Got any top tips for women lifting weights?



  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Im going on week 6 of Jamie Easons 12 week trainer on It has been TOUGH, I mean really really TOUGH! Im lifting more weight than I ever have before, more reps then I ever have and guess what!!! I CAN SEE MY BODY CHANGING! Seriously! My arms are getting crazy definition, my legs and butt are toning up and getting beautiful lines, my stomach is shrinking. Its a TON of work, but it works--- and--- ITS FREE! There are a bunch of us in a group on here doing it if you search groups for it.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    First, never, ever do any exercise for your triceps. It is just an incredible waste of time. Triceps will get all the work they can take just from doing other larger muscle group exercises.

    I agree with this statement.
    New Rules of Lifting For Women and Starting Strength are two books you should read...

    That and get the DVD Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training. That will get your form of to a good start and save you lot of time and pain.

    Lastly, stick to either free weights and avoid all machines except for the cable stations.

    Why would you say never do exercises just for the triceps? Saying they'll get all the work they need from other lifts is like saying you shouldn't do abs because you use them every day. I do crazy tricep work because they are incredibly important in the bench using gear. When in doubt, do more triceps! For the average girl, okay maybe they aren't a big deal. But saying not to do them is
    My trainer has me doing lots of tricep work, has really helped me reduce the "bat wings". As for not using machines- its like any tool- use them correctly with good form and challenging weight.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Do it like a dude.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    *points at the search button* (or just look a few topics down, there's bound to be at least 2 similar threads as 5 or more similar threads get posted daily)

    Anyways here's the short answers:

    - You won't bulk (women don't produce enough testosterone)
    - You're lifting too light, you should be lifting as much as you can up to 8 reps (barely getting 8 reps with good form)
    - Concentrate on Olympic Lifts (bench press, military press, squats, deadlifts)
    - Form, form, and form.
    - New Rules of Lifting For Women and Starting Strength are two books you should read
    - Websites, such as have routines for beginners with videos on how to complete each exercise

    Thank you for your response, the bullet points were what I was hoping for and i will definitely take them into account, especially the lifting heavier.

    HOWEVER, the whole *point at the search button* gets on my tits

    There's always someone on a forum that seems to think that anyone who posts a topic *that may have been covered a zillion times in some form* doesn't know how to use this function

    I may not be the sharpest tool in the box but I know how to look through archived posts, why the assumption I haven't already looked and not found a response I like?

    I made a new topic because I wanted the most up to date responses. How many new people join the forum each week? Maybe they have something relevant to say to a new post on a certain subject?

    I also know how to use Google, but since I've grown to like this forum and some of the members responses I would rather read a collective of MFP answers

    But sorry to waste some forum space for my topic that might of helped a few others too


    Yes !! I like your answer lol.. I have had that response before as well or noone answered at all.. llol well any how I wish i could give you some tips to however i just started on the lifting heavy as well.. when i was younger high reps and light weights was good but my metabolism is not liek it used ot be so im thinking heavey weights will help build muscle and in turn burn more fat.. i hope. I went to this thread becuase I to would love to hear more responses. Thanks for posting
  • Gee45
    Gee45 Posts: 171
    Is p90x, p90x+ and One on One with tony horton enough weight training to get results? Or do I need to go to the gym to use the machines there?
    I also throw some bob harper workouts in when I want to do something else that is different. His workout routine uses lighter weight and alot more reps.
  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
  • danielleisms
    danielleisms Posts: 42 Member
    I have been doing CrossFit for a few weeks and I love it. If you're interested in a great workout and learning a lot more about strength training I'd check it out. Most places offer a free class to try and I also see a lot of Groupon deals for a month. :)
  • djcon
    djcon Posts: 216 Member
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Try Oxygen magazine, it is geared towards women lifting weights and has really good advice. Kettlebells are a great way to build muscle as well. You can start out with a 15 pound kettlebell and can usually find exercises online.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Great suggestions in this thread. Saving for later...
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    *points at the search button* (or just look a few topics down, there's bound to be at least 2 similar threads as 5 or more similar threads get posted daily)

    Anyways here's the short answers:

    - You won't bulk (women don't produce enough testosterone)
    - You're lifting too light, you should be lifting as much as you can up to 8 reps (barely getting 8 reps with good form)
    - Concentrate on Olympic Lifts (bench press, military press, squats, deadlifts)
    - Form, form, and form.
    - New Rules of Lifting For Women and Starting Strength are two books you should read
    - Websites, such as have routines for beginners with videos on how to complete each exercise

    Thank you for your response, the bullet points were what I was hoping for and i will definitely take them into account, especially the lifting heavier.

    HOWEVER, the whole *point at the search button* gets on my tits

    There's always someone on a forum that seems to think that anyone who posts a topic *that may have been covered a zillion times in some form* doesn't know how to use this function

    I may not be the sharpest tool in the box but I know how to look through archived posts, why the assumption I haven't already looked and not found a response I like?

    I made a new topic because I wanted the most up to date responses. How many new people join the forum each week? Maybe they have something relevant to say to a new post on a certain subject?

    I also know how to use Google, but since I've grown to like this forum and some of the members responses I would rather read a collective of MFP answers

    But sorry to waste some forum space for my topic that might of helped a few others too


    Yes !! I like your answer lol.. I have had that response before as well or noone answered at all.. llol well any how I wish i could give you some tips to however i just started on the lifting heavy as well.. when i was younger high reps and light weights was good but my metabolism is not liek it used ot be so im thinking heavey weights will help build muscle and in turn burn more fat.. i hope. I went to this thread becuase I to would love to hear more responses. Thanks for posting

    Funny, your response took longer than the search would have.... :P
  • Luthorcrow
    First, never, ever do any exercise for your triceps. It is just an incredible waste of time.

    Absolutes are always wrong. There's nothing wrong with isolation work (despite what the Rippetoe nutswingers will tell you), but it should usually be secondary to compound work...

    Anything will work if you are determined enough. But the fact is there is a return on investment for any exercise and unless you are juicing or rarely genetically gifted, you have a finite capacity for training. Wasting that energy on muscles that will get all the work they need during compound exercises, generally, is a waste of time. Sure we can make cases for special circumstances were certain isolation exercises can be beneficial as a support exercise. But that would be the exception rather than the rule and definitely would not include triceps.
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Some really good answers in here guys, thanks. Glad its helped others too
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Wasting that energy on muscles that will get all the work they need during compound exercises, generally, is a waste of time. Sure we can make cases for special circumstances were certain isolation exercises can be beneficial as a support exercise. But that would be the exception rather than the rule and definitely would not include triceps.

    Where are you getting your information? Because it's clear you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I'm sure others have mentioned this but "The New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women" is great. I got it from the library. :)
  • lloyd1999
    although everyone has their opinion, mine is to use what you have...push ups..they will make every muscle in your body work..
    from the arms to core..becarefull if doing squats knees can come into play. If your just looking for tight arms light weights and more reps is my key. Making the last 3 lifts count, and yes dont lose the form or it will be a waste of time and may cause injury.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    No difference between man-lifting and woman-lifting. Heavy and often!
  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member
    Vote up for New Rules it's fantastic. Uber vote up for nixing the bunny weights and going for it. Muscle on a women is awesome and unless you shoot up testosterone you will not look like a beast.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    although everyone has their opinion, mine is to use what you have...push ups..they will make every muscle in your body work..
    from the arms to core..

    Push-ups are fine, but they don't even come close to hitting "every muscle"
    becarefull if doing squats knees can come into play.

    Proper form and full depth will usually make this a non-issue

    If your just looking for tight arms light weights and more reps is my key.

    Stop that.