Chicken Breast Recipes



  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
  • Connie150
    Connie150 Posts: 3 Member
  • Adshill
    Adshill Posts: 130 Member
    Bump :)
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    I made a "western chicken" the other day b/c i LOVE western burgers, so i thought, why not use chicken. I baked the chicken breast in the oven with 2 TB honey bbq sauce for about 20 minutes. I topped it with sauteed onions ( sauteed only with non stick spray) and then topped it with Fat Free shredded cheddar cheese and put it back in the oven for another 5 minutes. it was SOO delicious and the fat and calories with it were amazing !!
  • odeshee
    odeshee Posts: 74 Member
  • BarBegood
    BarBegood Posts: 6 Member
    I agree! I use a 3 lb bag of frozen breast, 1 -12 oz bottle of Franks and 1/2 pkt of dry Hidden Valley Ranch. When done after about 4 hrs in crockpot I shred and I love this on a salad! I just add a little bit of ranch and some more Franks!!:happy:
  • DavidNewOrleans
    I hate chicken, I prefer to go low low carb and eat red meat and protein shakes but if I have to.......

    1/8 cup of Italian bread crumbs 10 g carbs 55 calories
    1/2 chicken breast .5 carb 90 calories 18g protein
    1 table spoon olive oil 110 calories
    .3 cup of fat free milk 3.6 carbs 25 calories 2.5 g protein

    14.1 carbs 280 calories 20.5 g protein and a lot of good fat

    you get the idea, dip the breast in the milk, then in the bread crumbs, then in a hot pan with the oilve oil, turn once you see liquid on top of breast and cook other side. Yummy. Don't cook on too high and cover pan if you can. you can also cut breast into strips, flatten it out first by beating it to death, or cut slithers into both sides before you bread to make sure it cooks all the way through. Bread crumbs tend to burn first if you don't do one of those things. for a good side you can take fresh(leafy! not that popeye canned yucky stuff!) spinach and sautee it in the olive oil with a little garlic.
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Chicken and Spinach Packets...

    -4-6 Chicken breasts, boneless, super thinly sliced
    -1 package of fresh spinach (~ 6 cups)
    - Bottle of Teriyaki Sauce (low sodium type)
    - Fresh mushrooms, coarsely chopped
    - Sweet Onions, finely chopped
    - Roll of aluminum foil
    - sea salt and pepper to taste

    Tear sheet of aluminum foil and put approximately 1 cup spinach into center. Top with ONE breast of chicken. Sprinkle on mushrooms (about 2 tbls or as desired) and sweet onions (1 tsp or as desired). Drizzle teriyaki over breast and add sea salt/pepper as desired. Fold foil into square with chicken in center. Seal ends tightly. Repeat until all chicken is used.

    On Baking Sheet... Bake packets at 425 degrees for 35 minutes (chicken thickness will determine true cooking time, thinner chicken breast = less time) or can put this on an outside grill. Makes 4-6 servings.
  • skyeashlee
    skyeashlee Posts: 108 Member
  • kimhurt
    kimhurt Posts: 313 Member
  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 291 Member
    i have a few recipies one for quesidillas chicken fingers and a stuffed breast if intrsted message me i cand treally type right now im feeding my daughter
  • tamnih20
    tamnih20 Posts: 47 Member
    If you like spicy food, I cut up chicken breast and put cayenne on it while cooking. When the chicken is fully cooked, I dump in fresh cut pineapple and mix it all. I only cook it long enough to warm the pineapple, not overly cook it. The cayenne takes down the tang of the pineapple a couple notches, and the spicy works well with it.

    Then, its totally up to you! You can just eat it like that (which I do often) or you can put it on a small amount of plain rice (mostly when I have company or I need to make larger amount for lunches or something)

    this sounds delicious!!!
  • amcmikel
    amcmikel Posts: 35 Member
  • Cris725
  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 291 Member
    i have a few recipies one for quesidillas chicken fingers and a stuffed breast if intrsted message me i cand treally type right now im feeding my daughter

    ok well for my quesidillas we used to boil the chicken not in a pot just like in a big pan about halfway up the breast after its cooked we took it out and cut it into smaller peaces the smaller you cut it the less youll need to put in then we season it with sazon and add like a cup of salsa for at least 3 breasts and let it cook down this can be done before hand and refrigerated it keeps well we had leftovers alot. next you take a tortilla in a skillet we used one of the square ones that are really flat but it dosnt matter spray it or the pan with pam put it on a medium heat. add cheese to one or both sides and let it melt then add the chicken and we used salsa and sourcream for dip i used to mix them and spread it on.

    Chicken fingers
    butterfly chicken breastsand cut them into finger sized peaces i used flour then eggwash and then my seasoned breadcrumbs
    i add time parcely sometimes oregano if you like it spict you could add ciane i guess even to the flour if youd like. coating the chicken can get verry messy so i recoment gloves. you can ither fry them which takes 3 min on both sides or bake them which can take upto like 20 min. serve with bluecheese and hotsauce or even barbeque.

    stuffed chicken breast
    buttrefly the breast mix spinach goatcheese and sundried tomatoes and spread onto chicken you could ither roll then up if their thin enough ot just make a poket out of it we also put a peace of bacon on it as well we have used salami also

    Buffalo chicken pizza
    it can be done with breaded chicken but i never did it that way i used a chicken breast a cooke it on the stovetop with some watter in the bottum of the pan i try to add hotsauce to it but it never really stays so you might be better off maranading it. you could use pizza dough but i usally used pita bread grill that in a pan spread blue cheese as the sauce then add the chicken cut up or shreaded and motserella cheese and if you want add more hotsauce.oh and i recomend franks origional hot sauce for the authentic buffalo flavor

    chicken breasts is my favorite thing to cook with so let me know how you liked them
  • dgjewels49
  • jessjayla
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I put chicken breasts in the crock pot with a jar of pineapple, then serve it over brown rice or quinoa.

    Can't wait to try some of these other recipes.
  • tracek1ng
    tracek1ng Posts: 26 Member
    One of my fave's is a tub of creme fraiche add 3 teaspoons of curry powder to a little hot water to disolve and then add tablespoon of mango chutney to this and mix with the creme fraiche.

    Cover chicken breast in the mixed creme fraiche and eithe bake in the oven on tin foil or you can cook it under the grill.

    This is a lovely recipe and its great mixed with oven roasted tomatoes, onions and peppers and brown rice - and good to take to work cold or eaten hot!
  • TurtleTape
    TurtleTape Posts: 254 Member
    Lately I have been baking mine with a little olive oil and garlic powder... my husband and I love them this way. Simple..

    Sorry, I didn't read through the whole thread, but I wanted to give a shout out for this. I do this, add a little pepper. Pretty much the only sodium is what's in the chicken itself. So easy and the chicken never comes out dry.