Maybe I'm meant to be fat................

edit Oh Gosh this is not going well
No I am not eating "Clean" and if/when I stop loosing I will reevaluate that
I was not saying this is not working I just had a day where I had cravings and wrote this
I have lost everyweek so far and right now feel like this is the answer I was just saying regardless I enjoy the support
although the responses are making me second guess that one

Maybe I should not have posted it but oh well

Maybe I'm meant to be fat

My grandma is overweight they say I am built like her
My dad is overweight I obviously got the fat gene
My sisters are overweight see it runs in the family
I have been on every diet medifast, Atkins, lindora, non processed foods, tried Ali phentermine (ok that worked but I was a tweaker and it all came back) , wls , you name it I have tried it
See I am hopeless
Yes my thyroid is ok
I have tried to excercise, owned a ab roller , eliptical, videos galore from abs/ buns of steal, to walkway the pounds , gym over and over in fact I am a life time member at 24 hr I have had 2 personal trainers and did follow what was told to me
Yet her I am still fat
I have never ate a whole bag of chips or box of cookies in 1 sitting, no I don't eat burgers and fries and never really have I hate hamburger, I have not had soda in 3 years and only drink plain water yet here I am still fat
Countless new year resolutions diets lifestyle changes and just flat out gimmicks have got me nowhere.
MFP I am not sure if you will get me to my goal, BUT I love you and the support of everyone, and all I have to loose is the weight


  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    Stop eating food that comes out of packages...start there.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I don't think anyone is meant to be fat. Some people can't handle certain they become big. I can't handle processed I became fat. I think the trick is to see what is the cause ( food journal) and weigh. I also think some people need to move more. I know for me..I will never have a small waist or tight abs..but I am fit..and have learned what to can do it...
  • raylenebrooks
    raylenebrooks Posts: 137 Member
    I don't think anyone is meant to be fat. Some people can't handle certain they become big. I can't handle processed I became fat. I think the trick is to see what is the cause ( food journal) and weigh. I also think some people need to move more. I know for me..I will never have a small waist or tight abs..but I am fit..and have learned what to can do it...

    Thanks I do believe it is a learning and plan to really sticking with it and figuring it out. The scale is moving since joining and I may have to change as I go but plan to get there
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    I could never function on what you're eating. I would be starving! You definitely aren't eating enough. I saw a lot of pre-packaged 'diet' food, too. That is no way to live, in my opinion. I want to lose weight, bit I still want to be able to EAT, ya know? You can take a look at my food diary, if you want. Not that I'm the picture of perfect nutrition - I had leftover (homemade) pizza for breakfast this morning :laugh: But it shows that you can still eat well and stay within a reasonable amount of calories. My goal is set for 1/2 pound per week. 1410 calories is my goal for 1 pound per week, so I usually try to fall somewhere between those two numbers.

    Please don't give up! But do take a look at what you are doing and try to reconsider why maybe it isn't working.

    Edit I see you aren't looking for advice, so I apologize for giving it unsolicited. I will leave my original post, but of course feel free to ignore it. Best of luck to you!
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I feel like experimentation is needed to figure out exactly how to lose the weight (personal experience, I've done a lot that doesn't work, hoping the new thing will be the thing that does!). Don't give up, you'll get there!! :smile:
  • WinterB2003
    WinterB2003 Posts: 26 Member
    I completely understand where you are coming from being that my background is similar. It is hard staying motivated but easier being on here. For me I have found MFP to be very inspirational and motivating. You can do it stay focused and stick with positive people. Maybe this time will be different for the both of us!!
  • nu2012
    nu2012 Posts: 562 Member
    So I felt like this for the longest time,until an year or so ago. I thought I was meant to be chubby even when I went to the gym regularly but then I had 3 months in my life where I joined a dance class on top of the gym and I started practicing the dance routine at home for at least 30 mins. And I lost 15 lbs! I couldn't believe it because for as far as I remember, I had not reached that weight. I gained it all back plus a couple of lbs. And I have been trying for almost 10 months and it's difficult to lose.

    But due to those 3 months, I know I can lose and I know I am not meant to be chubby. I just need to work much harder than the other girls with high metabolic rate. Those 3 months I worked out a lot and I enjoyed it and I kept pushing myself. I know it's a tough journey but we can't give up and think negative.

