10 Weeks, From 330 to 311 lbs. I feel fantastic! (w/pics)

Hi everyone! I'm not done with my journey, not even close, but I've had such great success over the last 10 weeks!!! This journey is not made up of two points - the Day 1 and The End. There are all these other wonderful points in between and I want to share some of them. I've had some great NSVs over the last 10 weeks (no more knee pain!)

I started at 330 lbs, I'm 5'3, and 32 years old. Today was the beginning of Week 10 and as of today I have lost 19 lbs and am at 311. I work out 5 days a week and on 3 of those I lift weights. I eat awesome, healthy food and have been slowly switching my diet to mostly organic.

I have also started training for my first 5k in April and just completed Week 1 of C25K (which I have had to repeat 3 times.) Now I'm ready to move on to Week 2. Today I completed 5k on the treadmill, mostly walking, finishing in 68 minutes. Running is getting easier. For those who feel like they can't run because they are too heavy - if your doctor says you can do it, you really can I SWEAR. I'm living proof! I weigh 311 pounds and today I ran/walked intervals for 30 minutes and mostly walked the other 38 minutes. I'm going to be running at least 1 of those 3 miles at my 5k in April. That's my goal and I'm totally going to do it. Weight doesn't have to hold you back.

The very best thing I've done to help keep myself motivated is taking pictures every week after weigh in. I've been taking them in the same 2 shirts and that helps. I picked a few pictures throughout the last 10 weeks and I want to share them below. I hope they inspire others! Even within 2 weeks you can see a HUGE difference. Here's the thing everyone - some weeks are better than others, but the pictures can't lie. The pictures show my shape changing. If you're struggling, try looking at your success in a new way - through pictures.

Thank you for letting me share! You'll see me again I promise!



  • TiffanyDeanee
    Wow congrats. Keep up the great work.
  • buckystars
    buckystars Posts: 129 Member
  • yoouperh
    yoouperh Posts: 68 Member
    you really can see the changes, thank you for sharing! I'm so excited for you! :)
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Congrats...I hope you continue to post and keep us updated.
  • hellotina
    hellotina Posts: 147 Member
    way to go! keep up the good work!!!
  • taschacarr
    taschacarr Posts: 4 Member
    You RockStar you!! You really can see a differance in the pics. Keep up the GREAT work
  • mickijwat
    Wow you are doing great, your excitement and encouragement radiates to us who need it! Keep it up, you are going to reach your goal before you know it! :)
  • peacemongernc
    peacemongernc Posts: 253 Member
    Wow! You are doing fantastic! I started at 299, gained 5 pounds the first 2 weeks I worked out ( I know!!!!) and have lost down to 295 in the past 3.5 weeks. I'm working out 6 days a week and changing up my diet a little bit. You are very courageous to go for the 5K! I gave that a little bit of passing thought and decided I would decide later. :) I'm also almost 6 weeks into this and have yet to take a single picture. Just looking at your pictures made me wish I had done it... I know there have been changes in my body, but I have no record of it. I think I'll get my sister to take some of me tomorrow.

    You are doing so well! How are you staying motivated? I'm working with a personal trainer, and hoping that I start liking working out before I lose motivation to keep working out. Right now I really, really don't like it. I'm trying hard to find a grateful bone in my body for the opportunity to go to the gym and to buy healthy food. Fortunately my family loves healthy food and they are so glad I'm cooking again, so that has been some positive reinforcement.

    I can't wait to hear more from you over the next few months. :) Keep up that great work and thank you for posting! You are very inspiring!

  • lightstruck1
    lightstruck1 Posts: 52 Member
    Awesome job! You can see the difference already. Keep it up! :)
  • tyra47
    tyra47 Posts: 97
    Great! keep going
    RAQUELINATOVAR Posts: 221 Member
    you look fantastic. you shoud be really proud.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Wow, the difference already is amazing and I love your positive attitude! You're doing everything right, so there's no doubt you WILL reach all of your goals :-)
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    Congratulations! I'm happy for you! Keep up the good work and keep us posted!
  • n8vchick77
    n8vchick77 Posts: 114 Member
    AWESOME! thanks for sharing, keep up the good work! you sound very motivated! :)
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Great job...you can see the loss all over! More definition and you look really happy, too! Keep going!
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    HI! Wow! You are doing great! We are almost twins! I'm 5'2" and started at 295 (but probably higher, I only got the bravery to be weighed after a few weeks.. so...) Wow, I really super notice your legs and arms getting so much smaller! Great pics!
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    That's amazing! What a change! You and your running are a true inspiration. Friend me! :happy:
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Awesome mob girl! Love your positive attitude! Keep up the great work!
  • MummyHungry
    MummyHungry Posts: 82 Member
    Congrats! I can see such a difference, especially in the stomach and face..such great work in a short amount of time!
  • maillady91
    Way to go! The pics are a great idea.
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