Is the hourglass still in?

Hey everyone. Random question, aimed towards anyone in general. It seems like during the 1950s the hourglass was the big thing. Now since the dawn of Twiggy and Kate Moss (aka heroin chic) the hourglass seems like a less desirable figure. Perhaps I'm being a bit worrisome. But has the allure of the hourglass faded? And in its place is a thinner leaner ideal? I wonder because it seems even if guys (and girls, it depends on which way you swing) say that they like women with a little wiggle to their walk. Regardless stick thin women with no bust or hips to speak of, seems to get the majority of the attention. (no offense if you have that figure, but many of us don't)


  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Talk to any guy over about 25 & yup hourglass is the figure that makes them drool!:laugh:
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hourglass is always will never go away. Men like curves. The end!
  • danithegirl89
    danithegirl89 Posts: 203 Member
    Hourglass is always will never go away. Men like curves. The end!

    amen <3
  • burstchair
    They are definitely "in" with me. U see more and more too.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I'm not a lesbian, but you look bangin' to me! I've got curves and I definitely have had no problem with guys not paying attention to me - overweight or not. Overweight = bigger boobs (though when normal weight, I'm still a hefty C). Don't worry, girl! Do your thang.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Women are starting to look more and more like men (or 12 year old boys with muscles and boobs). I prefer the hourglass shape myself.
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    You're confusing the advertising world with reality.

    In reality, most men seem to be attracted to the hourglass shape. Of all the men I know, only one is attracted to the "heroin chic" (perfect term, btw) look. The rest want some softness to their woman.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I am more hourglass than anything, and I have no problem reeling them in with my curves
  • crazybeautifulkittie
    Yes. I guess it better to ask the question than to really wonder. Because in real life I usually don't speak up about weight issues unless among friends or a group of women. And me being a woman and especially not really thin I wonder how many men would really tell me the truth even if I asked them. I guess being called fat by multiple different men (all of whom i was not well acquainted with) doesn't make self-esteem very high.
  • karencorbran
    I'd much rather have a curvy hourglass figure, like marilyn monroe, than those unnatural stick thin, lollipop head girls...God made us with curves, cant change that!!
  • SarahBeeMe
    SarahBeeMe Posts: 91 Member
    Well I really hope it is - or I'll never be 'in'! I wouldn't trade my curves for the stick-thin look... ever, regardless of fashion! :D
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Yes. I guess it better to ask the question than to really wonder. Because in real life I usually don't speak up about weight issues unless among friends or a group of women. And me being a woman and especially not really thin I wonder how many men would really tell me the truth even if I asked them. I guess being called fat by multiple different men (all of whom i was not well acquainted with) doesn't make self-esteem very high.

    Girl, any guy that calls you fat needs his eyes checked. You are HOT!! Don't let anyone make you feel less than that.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    You're confusing the advertising world with reality.

    This... I think we feel like 'stick thin' is in because that's what's in the magazines, on the runway, and the red carpet. This isn't real life.. men know this. However, I have to say, I'm pretty sure men like women.. period. Everyone has their own preferences but a guy's gotta get it in right?!?.. Miss 'stick' might turn their head in the grocery store but I'm pretty sure they're looking for a woman the same way a woman looks for a man. They're there, they like you, and you can stand being around them for longer than 3 hours without wanting to punch them in the face. I don't claim to speak for men, but I would imagine that the majority of them love it all.. toned, curvy, and of course hourglass--(maybe even more so!!) But confidence is always "in".. You're beautiful!! Own it!!! :)
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    I guess being called fat by multiple different men (all of whom i was not well acquainted with) doesn't make self-esteem very high.

    Understandable...but that speaks volumes for THEM. 154lbs on a 5'6" frame is NOT fat; it's lush and womanly -- especially with the way you're built. Chances are, many of the idiots calling you fat felt rejected by you and instead of taking that rejection like a man, they chose to lash out in a very childish way.

    How many times have you been called a lesbian because you turned some guy down? I have been, MANY times. I've also been called many versions of fat, even though at the time, I was far from. I share your shape, and it's lovely, isn't it?

    Heck, I was called fat more when I was small than I was at my heaviest (of 245 lbs on my slightly under 5'3" frame), and why do you think that is? More men asked me out when I was smaller, and more men got I was insulted more.

    Believe it or not, I'm not bashing men in general -- I fricking LOVE them. I just have no patience for men who never grew up lol. Do not let your self esteem depend on what some physically grown little boy had to say about you because he didn't get what he wanted. You're beyond lovely and you'd be hard pressed to find those who disagree with me on that!
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    I guess being called fat by multiple different men (all of whom i was not well acquainted with) doesn't make self-esteem very high.

    Understandable...but that speaks volumes for THEM. 154lbs on a 5'6" frame is NOT fat; it's lush and womanly -- especially with the way you're built. Chances are, many of the idiots calling you fat felt rejected by you and instead of taking that rejection like a man, they chose to lash out in a very childish way.

    How many times have you been called a lesbian because you turned some guy down? I have been, MANY times. I've also been called many versions of fat, even though at the time, I was far from. I share your shape, and it's lovely, isn't it?

    Heck, I was called fat more when I was small than I was at my heaviest (of 245 lbs on my slightly under 5'3" frame), and why do you think that is? More men asked me out when I was smaller, and more men got I was insulted more.

    Believe it or not, I'm not bashing men in general -- I fricking LOVE them. I just have no patience for men who never grew up lol. Do not let your self esteem depend on what some physically grown little boy had to say about you because he didn't get what he wanted. You're beyond lovely and you'd be hard pressed to find those who disagree with me on that!

    well said!!!
  • XED_gnarlydog
    Yes...curves are better. Not into stick figures. I saw a pic on FB the other day that said "healthy is the new skinny." I like that.
  • wildcat808
    wildcat808 Posts: 140 Member
    I remember in high school my best friend's dad explained to us why runway models are so thin. He told us that they needed to be like hangers so people OOOOed at the clothes. A designer doesn't want the audience distracted by the female form.

    The men I know and encounter most definitely appreciate curves. The way a woman carries herself, though, is what stands out most.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I think The human form in all shapes and sizes (healthy that is) is beautiful!

    And for every skinny girl there is a guy who digs it and for any curvy girl there is a guy that digs it, for girls that have big tata's and for girls that have lean slick breast there is a man the will dig it, so its all a matter of what you personally like,

    I have done the curvy thing I think Im gonna try the lean thing =D my hubby sayd he will love me no matter what even if I lose all my Tata's lol so I think Im gonna go for sleek and lean =D

    So what ever shape you are as long as its healthy LOVE IT =D and if your not healthy love your self enough to change =)
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Yes. I guess it better to ask the question than to really wonder. Because in real life I usually don't speak up about weight issues unless among friends or a group of women. And me being a woman and especially not really thin I wonder how many men would really tell me the truth even if I asked them. I guess being called fat by multiple different men (all of whom i was not well acquainted with) doesn't make self-esteem very high.

    you know a lot of guy's will diss a woman to make her feel bad about her self in order to sleep with them, cause there are some girls who feel that if a guy will sleep with her it validates her prettyness, so just be on the look out for a grown man who would call any one speshally a woman they dont know fat
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    I think in real life hourglass is the most attractive, stick thins are good clothes hangers for the catwalk but I've yet to meet a guy who prefers skinny over curvy.
    I'm jealous of all you hourglasses out there. Oh I have boobs and butt, but no waist too speak of. I have a tree trunk middle :(