my diet concerns for some members of mfp



  • TonyG111160
    TonyG111160 Posts: 48 Member
    I totally understand your concern for other people, but what I have learned from responding to posts or from reading posts is that you cannot really voice your concern because alot of times you will get blasted for it. Different things work for different people and if its working for them, they will be completely resistant to your suggestions. I see plenty of food diaries that consist of small snacks rather than real meals. I see people eating 1000 or less calories and being congratulated for that. Yes they are losing weight but that will not work for them in the long run but who are we to tell them otherwise. its something they will have to figure out on their own. I see plenty of people eating like birds and losing 1-2 lbs per week while I am eating over 2,000 calories per day and only losing 1/2 lb per week (granted Im only looking to lose a few lbs). I would rather know that I can eat over 2,000 calories per day and still lose weight at a slower rate then eat very little to the point where I am hungry all the time and feel like Im starving myself.

    The best thing that you can do in my opinion, is focus on YOUR goals and make sure you are doing what you need to be doing for YOU!

    Hey that is well said,

    I don't open my mouth or type because i don't want to upset people, however if i see someone meeting their calorie target with 80%plus nutritious food i will compliment them as they are the examples for everyone else.

    thats a good point about being full and losing slowly... its how it should be and that way you will stick to it.

    Everyone... how good does she look!!!!!!!!! you look AWESOME

    This is my personal opinion... If you have information or knowledge you want to share with me, I am completely open and want to hear it. The more I can learn and the healthier I can be the better. If you have some expertise in the area, then by all means share what you feel is appropriate. I would never "blast" someone when they share their experience or knowledge with me. I am like a sponge.... I will take everything in, what works for me I keep, what does not- I let go.
    I think some people may have unrealistic goals. I personally expected that as heavy as I am and what seemed like a drastic eating change, I would have lost more, more quickly. I have lost and gained the same 2 lbs over the last 2 weeks. So, I am tweaking things to see what really works for me. And others may be doing the same. I think one of my issues may be that I am under estimating the amount of food I am eating. I don't measure...except salad dressing. I just use the palm, cards, dice est. So, I may be eating more qty than what I log.
    Ignorance is bliss... and if people are doing something that is not good for them and you could say something that MIGHT help... don't hold your tongue for fear of backlash. Stand your ground. Share what you know. There is a lot of BS out there..if people have half a brain or care, they can figure that out for themselves.

    Well said.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Hi guys

    I have a few concerns regarding people and what i have seen in their diaries, as follows:

    1. MFP gives everyone a target daily calorific intake to reach a certain weight, now eating well below this or the net effect of exercising and eating being well below this target... surely the individual will tend to lose more lean tissue than actual fat?

    e.g. should a person who's goal is to consume 1200 calories, but they burn 600 exercising then actually eat 1800 calories?

    2. Some people are eating too many empty calories but are coming under/on target. Are they cheating themselves in the long run?

    Sorry if this comes across wrong but i am genuinely concerned for people.

    In relation to point 1... NO. I haven't, I had a lot of actual flab to lose, but got faster and stronger, despite huge calorie deficits...probably because in relation to point 2, I eat very nutritious stuff. I burn 1000kCal + on exercise days which is a min of 5 times a week, net anywhere between -200 and 500. I work predominantly in the 75-90% training zones high intensity cardio for about 90-120minutes and then add in some calisthenics, plyometrics and free weights, with a spot of resistance machines.

    Why are you so concerned? A lot of people know what works for them and you don't know most people's half of the story and how they work.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    How can you even look at someone's food diary, and why would you? I'm just asking, not accusing. It's
    never crossed my mind to look at someone's food diary. Your point is well taken though. I also am always
    trying to figure this out: We all know that you have to take in calories or your body will just shut down and try
    to conserve, resulting in no weight loss. But then how do people that don't eat (anorexics) lose weight?
    Doesn't there body do the same thing?

    Wow I look at food diarys all the time for ideas. If someone has lost weight and claims to be focused on adequate nuitrition I am dying to check out their diary for new ideas. If someone says they are plateauing, again I check their diary because I want to minimize that happening to me. Someone posts about feeling low in energy..I check out their diary.
    Why wouldn't you check out diarys? :)
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Hi guys

    I have a few concerns regarding people and what i have seen in their diaries, as follows:

    1. MFP gives everyone a target daily calorific intake to reach a certain weight, now eating well below this or the net effect of excercising and eating being well below this target... surely the individual will tend to lose more lean tissue than actual fat?

    e.g. should a person who's goal is to consume 1200 calories, but they burn 600 excercising then actually eat 1800 calories?

    2. Some people are eating too many empty calories but are coming under/on target. Are they cheating themselves in the long run?

    Sorry if this comes across wrong but i am genuinely concerned for people.

