Looking for other chicas who need to lose 100lbs too.....



  • paigeyleigh
    paigeyleigh Posts: 16 Member
    I'm looking to lose 100+ but at the moment have a goal of 80 just. .to do it! then i'll keep going from there.Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • I need to lose at least 100lbs. Ive just started this battle (again) and will be weighing in tomorrow for the first time...I'm hoping these lifestyle changes will work to push the needle down on the scale :wink:
  • Hello All. I am Ashley

    Just joined tonight after many nights of using pinterest to keep me on track. I need to lose 100+ pounds as well and would love to ave a few guys and gals in the same boat to motivate each other.

    If anyone would like to add me so we can support each other that would be great :)

    We can all get to where we need/want to be to be healthy :)
  • I need to lose at least 100lbs. Ive just started this battle (again) and will be weighing in tomorrow for the first time...I'm hoping these lifestyle changes will work to push the needle down on the scale

    I am in the same boat I am trying ... yet again for this same goal and everytime I think of the big picture I get overwhelmed I haven't yet weighed in either I actually haven't in quite awhile but my new change of attitude and healthy living I hope is a start to the road ahead I need to work on finding the time to actually work out
  • Luckldy31
    Luckldy31 Posts: 34 Member
    i need to lose 145lbs. looking for some friends!
  • kirbykez
    kirbykez Posts: 122
    Lost 100lbs last year..
    Looking at loosing another 100lbs this year using MFP..
    Yeah.. I was/am huge..
    Feel free to add me..

    21, F, Beauty therapist student From Australia :)
  • mumofflea
    mumofflea Posts: 59 Member
    I need to lose 100 pounds, only just made a start.

    We can do this. Feel free to add.
  • I would like to lose over 100 lbs as well and would love to give and receive some support. Feel free to add me :)
  • Aiming for 100 plus pounds here as well!! feel free to add me :)
  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    If anybody wants to add me go ahead! I have a total of 115 pounds that I am planning on getting rid of!
  • I am a firece diva whose goal is to lose 112 pounds in 2012. Count me in because I need all of the support that I can get!
  • Hola, I need to lose 65lbs, I will help and give any support I can !!
  • I am looking to lose over 100 and could always use more friends for support, anyone feel free to add me :-) we all can do this together!!
  • Good Morning I need to lose 100+. Good Luck to you in making your life style change.
  • PrincessMorticia
    PrincessMorticia Posts: 96 Member
    I need to lose 98lbs. I'm 248 now...my goals are first 200, then 170, and eventually 150. :)
  • I need to lose 200+ lbs =( lol
    So I am gonna be around here for quite awhile.
    Anyone who has a large amount of weight to lose is welcome to add me as well =)
  • My goal is to lose 100 this year, and then keep going from there! I am also always looking for friends with similar goals! Anyone can feel free to add me, and good luck to everyone on their journeys. We can do this! :D
  • I need to lose about 85!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Add me too! I need to lose 130... I have dropped 12 so far... It is going great though!!:smile:
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    Hi There, I need to lose 160, 59 gone. Over a 1/3 of the way there.
    Feel free to friend me with a brief message and we can help
    each other...Good Luck Everyone....