    We are NOT meant to be fat. We are meant to be healthy and fit. To some people it might be easy but for us it's difficult. We just got to find what works for us and do it wholeheartedly.

    To me MFP's food log seems good.If we are in calorie deficit state,we are bound to lose weight.
  • Venus2011
    Have you tried some of the recipes MFP are posting on the site. They are good,easy to prepare, healthy and filling. The food diary is a big tool for me along with exercise. You didn't say if you were doing any exercise. This is a journey, a life style change and it will not happen over night. You may want to recalculate your calories for the day. It doesn't look like you are eating enough. Throw thiose negative thoughts right out the window!!!! Think positive!!!! You can do it along with everyone else at MFP. :flowerforyou:
  • raylenebrooks
    raylenebrooks Posts: 137 Member
    I completely understand where you are coming from being that my background is similar. It is hard staying motivated but easier being on here. For me I have found MFP to be very inspirational and motivating. You can do it stay focused and stick with positive people. Maybe this time will be different for the both of us!!

    We will make this be different I know we can do it :)
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i know where you're coming from... when i see these teeny tiny little size 10's and they eat rubbish, barely work up a few beads of perspiration once every six months.

    i'm fit, i love vegies, i love fruit etc. i'm short, and i am fat... even when i look at my best, i'm a bit chubby.

    i see people who start an exercise regime that consists of a half an hour of walking and they lose weight, yet me, i have to sweat it out. i have to go hard, to the point of my whole body and clothes being drenched with sweat, just in order to keep in shape and stop myself gaining weight.

    it's hard to not give up, throw your hands in the air and say "I don't care". but it's even harder going to the shops and ending up in tears because everything looks terrible on you and you are humiliated just by being alive, you feel like you are offending ppl by just being there and being fat. so i keep on chipping away. battling what seems like an unwinnable battle.

    Keep at it, there is hope that we will defy the odds one day.
  • ashtonvv
    ashtonvv Posts: 144
    I know you didn't want to post this, but you did and I am NOT trying to be a *****... BUT I come from a family full of medical illness. My mom had her thyroid REMOVED, my dad is a type 2 diabetic, and my brother has chrones disease.

    This all effects weight, and obviously overall health.

    I however, am healthy (touch wood). As a family we are becoming healthier together to help the ailments that already make it hard for them to LIVE on a daily basis. My parents have both lost weight and my brother thanks to a good diet and medication is stable enough to have a "normal" life.

    If anything, your genes should make you want to change your lifestyle for the better. Our bodies are not meant to carry excess weight, period. You have to WANT to change. It is not a diet, or something you do short-term... this is a lifestyle change. Start by swapping out things that you used to eat, for healthier substitutions. I don't believe in "fad" diets, sure they work but how often to those people pack on the weight, and then some?

    I am sorry, but you can't post this on a site like this and not have it offend anyone. I really feel sorry that you have that mentality, or had a bad enough day where it came down to that (we all have those days). I truly believe everyone, and everyone can do this.

    You have to set your mind to it, no short cuts, no cheating, no excuses.

    There is a TON of support and success on here for you.

    I wish you all the best.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Know your TDEE, Body fat% and BMR.
    After that weight loss is pretty simple!
  • smelkoski
    Hugs...I feel your pain. Completely. It is not easy. I lost a lot of weight going to a nutritionist.I took tons of supplements that were super expensive. Ate a diet that would barely keep a rat alive.....eliminated almost everything I was used to eating and I did lose weight...rather fell off. But the cost of that was so over the top, I could not keep it up. I slowly gained back the weight and then some because I knew I would not live and eat like that the rest of my life. For me, personally, it is a mind thing....I like good southern foods and at my age, I need to switch my eating habits. When I was younger, it was not a problem...but now it is. I have had a couple of days I wanted to eat all day too, only thing was, I have nothing here that my "mind" was wanting and I did not go out to get that snack I wanted to have....not fun or easy.

    I am just rambling I know..but you are not alone in this is hard plain and simple. Hugs.
  • OnceAndFutureAthlete
    Yes, days like the one you seem to be having absolutely suck.

