why do people add you but don't even say hi?



  • i don't mind being added, but would expect a courtesy message saying hi and why someone added me. Would be nice right?
    ^^^agreeed upon good sir^^^
  • TheHorribleBlob
    TheHorribleBlob Posts: 84 Member
    I almost never say hi when I first add someone. I don't like small talk. I do comment on people's posts though! I'm definitely not one of those people who adds people and then never talks to them. haha
  • Maybe I'm nuts, but I also expect a little interaction now and then. Don't bother adding me to your collection of hundreds of friends you never take time to comment on my food or exercise diary. I delete quite frequently.

    Which is exactally why I don't add anyone. Who has time to do that everyday?

    ETA: Well you know, for" hundreds" of people. :)

    well it is a good tool for just measuring what you eat and work off...

    i like the community spirit... but some of these people remind me of people in real life... they just don't make conversation. I do get p!ssed off when i make an effort with someone yet they don't bother with me!

    I agree, which is why I still come here. But this is the first time I've been on the boards in forever.

    Oh, what bought you here ;) lol
  • I may add you but not say hi, I do add if that person posted something that is helpful to me and my journey. I also add for the support and / or maybe inspire people if they see or read what I post. I don't have much time to say Hi, but when I am on here and I see a post, I do try to take the time to write something.
  • onlyrobey1
    onlyrobey1 Posts: 140 Member
    Maybe I'm nuts, but I also expect a little interaction now and then. Don't bother adding me to your collection of hundreds of friends you never take time to comment on my food or exercise diary. I delete quite frequently.

    Which is exactally why I don't add anyone. Who has time to do that everyday?

    ETA: Well you know, for" hundreds" of people. :)

    well it is a good tool for just measuring what you eat and work off...

    i like the community spirit... but some of these people remind me of people in real life... they just don't make conversation. I do get p!ssed off when i make an effort with someone yet they don't bother with me!

    I agree, which is why I still come here. But this is the first time I've been on the boards in forever.

    Oh, what bought you here ;) lol

    Boredom. haha!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    maximal.... you added me... but didn';t say hi :-P
    Whassup? Hey! Hello. Yo, homie. Howdy:wink::wink:

    i feel so much better now pal. But i guess with all those hot ladies on your profile... you don't have time for the hot studs ;) lol
    I have the time, but the conversation is just...different!:laugh:
    you are cracking me up! I talk to people who post on their profile or on mine. people send me friend requests every day. doesnt mean i am going to click with them. if they dont post, it is less likely that i will post on their page. if they have different schedules than I do, doesnt mean I dont want to support them any more than the other guy. And a lot of people who are on my list arent on daily. I figure I dont want to delete them because they made need the support the worst. I do what I can with the time I have. I cant be there for everyone even as fabulous as I am!
  • i try to give support or encourage people on their statuses or goals (its hard to do everyone, everyday though) i dont mind adding strangers either we are all more or less on the same journey. (i think it helps me having strangers as my weight loss friends at least theyre honest with me)

    i dont understand why people woulnt say high though :0( if i add someone i usually put the same message something like:

    "feel free to add me if you like, just thought it wuld be nice to help each other along our journey and maybe swap ideas or recepies, im looking to lose half my body weight so im here everyday for a long time ;0)"

  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    i don't mind being added, but would expect a courtesy message saying hi and why someone added me. Would be nice right?
    I like something explaining the request.
    Even something like...

    "Hi, I saw your picture, and you remind me of my best imaginary friend who speaks to me through the heat vent late at night when I am wondering why I was even ever born. BE MY FRIEND!"

    I mean something:embarassed:

    Lol. You wouldn't be on my friends with a message like that, that's for sure!:D LOL.

    At first when I joined I couldn't understand the obsession on some people's profiles like "don't add me with a blank message" or things like that, now I understand it and I'm ignoring blank messages, I think someone else said it all, most of them will never say hi or nothing at all, perhaps they expect you to cheer them up just like that, who knows, I might do if I see something really awesome exercise wise, if i don't see any feedback, then I'll try to find the delete button.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    hmmm. maybe because your photo was something they wanted to aspire to and friending you would help with their discipline or
    maybe they've seen some of the stuff you've posted, found it interesting/helpful and wanted to remember where to find you again?
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    I try to add people who are close to my weight, age, even height. I don't add people or accept people who have one pound to lose I don't think they can help me on this journey especially when I check their profile and their starting weight was so low and they only needed to lose 5 pounds.

    I also like people who will encourage me look at my food diary and offer suggestions. Heck I would try anything to get rid of this weight.!!
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    I keep my friends list very small, that way I am sure to have the time and attention they deserve.I don't expect people to interact on everything,but if there is no interaction after a month I delete to make room for someone who does. I do dislike when people make FR without any type of message at all!
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    i don't mind being added, but would expect a courtesy message saying hi and why someone added me. Would be nice right?
    I like something explaining the request.
    Even something like...

    "Hi, I saw your picture, and you remind me of my best imaginary friend who speaks to me through the heat vent late at night when I am wondering why I was even ever born. BE MY FRIEND!"

    I mean something:embarassed:

    This is my new Hi Message Everyone I add will get this message! It shows I really am Loopy
    Or try..."You remind me so much of my cellmate!"

    Damn I will have to use both of these they are just too damn good! The one I will be ditching is the one I use at the moment "Do you come here often?"
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    I hate when you add someone who is asking/begging for friends and then they never log back in!!! Grrrr!!!

    I don't really expect a message with a friend request but it's always nice to get one. I do however hope that people take the time to glance at my profile before they send me one. I'm not the normal 'sis boom bah WTG'n on every little thing', kind of friend. And I post a lot of randomness....
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I only delete friends when they stop logging in.
    That's a biggie with me.
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    I only delete friends when they stop logging in.
    That's a biggie with me.

    Same here! If they haven't logged in for 2+ weeks I delete them. I did however have to delete the 65+yr old guy who wanted to send me nude photos... actually I blocked him!!! LOL
  • Yuh kinda weird. I have 17 friends but only talk to 2. XD
  • sappyoldlady
    sappyoldlady Posts: 49 Member
    I would just like to say that I am very new to this and looking around the boards....if I see something that inspires me, I may ask to add the person......I hate that there is not a like button on here like facebook.....would be easier to respond to more ppl....I agee with what someone said take the first step!
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    I keep my friends list pretty short and cycle it often. I want to be able to write and respond to people on my list rather than have a long list that I can not maintain or give adequate attention to.
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    I add people withouyt saying anything. I dont always have time for the little people..