitten*!

    I grabbed one of the Biggest Loser DVD's, because I figured that it would more accesable to me. So far it's been working.

    Making it through a 25 minute workout session was a great breakthrough for me.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    In the beginning I walked and cycled. I have a little kid and the weather often sucks for various reasons where I am (freezing through winter, raining through spring, scorching through summer...) so doing these things strictly outside leaves a lot of room for excuses in my world - so I got a treadmill and a stationary bike. Hard to find excuses when everything I need is in my house.

    Since then I've progressed and now enjoy running and lifting heavy things (and still use both the treadmill and the bike, good investments for me - I can do my run before the little one is up for the day or during her nap, and can pedal away while my husband & I wind down with some good shows at the end of the day!) but in the beginning it was just walking and stationary biking.

    Do what you can, but most importantly, do something you enjoy. :)
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    Get a pedometer. Get one that resets every day and record your steps...everyday.

    Before you "officially start," use the pedometer to establish your baseline number of steps per day. Do this for no longer than one week. A typical conversion is 2000 steps per mile (if the pedometer does not convert steps to mileage).

    Whatever your baseline is, you want to start out slow. You should set a target number of steps you want to average. Your first week target should probably be no more than 10% above your baseline. So, if you find that your baseline is 3000 steps per day, then your first week target is maintaining an average of 3300 steps per day. You might be able to do more but don't overdo it. You want steady progress and it takes at least two continuous weeks of routine to get through the initial aches and pains and to begin to develop good work habits. .

    In my case, I was walking a fair amount when I purchased my pedometer and joined a walking group of people to walk with. I made a very bold commitment of 1 million steps in 60 days. It meant that I needed to average 16,667 steps per day (over 8 miles and more than 10% above my baseline). Your mileage will probably be less.

    Since getting the pedometer my weight loss has been 40 pounds. As you make progress you can (and will probably need to) add some strength training.

    As the weight comes off, the level of effort can increase.

    I've dedicated the past two years to dropping and maintaining the weight loss (meaning I have not quit).

    But it all started with a first step.