    January can be especially tough because there are all these articles on "27 tips on how to lose weight" (or whatever). You read them and go:
    eliminate soda and switch to water? check! did that 10 years ago!
    no snacking after 8? check! 2 years ago.
    have a healthy breakfast? check - all my life!
    cardio/walking 4-5x per week, weights at least twice? check!
    etc., etc. down the list...

    And you wonder why you at the weight you are given that you do ALL THESE THINGS ALREADY and who are these people that can do just this and have it work? Grrr....

    So you're right, it's a journey, and your solution (and mine) will be your own. But at least you can come here and find some people that understand and are also struggling, and maybe tomorrow you will feel stronger and have better results. (and if you don't try, it'll definitely never happen!)

    Good luck!
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    Cook 95% of your meals. Eat most of your carbs exercise. You learned how to drive, now learn how to eat. You answered your own question.. eat clean.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hugs...I feel your pain. Completely. It is not easy. I lost a lot of weight going to a nutritionist.I took tons of supplements that were super expensive. Ate a diet that would barely keep a rat alive.....eliminated almost everything I was used to eating and I did lose weight...rather fell off. But the cost of that was so over the top, I could not keep it up. I slowly gained back the weight and then some because I knew I would not live and eat like that the rest of my life. For me, personally, it is a mind thing....I like good southern foods and at my age, I need to switch my eating habits. When I was younger, it was not a problem...but now it is. I have had a couple of days I wanted to eat all day too, only thing was, I have nothing here that my "mind" was wanting and I did not go out to get that snack I wanted to have....not fun or easy.

    I am just rambling I know..but you are not alone in this is hard plain and simple. Hugs.

    And the moral of the story is....

    1) Eat about 1600-2200 calories to lose weight
    2) Dont fall for buying supplements you should be eating
    3) Eat southern foods all the time but in the proper portions
    4) Sleep 8 hours a day/night

    January can be especially tough because there are all these articles on "27 tips on how to lose weight" (or whatever). You read them and go:
    eliminate soda and switch to water? check! did that 10 years ago!
    no snacking after 8? check! 2 years ago.
    have a healthy breakfast? check - all my life!
    cardio/walking 4-5x per week, weights at least twice? check!
    etc., etc. down the list...

    The after 8pm myth has been broken as well as meal frequency so if you want to eat right before going to bed, go for it!
    It regulates blood sugar and give us a restful sleep.
    Studies from 2000 up to now show that overweight subjects who consume most of their carbs at night lost more weight than subjects who taper.

    Studies have also shown if you sleep 8 hours and skip breakfast opting to eat after 2 pm you may extend your life, have a better HGH boost when sleeping, have better cholesterol counts , decrease insulin levels and increase insulin sensitivity.
    You can also eliminate most cardio as long as you already have a strong cardiovascular system.
    Thats a whole different forum post on Intermittent Fasting though.
    PM me if you need help!
  • Signia
    Signia Posts: 21
    I agree with the exercise/gym PLUS taking dance!

    I went from a size 14 to a size 10 when I added dance on top of it!

    At least you'll have fun!!
  • raylenebrooks
    raylenebrooks Posts: 137 Member
    Know your TDEE, Body fat% and BMR.
    After that weight loss is pretty simple!

    Thank you :) I started the new counts Monday and can't wait to see how it goes
  • gemmaldavies
    dont give up. i bet there has been some weight loss over the time. its always more difficult to see it urself. u dont have 2 tell us but are u on any medication that may affect the weight loss. somat to think about. good luck.
  • raylenebrooks
    raylenebrooks Posts: 137 Member
    dont give up. i bet there has been some weight loss over the time. its always more difficult to see it urself. u dont have 2 tell us but are u on any medication that may affect the weight loss. somat to think about. good luck.

    Thank You
    and no medication at all truelly I am healthy and although obesity runs in my family noone has diabetes HD HB etc. My grandparents are all alive and active and independent in their 80s .

    Nope not giving up and I did make things private as I didnt feel like being scrutinized I am currently about 45 lbs from highest and 13 down from january start I am feeling successful and know I will have to adjust as we go I am trying to loose about 70 lbs in 18 months completely doable. I think sometimes people who are 20 lbs overweight think I eat junk all the time really not the case just the body I was given HOWEVER I know I can loose weight it is just more work for some than others.