Logging on your worst days.



  • XoHolliPopXo
    I always log on especially on my bad days or when I allow myself to cheat a little bit that way it holds me accountable for every single day. I also look at my progress for the week one day I may be mad and then the rest of the week I'm really good and it puts things in perspective. Also I love when you complete logging for the day it shows how much you could weigh it adjust depending on how good or bad I've been, def keeps me motivated!!!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    yup, I log it all, good, bad and ugly. I also makes notes if there was anything going on that day, that may have effected my day.
  • pandasand
    pandasand Posts: 133 Member
    I log everything. Every single bite, even the samples at grocery stores or the little bite of my friend's food.
  • repubgurl
    I log on the bad days and the good days. I need the accountability and if I start skipping bad days then the whole point of logging goes out the window for me.
  • mdebbie1026
    mdebbie1026 Posts: 164 Member
    I feel like I am only cheating myself if I don't at least try to log everything. Days that were nearly impossible like Thanksgiving I make a food note of Thanksgiving, or birthday etc. MFP can only do so much for me if I am not honest in this then how do I expect to lose any weight....the main goal for all this?..I have tried also to exercise enough to at least break even but now I am going to take the printout of the post about eating your exercise calories and go to bed.
  • AngelaChase84
    I've been logging honestly since I joined (although if I eat a late night snack but had a decent day before that I'll add it to the next day's calories-- a little "averaging" if you will to trick my mind into feeling positive about my progress) I ate frosting on pancakes and logged it. I figure if we are here to make a real lifestyle change it is good to be honest with ourselves and others about what is going on with our behavior!

    Keep up the logging guys!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Yes, I have logged everyday for the last 4 months. I feel it's really important for me to take responsibility for what I eat, and logging also helps you not eat as much I feel. In the past, I would log all week and not during the weekend, but ended up just maintaning becasue I was probably eating back my deficity from the week during the weekend. Since I have been diligant about logging, I have lost an additional 6 pounds and am at goal weight.
  • mdebbie1026
    mdebbie1026 Posts: 164 Member
    I log on the bad days and the good days. I need the accountability and if I start skipping bad days then the whole point of logging goes out the window for me.

    Well said!! This is what I tried to say:D
  • joanneonline
    Yes - I've had 2-3 very high calorie days since starting in January and I used the recipe builder to log everything and titled it "Splurge." Both times involved going out to dinner and drinks and boy can they add up! I figure, no sense in pretending it didn't happen - just log it and let your MFP friends help keep you focused the next day (mine certainly did :happy:)
  • alltalk199
    Balance baby! I log everything because it makes you accountable for what you put in your mouth, good or bad. You will have up and down days, but deal with it, accept it, log it, train even harder and most importantly, move on! Next!
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    Yup, I log my very very worst days (including spike days, cheat days, treat days, whatever you want to call them), down to the last bite. I can eat it and enjoy it, but I'm cheating myself out of important information if I don't put it in there.
  • jennifer282000
    jennifer282000 Posts: 128 Member
    I log everything..and honestly my goal calories for the day is set @1200 but I usually end up eating somewhere around 1600..but Im still losing weight so Im okay with going over a little..and I dont deprive myself of the foods I enjoy. I have just learned to eat everything in moderation..dont like the word diet. Im trying to stick with something I will be able to live with the rest of my life. lifestyle change..
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    For me, logging is accountability and so far the simple idea that other people would know just what all I stuffed my face with has been enough to prevent me from doing that. I don't think it'll work forever though, but I'll probably do my best to log that as well, to motivate me not to do it again.
    Some people have said that logging bad days/meals out can help increase awareness of what you're eating,but I typically plan ahead so that doesn't really happen. I imagine it's plenty useful for that, though. Simply looking up some of my favorite fast foods has downright scared me out of eating them right now. When I do feel like indulging, I create a deficit to allow for it by being careful with other meals/snacks that day and going to the gym.
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    It is sometimes hard to log in a terrible day, but I do like to be able to look back at the progress report to see how I have done with net calorie goals, and I can see that most of my days are on track. I end up feeling better about my overall progress, and I am learning more and more that one day will not make/break a lifestyle.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I log no matter what, as I need to own it, and I think my worst ever was about 4000 cals over lol!
  • upwiththesun
    I log everything, bad, good, indifferent. I eat about 2500 -3000 calories on my bad days. Good thing I run. I haven't gained any weight, but I haven't lost any either, :blushing:

    I like to see my patterns and triggers. I do find that on the days I don't log, I actually eat LESS. I think it's a mind game with me.

    Good luck!
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    I try to log even on my worst days....if I can remember everything! If I have a really bad day and can't remember everything...I just hit easy tools and add an approximate calorie count....like 3,000 or something....lol! Then I write myself a note on the page about what I did that day that caused me to consume so many calories.....and that I estimated.
  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 618 Member
    I always log my food intake. Good, bad and ugly.
  • speedycakes
    speedycakes Posts: 152 Member
    Yes i log everything. That way 2 weeks from now i know why i'm not losing. It's sucks to look at and makes you feel bad but it can be a wake up call. Today was 1800 for me, i don't like to go that high. My worst days are 2500-3500.
  • tataliciousd89
    I used to not log on bad days, but the bad days became every day and I stopped logging all together. So, now I log everything every day, the good, the bad and the downright ugly.