my diet concerns for some members of mfp



  • StatutoryGrape
    I see a lot of concerning food attitudes and behaviour, as well as many food diaries that are cringe worthy. Particularly among the younger female set. It seems now that thinner is always better no matter the cost. When I graduated high school I weighed 130 at 5' 3.5, word a size six and had full blown curves. I never thought I was too fat. I loved my body and took care of it. The seeming prevalence of what strikes me as borderline eating disorders here is upsetting.

    I have my goal set for .5 loss per week, but I usually try to eat closer to my 1 pound goal. So many days it looks like I undereat calories when in reality I just want that wiggle room to be able to eat a little more sometimes without going red. I cam eat to my upper calorie goal and still know I'm in a deficit. But I try to always eat real food.

    I agree...the "Must be as thin as possible!" attitude that some people on this site take is frightening. What's "thin enough"? You might say a 4 now, but that's down from a 6, an 8, a 10 that was "thin enough" a few months ago...where do you even draw the line?
  • LisaWixom
    LisaWixom Posts: 30 Member
    I am trying my hardest to make my weight loss more of a lifestyle change. These past few weeks I have started by meeting calorie goals, then added in the gym and now it is my goal to lear how to eat "right" I am one of the few I guess that appreciate when people who know about it than I do look at my diary and give me good sound advice. For right now, my diary is a lot of lean cuisine lol as I was focusing more on portion control and adjusting to eating different. Next week I am going to change my focus to What and How much. For me, it is a lack of knowledge. Too much change all at once would have been overwhelming. BUT! If you know about food and want to add me and peek at my diary to give me advice PLEASE do! I cannot afford all this food, and the gym membership, and a trainer once a month to make sure I am handling the workouts properly, AND a nutritionist. So the nutrition part is all on me. The more advice the better. :)
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    All you can do is keeping focused on you.Weight loss is a personal thing and the fact people are slightly open to sharing what they are consuming is very risky.Most aren't really wanting to lose weight because of the real changes that have to happen.Only help those who really seem to want help.Yes there are alot of empty calories bc people are under the guise you can still eat what you want just smaller portions..instead of eating 5 taco bell taco's just eat 2..its still garbage they are eating just less of it..just mind your mule and share titbits along the way..

    I agree with this. When I started losing weight I was nearly 300lbs and just wanted my weight to go down even if I lost some muscle mass. Of course with time as I got smaller my goals changed, and now I am working of lowering BF and maintain my LBM.

    Everyone has different goals and they are entitled to those goals even if we don't agree with them. I sometimes have to delete people from my friend list because I disagree with their goals so strongly and there is nothing I can do about it.
    It is very sweet of you to be so concerned for others that you took the time to write this. I am extending a friendship request to you and hope you will accept :flowerforyou:
    I can never have enough sweet and caring people on my friend list :smile:
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    I find other people's diaries fascinating.
    Some tend to eat foods that I consider total rubbish, but they're losing weight & doing really well, so good on them.
    I also love reading about all the 'diet' products you guys have in the U.S - so many things already tailored for weight-loss. We have nowhere near the amount over here, so it seems (for want of a better word) 'easier' in America to grab something low-cal & prepackaged all ready to go straight off the shelf.
    It makes me a bit jealous actually, but then I remember all the things I've heard about food in the USA (absolutely HUGE portions, cheap 'junk food', and a very high obesity rate) and realise that the journey is just as difficult for all of you as it is for those of us down here.
    So, I love seeing all the different diaries, and seeing how everyone is tacking their own individual goals, plus I get lots of ideas to try. Just yesterday I was so excited to find Laughing Cow cheese in my local supermarket (I wasn't even looking for it) and knew it was something I'd heard about on here so bought some to try. And it's ok - a bit plastic & fake tasting, but at 20-something cals I'm happy to give it a go :smile:

    Don't be too jealous! Most of those packaged diet foods are either really high in sodium, sugar, or contain artificial sweeteners and a list of ingredients I can't even begin to pronounce. You (general you) are so much better off learning to eat real food in proper portions. You are right about portion sizes here - they are enormously bloated. In some fast food places a 'medium' soda is 32 ounces!

