Worst book you had ever read?



  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Seriously, MFP... you used stars to censor Charles DlCKENS? (I used a lower case L to slip it by them in this post) LOL - so silly!
    NNSSJSKR Posts: 30 Member
    I gave up on the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo after the first few chapters. Couldn't get into it. I saw the movie (not the one with Daniel Craig) and really enjoyed that but man, just cannot do the book.

    I liked The Host better than the Twilight books. I did read them all :embarassed:

    I had to stop reading James Patterson. I think that has more to do with being annoyed by him through social networks than his writing, but I cannot bring myself to read him anymore.
  • I am currently reading The girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and everyone tells me it gets better but I am almost half way through and ready to give up....

    *This! I cannot get through it!
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 741 Member
    I read about 3 pages of the first Twilight book and was done. Bad writing, boring characters, and one-dimensional plot. I felt this way about the early Harry Potter books also, but thankfully, they improved greatly in the later part of the series.

    Harry Potter was originally aimed at nine year olds though so it had to written quite simply, it wasn't until after the third that it became apparent that teenagers and adults want to read it too.

    I have to say though, I am in love with Harry Potter. Bit sad really but I have the books, (inc the ones from the series) audio books, films, games etc and a book called Harry: A History (not written by J.K.Rowling) which tells you all about it - hence why I sound like a know-it-all in the first sentence, lol.

    Yes I am 25 but in my defense, HP was first written when I was 11. Lol.
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    Catcher in the Rye. I just read it this past summer because I'd never read it before and it's one of those books you "should" read. Yuck. Now, granted, i read it at age 30. several friends said that, had i read it at 15, i would have loved it. but i'm not so sure... not my kind of thing.

    I agree. Totally Horrible. Also, this book called Room that was supposed to be fantastic, couldn't get past the five year old narration voice. And it was disturbing.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    Love in the Time of Cholera was unbearable.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    I'm not much of a reader to begin with, so I haven't read many books in my life. But the worst one I've ever read was "Song of Solomon." I was forced to read it in college.

    In a nutshell, it's about a boy who wishes he could fly. I'll save you the long and oh-so-boring details, but that's the gist of it...a boy who wishes he could fly. Lemme tell ya, reading this book was a very frustrating and borderline painful experience. Ho-lee crap, was it awful.

    At the end of the book, the kid is up on a cliff, or something, and leaps into the sky. The teacher went around the room asking everyone what they think happened to him, and people were saying stuff like, "I think he flew because it was all he ever wanted to do," or, "I think he flew because it was his dream." When he got to me, I said, "The kid's dead." The teacher asked me why I thought that, and I said, "Because PEOPLE...CAN'T...FLY!!!!! I don't care how hard he was flapping his arms, he's a red spot at the bottom of the canyon!"

    He didn't like my answer. I got a "C." :)
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    Picture Perfect and everything else by Jody Picoult.

    I also had a hard time with The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo but was told to get past the first 150 pages (usually 50 pages is my limit) and the book would be awesome. I have to agree, after the first 150 pages the book took a complete turn and suddenly I couldn't put it down. The Girl Who Played With Fire and The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest are much better books.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'm not much of a reader to begin with, so I haven't read many books in my life. But the worst one I've ever read was "Song of Solomon." I was forced to read it in college.

    In a nutshell, it's about a boy who wishes he could fly. I'll save you the long and oh-so-boring details, but that's the gist of it...a boy who wishes he could fly. Lemme tell ya, reading this book was a very frustrating and borderline painful experience. Ho-lee crap, was it awful.

    At the end of the book, the kid is up on a cliff, or something, and leaps into the sky. The teacher went around the room asking everyone what they think happened to him, and people were saying stuff like, "I think he flew because it was all he ever wanted to do," or, "I think he flew because it was his dream." When he got to me, I said, "The kid's dead." The teacher asked me why I thought that, and I said, "Because PEOPLE...CAN'T...FLY!!!!! I don't care how hard he was flapping his arms, he's a red spot at the bottom of the canyon!"

    He didn't like my answer. I got a "C." :)

    ROFL!!! Did You make him fly by tossing the book across the room?
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    ROFL!!! Did You make him fly by tossing the book across the room?

    Oh, how I wanted to make that book fly... :)
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    Paullina Simons "A Song in the Daylight"

    WORST ENDING EVER. I got done with it and hurled the book across the room I was so angry.