    I don't comment on closed diaries, and when I have friends that are eating poorly, I question them. Of course, people who have friended me are met with the warning that I hold people accountable. I have days when I am not 100% clean, but I shoot to eat good and balanced foods.
  • donnalord
    donnalord Posts: 18 Member
    yep! i have seen a basic calorie set to just 750, then 2000 extra for exercise and then only about 200 calories total consumed :( genuinly worried for the persons health :*(
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I strive every day to be a clean and balanced eater (I say strive because it doesnt happen EVERY day and I am ok with that), and I just don't find it helpful or beneficial to have someone who is constantly eating fast food, microwave dinners and ice cream, yet coming in under their 1200 calorie goal every day - in my opinion, that is not a healthy lifestyle, and I am on a healthy lifestyle journey just as much as a weight loss journey and appreciate having friends who are in the same boat.

    I leave gentle suggestions to include healthier food on friends open food diaries. I DON'T comment on calorie intake (unless it is crazy low on a consistent basis like under 700 calories daily) because I don't know the whole story, but everyone can benefit from eating more produce, fresh or frozen, EVERYONE. However, I do sometimes feel like a nagging mom/broken record if I comment on a friend's page that they need to include more fruit and vegetables in their diet and if they ignore healthy suggestions (from me or others) or have an attitude, I am not going to go on a tirade either, I just quietly de-friend them and move on.

    I know that fast food is convenient and cheaper than a lot of organic whole food, and that some people need to adjust to smaller portions before trying healthy food that's new to them, but last time I checked a banana or a broccoli floret didn't ring in above $1.50 at the checkout, and I can purchase, wash and eat something like that in 5 minutes, so I don't always buy those as valid excuses.
  • CnocNaCu
    CnocNaCu Posts: 536 Member
    I am trying my hardest to make my weight loss more of a lifestyle change. These past few weeks I have started by meeting calorie goals, then added in the gym and now it is my goal to lear how to eat "right" I am one of the few I guess that appreciate when people who know about it than I do look at my diary and give me good sound advice. For right now, my diary is a lot of lean cuisine lol as I was focusing more on portion control and adjusting to eating different. Next week I am going to change my focus to What and How much. For me, it is a lack of knowledge. Too much change all at once would have been overwhelming. BUT! If you know about food and want to add me and peek at my diary to give me advice PLEASE do! I cannot afford all this food, and the gym membership, and a trainer once a month to make sure I am handling the workouts properly, AND a nutritionist. So the nutrition part is all on me. The more advice the better. :)

    This is exactly how I started back in October. My first exercises were performed with a water bottle in my hands due to the absence of proper weights and money to buy them :bigsmile:
    I joined MFP and thought: OMG, they all know so much more about food! I listened to advice just to find out that NOT ONE of them was similar to another one. What to do with this now???:noway: I started doing my own research online and concentrated on what is important for MYSELF: low cholesterol, weight loss and good food. I am very fortunate, we have a garden and always a good supply of fruit and veg.
    I eat healthy food, not too much, sometimes not enough according to some of my pals but I don't take every single advice on board any more. I am in menopause and my cholesterol was sky high. So I do not eat back my exercise calories except I've burnt more than 600 and I do NOT eat eggs and red meat (cholesterol). Some pals don't understand...... But I am not cross with them. It's just that I don't lose fat as easily as the 20-somethings and have to watch my blood sugar and cholesterol...
    Ageing sucks sometimes :grumble:
    BUT: I am also very happy to have my MFP pals because they encourage me:flowerforyou:
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    Oh gosh, is my diary one of those? lol. Not quite sure what you mean with "empty calories"?. Because to be honest, I haven't got a clue of what I'm doing, I just eat what I want most of the times and try to do exercise to be able to eat more or to be in soem green numbers at the end of the day :D (however I've been putting on weight for the last two weeks, even though I've tried to eat healthier than ever, well, or sort of :D
    this is me...i have no idea what i doing either. i always eat back my excersie calories and sometimes more...i just can't handle 1200 alories a day... i need help:huh:
  • LittleMissDoll
    I usually eat under 1200 calories, thats just me. If I get hungry I eat more, if not I don't. losing weight with low calories is not as bad as people on here say it is. If you are sensible about it. It is also maintainable, as long as you increase your calories properly and not run back to chips and mcdonalds as soon as you are at your goal weight.
  • sandislim
    Its ok to be concerned, its ok to have rules - but when you don't know the full information about someone it becomes a bit nazi mentality -sorry to put it so harshly. On this site someone at 6 foot and someone at 4 foot tall can both be over weight by the same amount - the taller one can lose 2 pound a week (which is considered safe by most doctors) but the shorter one is not allowed because that would mean going lower than 1200, yet they are shorter? It seems a bit double standard.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I totally understand your concern for other people, but what I have learned from responding to posts or from reading posts is that you cannot really voice your concern because alot of times you will get blasted for it. Different things work for different people and if its working for them, they will be completely resistant to your suggestions. I see plenty of food diaries that consist of small snacks rather than real meals. I see people eating 1000 or less calories and being congratulated for that. Yes they are losing weight but that will not work for them in the long run but who are we to tell them otherwise. its something they will have to figure out on their own. I see plenty of people eating like birds and losing 1-2 lbs per week while I am eating over 2,000 calories per day and only losing 1/2 lb per week (granted Im only looking to lose a few lbs). I would rather know that I can eat over 2,000 calories per day and still lose weight at a slower rate then eat very little to the point where I am hungry all the time and feel like Im starving myself.