    Yes, I know you're right.
    My brother and his partner work for an airline so are regularly in LA. Now, i assure you, they are big big 'foodies' - they love food, love cooking, and eat far too much of too many good things (it's a family trait obviously :smile: ), but they are often disgusted with the food/portions served over there and even take photos of what they eat as they're just blown away by the immensity (& unnecessary-ness) of it all. I see these pics and it's actually rather sickening. No wonder USA has a major obesity problem if kids are being raised thinking these HUGE portions are 'normal'. It's sad really. If American children came to NZ they'd think they were being starved, lol! (But I bet they'd love the freshness & flavours once their palate's adjusted to the taste of 'real' foods).
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    Thanks for caring. People like me sometimes need guidance and a kick in the *kitten* to keep on track. It's friends like you that help other on their road to healthy weight loss. :flowerforyou:
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I am not saying i eat well ALL the time, actually today i have been eating total cr@p!!!!!! But i know i have..i think many are really kidding themselves though :(

    I understand your concern, because I have seen it myself.

    But from what another poster said, it's a learning curve about what will work and what won't. People that insist that veggies are the devils food? They'll eventually hit a wall with all the processed foods and the extra work they have to do to fit it in. I did! I used to try to justify a bag of chips or a frappacino.

    Now I know better. I'm not perfect, but I'm doing something right because my skin is clearer, my body is happy, and I'm fueled to push through my workouts everyday. O, and I sleep better!

    Thank you for caring :flowerforyou:
  • Abbzzz
    Abbzzz Posts: 49
    Hi there, I understand what you are saying. If you want to make a difference, why not post a daily tip about empty calories and other choices people could make. Maybe compare healthy food and their calories to unhealthy, this would open people's eyes a bit and posting it on your page would not focus on just one person so no one would get offended and you would also be able to voice your concerns without people knowing you are refering to them!!!
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    It's the persons decision what they put in their mouth, not your concern, really.
  • ttrussel
    ttrussel Posts: 101 Member
    He didn't say he was going to give everyone a speech. Talk about bashing....that's what you guys are doing telling him to mind his own business.

    I come in under a lot of days simply because I'm full and just can't hold any more food. Got in a rut where I didn't lose ANYTHING for about 2 1/2 weeks. One of my MFP friends "politely" told me to stick to my goal, eat my exercise calories to get myself jump-started again! She gave me good advice, I followed and started losing again.

    He is simply stating he is concerned and wonders if anyone else sees the same thing.....
    I personally do NOW that I'm aware of it. If someone eats crap all day and are 500 calories over their goal, I simply don't comment. Goes back to the old adage "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all".

    Keep up the good work & if you want to add me as a friend so you can spy on my diary and keep me in line if I get out... feel free!
  • Nishka09
    Every body is different. I know I ate well under 1000 cal for years and was quite skinny, although what I did eat was junk. Now I usually eat really healthy but am overweight. Empty cal, healthy cal, it doesn't matter on the scale, it's all just cal. Your health of course is a different matter... But some people just care about the weight.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Man or I should say girl you're really wise and clever.:flowerforyou:
    I totally understand your concern for other people, but what I have learned from responding to posts or from reading posts is that you cannot really voice your concern because alot of times you will get blasted for it. Different things work for different people and if its working for them, they will be completely resistant to your suggestions. I see plenty of food diaries that consist of small snacks rather than real meals. I see people eating 1000 or less calories and being congratulated for that. Yes they are losing weight but that will not work for them in the long run but who are we to tell them otherwise. its something they will have to figure out on their own. I see plenty of people eating like birds and losing 1-2 lbs per week while I am eating over 2,000 calories per day and only losing 1/2 lb per week (granted Im only looking to lose a few lbs). I would rather know that I can eat over 2,000 calories per day and still lose weight at a slower rate then eat very little to the point where I am hungry all the time and feel like Im starving myself.

