Going to bed hungry...

If you're hungry should you just ignore it or eat something small?


  • nebulinda
    nebulinda Posts: 120 Member
    What I do is go to bed hungry. If I can't get to sleep after 20-30 minutes of being so hungry, I have a small snack.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I was wondering this same thing. People say not to go to bed having just eaten, but they also say if you're hungry, eat! lol so I don't know the answer. I'm pregnant, so no matter what, I eat if I feel hungry. I'm not using MFP to lose weight at the moment. I'm using it to track my nutrients and food intake, and to keep the gain down because my doctor recomended it. (In case you were wondering lol)

  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    It's not good to eat a lot before bed, but don't go to bed hungry either! Just get a snack if you're hungry, don't deny food to your body :P
  • I typically just ignore the hunger and go to bed anyway. Not sure if that is the right thing to do or not!
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 260 Member
    Alot of the time, when I'm "hungry" at night, Im bored and just want to snack. In this case, I will go to bed with nothing to eat. If I am really hungry, I will have a small snack!
  • Juneliliy
    Juneliliy Posts: 21 Member
    When I went to bed last night I was feeling satisfied. Around 3am I woke up due to a sudden noise and I was really hungry. I ignored it, but could not sleep. I ended up drinking 2 cups of water and that held me over until I woke up at 7am. But I felt as thought I was starving!!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    If it's real hunger, I'll have something like ww toast and peanut butter, because otherwise being hungry will keep me awake. Of course, then I wake up starving in the morning. Go figure.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I eat something healthy-- I never go hungry for any reason, and you can see that it has not hindered my progress. Actually I know that I'll want something right at bedtime so I always allocate a few calories for that.

    Now if you have reflux, indigestion, or a problem just eating a small snack then it might not be for you. Otherwise, no reason to go hungry in my opinion. Also if you have eaten all your calories I often find that a cup of hot tea will satisfy me if I'm just wanting something. If I've eaten all my calories but am genuinely hungry I'll eat something like a handful of unsalted almonds, so I may go over by a little but I'm still going to bed with a deficit.
  • Fitness_4_Jess
    Fitness_4_Jess Posts: 55 Member
    If I am just a little hungry and kinda munchy I will go to bed if i am winding down for the night, but if I am STARVING I snack on something healthy.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    If I go to bed hungry, I will wake up in the middle of the night and this is when I binge eat.

    I eat before I go to bed - every night.

    Plus, I don't know about most of you, but there's no way I can fall asleep and stay asleep if I'm hungry (and that seems WAY too much like I'm on a diet!).
  • sarahness
    sarahness Posts: 80 Member
    i usually go to bed hungry. i drink a giant glass of water and then watch tv and lay in bed to get my mind off it.
  • sed484
    sed484 Posts: 69
    Small snack is ok. The nutritionist I was seeing said if you have a late night snack absolutely make sure it is mostly protein, very little carbs.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    It's not good to eat a lot before bed, but don't go to bed hungry either! Just get a snack if you're hungry, don't deny food to your body :P

    Why isn't it good to eat a lot before bed?

    I work second shift and there are many nights I eat my "dinner" (chicken or fish and then rice or potatoes and a veggie too) within 30 mins to an hour of going to bed.

    Lost nearly 60lbs. Have kept it off since Sept 2010. It depends on YOUR body and mine likes me to eat before bed.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Small snack is ok. The nutritionist I was seeing said if you have a late night snack absolutely make sure it is mostly protein, very little carbs.

    I eat carbs right before bed. It really depends on your body. There isn't a set in stone rule that says don't eat before bed or don't eat carbs.

    A few nights ago, I seriously consumed over 100g of carbs within 45 mins of going to bed. Woke up the next morning at the exact same weight I've been for 18 months.
  • I felt like that last night (hungry at bedtime) and ended up drinking a glass of water, then made some non caffeinated herbal tea with a little bit of raw honey. After I drank it, I was fine and went to sleep. I realized today that the reason I was hungry is that I ate an early dinner and had a late workout forgetting to have a protein snack afterward.
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    I rarely go to bed hungry unless I am really tired or not totally sure if I am hungry. I like really low fat, low calorie cereal in a small desert bowl with skim milk. That is about 100 to 150 calories and it keeps me satisfied until morning. Otherwise I may not sleep well, or wake up starving in the morning.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I have a 1/2 cup of almonds and a big glass of 1% chocolate milk while in bed..... Gets me through the night and ready to eat a big breakfast when I wake up b4 heading to the gym.... As long as it fits into your daily caloric intake it doesn't matter when you eat. I guess the only thing that could stop you would be if you had acid reflux........
  • i usually dont eat before bed but if i do feel hungry i make sure its not just my body telling me im dehydrated first..sometimes you could just need to drink some water. if that doesnt help me then i nibble on some fruit
  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    it doesn't matter when you eat, so long as you eat your allotted calories... so if hungry, eat... I always eat within an hour of bed, otherwise I wake up shaky and ill... but you do need to listen to your body always...
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    Eat! Who wants to try to sleep starving?