    I was so disappointed. 700-something pages for that. *rage*
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    " When he got to me, I said, "The kid's dead." The teacher asked me why I thought that, and I said, "Because PEOPLE...CAN'T...FLY!!!!! I don't care how hard he was flapping his arms, he's a red spot at the bottom of the canyon!"

    He didn't like my answer. I got a "C." :)

    This made me LOL.. :)
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 673 Member
    LMAO! I knew Twilight would be listed here.

    Personally, I love the Twilight series. Love the characters, love the storyline.

    BUT keeping to the topic, I don't think I've ever read a book I didn't like.
  • 10_M
    10_M Posts: 22
    the aforementioned Twis. recently read Unleashing Angel. spent the entire time hoping that the plot was going to exist on the next page. poorly written, poorly plotted.

    I know i'm probably going to get slammed for this, but i cannot read Koontz. i think his stories are TERRIBLE.

    and though i love arthurian tales, MZB has never been able to hold my attention.

    and i have never EVER been able to read the Bronte sisters. not a single book by any of the sisters. cannot do it.
    I can not get through a single Dean Koontz novel the stories are like unseasoned tofu...really really bland
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    If a book doesn't grab me in the first 50 pages or so, it's done. Life is just too short for a bad book and bad wine.

    Three Cups of Tea got tossed. Also, I struggled with Mansfield Park. I'm currently reading Bel Canto. I haven't hit 50 pages yet, but it's meh.

    Yes!! This is how I feel. I know so many people who are compulsive about reading bad books but this is my exact philosophy!!!

    We had to read some pretty atrotious stuff in High School. We didn't go for classic literature as much (even in the IB program!), but more for contemporary stuff...I don't even remember the names of some of it but it was just clumsily written, and with no point.

    On my own I'd say the worst "grown up" book I'd read was "Moby ****." I hated that book, like really hated it. I also remember being infuriated in elementary/middle school when I'd read a book I was really enjoying (Number the Stars comes to mind!! I BOUGHT that book to finish it after I hadn't been able to in school only for this to happen...), and it'd be so good, and then they'd randomly kill off one of the main characters at the end. It made me soooooooooooooo mad because there was no point. It wasn't as if it was necessary to further the plot line or make some sort of a point, it was just "Oh yeah, and he died." There was one about the revolutionary war where that happened, and I mean the guy gets shot early on and then he just dies at the end after he's been getting better, or some of the Redwall ones (I had liked the early books but they started to just randomly kill characters at the end, which had always been a mild tendency but it became a full blown obsession). There was also this one that I read in 4th grade, and I thought it was going to be about something interesting, and it was just this kid talking about his best friend dying of a bee sting. I was like...what?! And how about that #*$)@#(*$ing "Bridge to Terabithia"?!?!?!?! Skipped to the end of that one and had to read through it just to make sure I'd read right, as that had actually been recommended to me, you know, by people who knew me?

    To this day, I have an aversion to writers using cheap ploys to evoke emotion. I see one, I'm finished. I'm done. I'm not watching/reading/listening to this (screw you Billy Joel.).

    ETA You seem to have struck a nerve with me, but I just had to add one more. I again don't remember the name (read it in 4th grade), but it was pretty much an animal snuff book by Gary Paulsen. First he describes wolves killing a deer, and says that's why he doesn't like wolves. Then he describes a squirrel killing another squirrel. Repeat. Again...why?
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    I stopped reading "Big Girl" by Danielle Steel.

    Her writting style drives me crazy and this was the first book of hers I had read. She uses "had" too much. Plus the book just kind of sucked.
  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    freakin' Johnny Tremain back in 5th grade!.. The whole class felt TORTURED!... To this day, we agree it was brutal!
  • ednawhatnot
    ednawhatnot Posts: 93 Member
    ;American Psycho' and 'The Lovely Bones'. Hated them both, in fact American Psycho is the only book I've ever thrown in the bin.
  • fitnessgoddess17
    fitnessgoddess17 Posts: 125 Member
    Ugh in high school I had to read the Great Gatsby. It's horrifyingly awful and I love reading all types of books.
  • I know I'm gonna be alone on this one, but I am reading The Hunger Games and for whatever reason, I'm just not that into it. Wouldn't say it's the worst book I've ever read, but everyone keeps talking about how awesome it is. I'm on chapter 4 and bored to death!