    The best thing that you can do in my opinion, is focus on YOUR goals and make sure you are doing what you need to be doing for YOU!

    this is the biggest reason I keep my diary private. In the past I have gotten too many criticisms and negative remarks about my intake. it's working for me, I've been losing alot at a nice healthy pace. "noooooooo! you had a cookie!!!!111 thats bad for you!!!!" :indifferent: I just gave up and decided to go private.
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    I agree with you...I always end up just deleting people who are eating 800 calories a day. It doesn't help in my journey to see people following unhealthy diets while over exercising. It frustrates me beyond belief, especially when they put themselves down and get compliments galore for their unhealthy habits. I've seen a lot of anorexic or potentially anorexic women eating very little and not hitting any of their macros. I guess in the end people will ask for advice if they want it. Some will continue with unhealthy diets and possibly give up, but we all have our own journey to figure out. :)
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    I couldn't agree with you more. I have deleted 'friends' whose diaries weren't open, because I believe you can't write "excellent job, etg" etc just because someone is 'under the daily goal'! When I've looked at diaries I've come across some where people are eating grapes for breakfast, an apple for lunch and a banana for their evening meal - that's it! I've also come across some who have eaten McDonalds for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hey they might be under their calorie go, but by what? And what is their goal?

    I've also had people delete me because I've said they should drink more water or eat more fruit/veg etc.

    My diary is not perfect by any means, but I generally get my water intake in, I'm allergic to citrus so don't eat a huge amount of fruit (it gives me huge palpatations) but I do try and eat a lot of salad and vegetables, along with home made meals. Yes I do like a tube of smarties at the end of the night with a cup of coffee. Maybe that's wrong, but I've cut out alcohol during the week and when the kids have gone to bed, after a long tiring day, I want a little treat. Perhaps I need to focus on cutting that out completely.

    Feel free to look at my diary, I would love to hear what people have to say, and I won't get cheesed off. I will listen and take on board any suggestions you have.

  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    my doctor has me on 700 cal a day and MFP Suggests 1200, im sticking with my doctors programe,its working for me, I have body composition analysis scales and my BMI and Fat % is going down, and my muscle mass has improved slightly. water and bone % stay around the same from week to week.
  • stef546
    stef546 Posts: 3 Member

    I know exactly what u mean because when i started i found it difficult to get all the calories in somedays cause i was eating alot of veges/salad (trying to be heallthy) and i was feeling exhausted because my body was actually starving itself from not enough food, i also wasn't exercising. Also for myself i would eat the recommended amount of calories, key in my exercise and then if i needed to, have a snack and try not to be too much under my calorie limit.
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    700?? Wow, I think I would starve to death
  • yummymummyto2
    im happy for any tips or advice on my eating habits...... its my first time trying to lose weight and im not that sure what im doing is right, although i am losing weight and im also under my gp but they just told me to cut out fat (duh!) :huh: ive also stopped white bread as im sure that was my downfall along with the chocolate (that i havent had a single piece of in 2 n half weeks)

    i agree some people would be offended :grumble: and tell you to keep your opinions to yourself but at the end of the day if your concern is genuine then maybe inbox them just generally outlining your concerns then ask them if they would like any tips on how they can change certain things :smile:
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    You didn't upset me-I actually like honest people with honest observations. I do believe that each person has to figure what works for them, its and individual journey. I think what this site does most is help people become aware of what they are putting in their pie holes and what things really contain in the way of calories. So many people weren't aware that they were consuming so many calories until they started logging and realized how much calories their fave foods contained. If this helps someone slow down and think more clearly about what they should eat then it is a good thing. Eventually they begin to understand the whole body-mind-soul aspect of eating better and exercising more-Or they quit coming and fall off the wagon. I was on another diet log for over 5 years and came here over a month ago. I love the accountability and the friendships, what ever works!
  • christinezappella
    christinezappella Posts: 34 Member
    Probably alot of people on here weren't meeeting their nutritional requirements before joining either, and at least now are taking steps to making healthy changes. I say kudos. Rome wasn't built in a day.
  • tracym17
    tracym17 Posts: 68 Member
    I totally agree. I have a friend on mfp who consistently eats less than 1000 calories a day. since she's not really my friend and is in fact a stranger to me, I dont know her situation and if there are perhaps medical reasons for this, so was reluctant to mention. However, concern overcame me and I did comment on it, her reply was an excuse about getting over flu with the clear subtext of 'mind your own business'. I no longer comment on her posts but do still keep an eye on her diary. since then she has also posted pictures of herself and there is nothing to her - my suspicion is that she has an ed. In this case, I have already said my piece and can do no more but what concerns me is the comments she gets on here. I see her eat about 500 calories, burn over 1000 through exercise and her 'friends' say things like 'wtg', 'amazing', 'you're doing great'. To my mind this is just so harmful. If she does have an ed, then she is ill and that is one thing, but people should not be giving her encouragement to behave in this way and that is a bigger worry to me.