Give me your tips for healthy hair!

Hey all! I am getting pretty satisfied with my nutrition, exercise, and health now. Got it under control and perfected :D

Time to move onto other things! I have long hair, but is dry and prone to split ends. Any tips?

So far I got this:

Biotin can help (got some for super cheap)
Adequate protein and fats for repair (and omega 3s)
Try not to wear a ponytail too often, or to bed, or too tight
Wash hair only every other day
Shampoo only roots, condition ends

Any others? :D
(if any of these are not true sorry I am learning :D Usually I shower 2 times a day and wear it up often along with straightening. Fixing the problem now and hoping for pretty long hair for summer!)

ETA: I currently have little split ends and do not need a haircut since I just got a trim. Just looking for tips to keep hair as healthy as possible ^-^


  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    wash with warm water, rinse with cold water. :3
  • NashvilleShelley
    Hope someone gives some good tips...I can use them!! : )
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Hmm and what could be used that would be less damaging than ponytails? All I can find is braids but I am terrible at those and they look horrible on me xD
  • rachyrach1234
    Cut It

    Im a stylist
    if you have split ends you need to cut them off.period.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I got most of them trimmed. I just wont cut them off because I am so sick of having the same length of hair. Trying to prevent as much as possible xD
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Rinse with Apple Cider Vinegar for shine. Use a leave in conditioner once a week. Use sulfate free shampoo and conditioners.
  • rachyrach1234
    ummmmmm why would you only shampoo he roots? and only condition the ends??
    STOP IT!!!!!
    dont buy cheap shampoo get the good stuff and get a haircut
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Don't use shampoo. Around Thanksgiving I switched to just baking soda and vinegar, and it took about a week or so to transition when it looked pretty rough. But since then, it's super healthy, soft, and shiny. Never been better.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Well, the secret to healthy hair is....:embarassed: CIGARS!
    Sorry Sunshine, just had to. CARRY ON LADIES!
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    maybe trim it a lil? i quit straightening unless i'm desperate for straight long locks... now i'm liking my wild hair! i use a deep conditioning masque a couple times a week.. (kerastase.. pricy but worth it!) as well as everything else you mentioned. biotin works wonders :)
  • Amberchalon
    Amberchalon Posts: 207 Member
    I like to put a mixture of mushed avacodo and mayo on my hair for about 10-15 minutes. It is a really good conditioner!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    ummmmmm why would you only shampoo he roots? and only condition the ends??
    STOP IT!!!!!
    dont buy cheap shampoo get the good stuff and get a haircut

    As I said it is just what I have been reading online, and could be wrong. I asked for tips to keep hair healthy and such, not if I needed a haircut or not :P
  • ChattyKitten
    ChattyKitten Posts: 53 Member
    Use sulfate free shampoos! I recommend Diamond Shine :)
    Agreed w/ a few above, wash with hot water, blast with cold when your done.
    I got an old Dome-dryer-thing from a salon. I throw a bunch of conditioner on my hair...usually CHI heat treatment stuff and heat my head so to speak for 40 mins then rinse once every other month.
  • Fitness_4_Jess
    Fitness_4_Jess Posts: 55 Member
    Instead of a ponytail, I put my hair up with a chop stick. You can Google how to do it. You can also leave your hair in a chopstick at the gym too - just put a hair tie on top of the chopstick to hold it down and in place. I also use the Pantene Pro V Naturals shampoo and conditioner.
  • alikatu
    alikatu Posts: 32 Member
    Hi. I don't work for this company, but I wish I did. OMG! My hair is amazing after using these products. They're not cheap...but I can never go back to anything else after this: I have long hair I have the same dilemma. Ponytails and all. Other things I found that I liked at a lesser price...Bed Head (Ego Boost) and Nexxus both have split-end repair...which, of course, I don't think really "repair" them permanently (how could they?)...but hold/bind the splits together so they don't get any worse. And that's my two cents.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    maybe trim it a lil? i quit straightening unless i'm desperate for straight long locks... now i'm liking my wild hair! i use a deep conditioning mask a couple times a week.. (kerastase.. pricy but worth it!) as well as everything else you mentioned. biotin works wonders :)

    Just had it trimmed actually! Which is why now I am trying to keep it healthy and avoid further damage :] I have a little split still, but would rather keep it since it isnt that bad.

    I love your hair! I used to straighten every single day, but I cut back a lot to only like 2-3 days a week when I have lab. Now I have to wear a silly hair net anyway so I might as well not even bother xD
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    About once a month I do a hot oil treatment using EVOO. It helps keep it soft and gives it a good shine. As for split ends and damaged hair...there is nothing to repair it. Best advice is to trim it, sometimes that means you will lose a few inches until you get to healthy hair. Once that is done, maintain it with regular trims. Also...I take Biotin which is found in the vitamin section. I started taking it to help my nails grow and found it has made my hair stronger and healthier too. To protect your hair, try to cover it when you are in the sun or wind. I'm sure you know this, but use covered hair elastics if you are going to put up a ponytail, don't make it too tight or it will strain the hair.
    HTH, if I think of anything else I'll be back! Good luck!
  • maru84
    maru84 Posts: 128
    The best conditioner I've ever used is from Aveda, it's their Dry Remedy masque. I leave it in for 5 minutes (up to overnight) and rinse WELL after using (even shampoo it out a bit, you don't want any staying in your hair). It totally eliminated frizz and dryness.
  • Hayesgang
    I get mine trimmed every 6-8 weeks and I love Aveeno shampoo and conditioner. I only put my hair in a pony when I'm working out and never sleep in it. I usually don't wash my hair on either Saturday or Sunday, which ever day I don't have plans.

    My stylist always comments on how healthy my hair is.
  • DominoFrost
    Alrighty. First off, it's all about finding shampoo that works for your hair. For me, it's Aussie. For my mom, it's something completely different. If it doesn't work, look at the ingredients list and then make sure the top ingredients one you tried aren't the top ingredients on the next thing you try. Otherwise you're just wasting time. Avoid 2-in-1 shampoos. They're a scam.
    Second off, you can wash it every day. The reason they tell you to wash every other day is because you strip off essential oils and stuff. Since you have dry hair, I'd recommend sticking to washing every other day, but make sure you brush it.
    Third, it's all about conditioner. The longer you leave it in, the longer your hair gets to absorb. I typically shampoo first, then conditioner in, then all the other stuff I do, and the conditioner is the last thing. Just a warning, there have been reports of this causing acne on your bum, so just keep that in mind. And it's not about how much conditioner you use, but how you use it. Keep that in mind, it will save you money.
    Fourth, the less heat you submit your hair to, especially since it's dry, the better. The conditioner will help with this, but try not to straighten on the highest setting. If you have hair that isn't very thick, keep it as low as you can while still straightening.
    As for split ends, trim it up. Best advice I can give. I haven't had a haircut since summer, and just developed my first split ends about a week ago.
    Fifth, be careful what product you use in your hair, and how much you use. For styling, since you have long hair, keep to gels that are less sticky and hairspray should be used sparingly. All in all, you don't want to pile it on because that just defeats the purpose of having awesome hair.
    Another thing that can help is by assessing your pillowcases. The rougher the material they're made of, the more damage they will do to your hair. The ponytail advice is something to live by, since breakage and damage occurs most for me when I wear nothing but a ponytail for days. I've started going for a side braid more, but that's just personal preference.
    I personally don't do anything extra when it comes to diet, but apparently I overproduce testosterone, which helps your hair. Either way, it's up to you to find what works for you and your hair. These are just the things that I've noticed about my own hair. Good luck!