    The best thing that you can do in my opinion, is focus on YOUR goals and make sure you are doing what you need to be doing for YOU!
  • yellowdog77
    I think if anyone is willing to help why not let them. It's funny when I first joined everyone enjoyed and appreciated other's advice. As the site has grown that has change. There are so many people with strong thoughts that often topics become confusing. Just when I think I have it right someone post a topic and I wonder if I need to change something. I am struggling right now with losing no wait but never want to post any questions because I know someone is out there just waiting and stalking so they can post a negative comment. So thank you for sharing your thoughts and doing in a kind way.
  • LynneWyre
    LynneWyre Posts: 20 Member
    How can you even look at someone's food diary, and why would you? I'm just asking, not accusing. It's
    never crossed my mind to look at someone's food diary. Your point is well taken though. I also am always
    trying to figure this out: We all know that you have to take in calories or your body will just shut down and try
    to conserve, resulting in no weight loss. But then how do people that don't eat (anorexics) lose weight?
    Doesn't there body do the same thing?
  • hollin40
    hollin40 Posts: 120 Member
    There are some days when I just don't have an appetite. However, I do eat real food. I don't eat over processed foods nor do I eat massive portions. I've put my entire family on a healthy eating program--my kids eat veggies, fruit, whole grains, low fat milk and low fat almond milk (two have dairy issues), and we don't just eat all day long. Not all Americans follow the processed and huge portion diet. It's sad that many do, however.

    That being said, we did splurge for the Super Bowl...ha ha ha....
  • ttrussel
    ttrussel Posts: 101 Member
    How can you even look at someone's food diary, and why would you? I'm just asking, not accusing. It's
    never crossed my mind to look at someone's food diary. Your point is well taken though. I also am always
    trying to figure this out: We all know that you have to take in calories or your body will just shut down and try
    to conserve, resulting in no weight loss. But then how do people that don't eat (anorexics) lose weight?
    Doesn't there body do the same thing?

    I like to look at diary's to get recipe ideas and other food/snack ideas that maybe I don't eat that would be something new to try! You can make your diary public under settings.
  • Kellyr107
    I applaud you for being a concerned member of this community. I think it is a great thing.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    1. MFP gives everyone a target daily calorific intake to reach a certain weight, now eating well below this or the net effect of excercising and eating being well below this target... surely the individual will tend to lose more lean tissue than actual fat?
    BINGO - Spot on!

    e.g. should a person who's goal is to consume 1200 calories, but they burn 600 excercising then actually eat 1800 calories?
    2. Some people are eating too many empty calories but are coming under/on target. Are they cheating themselves in the long run?YES - empty calories might lead to mere weight loss but not optimal health
  • beckyannj
    beckyannj Posts: 12 Member
    So I was told if you do eat your exercise calories - it defeats the purpose. Obviously your heart likes it, but if you do eat your exercise calories - will you not lose weight? I am sort of confused about those numbers. I get that if you burn more calories than you eat - you will lose weight - but doesn't MFP calculate that original calorie count to lose whatever you want a week - and shouldn't you continue to lose that even if you eat your exercise calories? I honestly don't know.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    1. MFP gives everyone a target daily calorific intake to reach a certain weight, now eating well below this or the net effect of excercising and eating being well below this target... surely the individual will tend to lose more lean tissue than actual fat?
    BINGO - Spot on!

    e.g. should a person who's goal is to consume 1200 calories, but they burn 600 excercising then actually eat 1800 calories?
    2. Some people are eating too many empty calories but are coming under/on target. Are they cheating themselves in the long run?YES - empty calories might lead to mere weight loss but not optimal health

    Thank you! I was looking through the replies thinking that no one is even answering his questions that he asked!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    So I was told if you do eat your exercise calories - it defeats the purpose. Obviously your heart likes it, but if you do eat your exercise calories - will you not lose weight? I am sort of confused about those numbers. I get that if you burn more calories than you eat - you will lose weight - but doesn't MFP calculate that original calorie count to lose whatever you want a week - and shouldn't you continue to lose that even if you eat your exercise calories? I honestly don't know.
    You were told wrong.
    Eat your exercise calories.
    MFP calculates our total daily calorie intake WITHOUT exercise to lose 1 pound or so per week.
    And after we log exercises, our daily calorie limit increases.
    Because MFP telling us to eat our exercise calories.
    Large deficits are unhealthy, because while you will lose weight, what's the quality of the weight loss?
    In many cases you'll lose lean body mass - MUSCLE - which LOWERS your metabolic rate, making weight loss harder.
    These crash diets work well for a season -- and sure enough, the pounds melt away. But when you eat so
    few calories, you train your metabolism to slow down. Once the diet is over, you have a body that burns calories
    more slowly -- and you gain weight.
    Be smart.
    Exercise well both cardio and resistance, and eat back the calories.
    The exercise will RAISE your metabolism and burn more fat at rest.