Runners: Can We Be Honest?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,248 Member
    *Knock on wood* and I haven't gone further than a little over 7 miles yet, but I'm regular as clockwork, once a day, about 45 minutes after breakfast. At about mile 6 during my 10k, I felt like I had to go, but by the time I crossed the finish line, I'd forgotten about it.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    When I first started running, my system would object after 1-2 km. Over time, it got more used to 5-10 km runs and I can *usually* make it 10 without a break. But anything longer than about an hour, and I have to stop for a break. If I'm out with hubby (slow run) then I find I have to plan to hit the bathroom about every hour, if I want to make it home without an accident. Of course hubby never has to stop. <sigh>
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    You know what? For me it's not about what I eat that morning or night, so much as the "pre-run dump". (Damn, I wish I could take credit for that little jewel!). When I don't get in a little morning visit, it's a long run. When I get my bathroom visit checked off my to do list, I can go all day and be fine. Crazy, but you may consider working on your morning bathroom ritual, and see if that helps.
  • debbiepa
    Alot of good advice for you so far! I'd also add that make sure that you're staying hydrated during your run with plenty of water, gaterade, GU. When you become dehydrated during long runs, it can cause a lot of stomach cramping and loose stools.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I always eat my shredded wheat and milk about 45 minutes to an hour before a run. Then I make sure to hit the potty before I go out. That's what has been the best for me. If the run is longer than 6-7 miles I bring a little fuel (sport beans or mini clif bar) and water or Gatorade if it's really hot (I miss summer!). If it's short, I'm good. When I get done I'm usually pretty hungry, so a banana and sometimes a yogurt or piece of peanut butter toast is always good. I love race goodies like chocolate milk, but don't tend to keep it in the fridge at home.

    I'll be honest, I had a hard time with this same problem until I played with what worked for me. I'm doing my next half in April out of state, so I will need to carry along my breakfast to eat the morning of. Do not want to be worried about it!!! Also, no big salads the night before a run longer than 6-7 miles. Gives me a really bad tummy ache!!! There are still times when I just need to stop, but my race day went off without a hitch, so I will just try and do the same thing!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I generally run on a empty stomach but when I do eat its shakeology. That said, on my long run days I get up an hour earlier to make sure my system is wide awake before I head out the door. I also take magnesium before bed every night it helps keep things on a more regular schedule as well as I sleep better.
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    Lots of great responses here.

    for my ref
  • adhillman01
    I found that immodium didn't really work for me. I use Lomotil (diphenoxylate with atropine) on any run over 7 miles. It's like super charged immodium. It's prescription only and is a controlled substance (it crosses the blood brain barrier unlike immodium and it's an opiate so it could be abused). I love the stuff.
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    I drink coffee and eat a bowl of oatmeal about an hour before a long run -- the coffee generally helps me with my 'pre-run dump' (love that term).

    Occasionally I will still have to go again on my longer runs -- when I marathon trained I learned what worked best for wiping..... corn stalk leaves -- can I get an Amen?!

    Thanks for posting this, I may check into Immodium!! For now, though, I learned to pack toilet paper in my fuel belt.....
  • debbiepa
    LOL! Yes, I agree that you gain a whole new appreciation for when you see cornfields during your long runs!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,311 Member
    Always go right before the run, then again, just to make sure. I don't have any food with me on the run, only water. I do eat beforehand, though. Something that sits in my system a while, usually porridge with chia seeds.

    Do you take any rehydration or energy drinks? I tried them for a while, several types, and they all give me stomach problems so I have to go more often. I would steer clear of anything like that.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I had this problem last week! I had conusmed so much water that by the end of my run I couldn't run because the pain was so bad and I had to go to the washroom. It really slowed me down...
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    In all honesty...I guess it depends on what your race plan is, but I took a bathroom break at 10.5 on my half marathon and still finished under my goal time. And on training runs I really wouldn't worry about it...they are supposed to be run slower than your goal anyways to work on endurance. Your mid week runs are for speed and such. I make sure I eat a 50% carbs/25% protein/25% fat breakfast every morning no fail. Every meal actually. That could include any combo of egg whites, turkey bacon, almond butter or peanut butter on toast, almond milk yogurt, etc etc. Be sure to drink at least 16 ounce before heading out, pee before heading out, and maybe try switching from gu, I have found that caffeine free Energy chews are much better (caffeine can make you pee!) I honestly haven't had to pee on a long run since I ran my half marathon either and switched from caffeinated energy to non. Good luck!
  • audddyy
    wow can't say I've had that problem, before a long race I usually have a Coke, yep coke, works for me. But I am not allowed to do more than a half marathon as not old enough to do a full, can't wait till I can though...
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,311 Member
    wow can't say I've had that problem, before a long race I usually have a Coke, yep coke, works for me. But I am not allowed to do more than a half marathon as not old enough to do a full, can't wait till I can though...

    How old are you? I didn't know there was an age limit.
  • hagamivida
    Gu doesn't work for everyone and you may need to experiment with other alternate energy sources.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I eat a banana and protein bar about an hour before I run to make sure I have enough time to take care of business before I has worked so far.
  • audddyy
    Yeah here you have to be 18, Ive just turned 17, so not long to go, although my coach is really fussy about distances etc... he doesn't like us doing too many road races either. But I can't wait to do a marathon hehe... :love:
  • MommyAngela
    If I run first thing in the morning (or for an early race), I have a couple of handfuls of Goldfish crackers and maybe a bite of peanut butter. I don't eat/drink during a long training run (up to 12.5 miles--that's as long as I train), but during each of my three half marathons, I've had one Gu and several cups of water.

    If I go out mid-day, I have a PB&J about an hour before I run.

    The day before my long runs, I have to eat carefully. Nothing too fatty or with too much fiber.

    My husband finds that to combat GI issues during long runs (full marathons for him), he takes 1 Tbsp of Maalox (Equate brand) about 30 min before he starts running.
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    You know what? For me it's not about what I eat that morning or night, so much as the "pre-run dump". (Damn, I wish I could take credit for that little jewel!). When I don't get in a little morning visit, it's a long run. When I get my bathroom visit checked off my to do list, I can go all day and be fine. Crazy, but you may consider working on your morning bathroom ritual, and see if that helps.

    This. My body is like a works like a clock. I wake up, go, have breakfast, go again. If I were to try to mess with that and go for my run before taking care of business, it wouldn't be pretty! Could it be that your body is just ready to go at that time, regardless of whether or not you're running? Perhaps if you wake up half an hour earlier or start your run half an hour later you could get your bathroom break in before going out to run.
    Either that, or maybe it's the Gu. Maybe it just doesn't agree with your system. Have you tried alternatives: blocks, beans, etc.?