Worst book you had ever read?



  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    The time travelers wife, I think im in a minority though as it seems pretty popular!
    I have actually read it three times WAITING for it to suddenly click why it's so great. Hasn't happened yet.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    I'm with a lot of others in regards to the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - twice I began reading it and then set it aside to grab something else... I'll give it another go though.

    I did read the Twilight series - I've red-penned a good bit of it. Poorly written but an easy read. Just ignore the all the grammatical and spelling mistakes (shudder)

    Worst were these sci-fi books my dad ALWAYS tried to get me into - Dragons, something about Pern, He had SHELVES AND SHELVES of em. Sorry dad - I'm the D&D, cape-wearing weirdo you'd like me to be. I'm whole different breed of weirdo.
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    anything written by Dan Brown.

    *high five* I finished the DaVinci Code by sheer force of will, and a little stubbornness.

    I will admit, I actually liked Angels & Demons. But I wasn't impressed with the Da Vinci Code and the Lost Symbol was just...awful. I won't be reading anymore of his books. :/

    I also didn't like Twilight. I read a lot of books because people tell me too, and I even read vampire books...but this was about a girl who everyone likes (for some unknown reason. Bella is boring and selfish.) , then she falls in love with the weird kid (vampire, who is a jerk/stalker and also not very interesting, and a wimpy vampire at that) and then they spend the rest of the book exploring a boring relationship that really has no reason to work. Oh, and somewhere in there Bella gets caught up in a little bit of plot and gets hurt. I can't bring myself to read the other books, because I hear they just get worse! D:

    Classics I didn't like were Call of the Wild (boring/school book), The Old Man and the Sea (boring/school book), and Agnes Grey (Main character was frustratingly dull and she let people walk all over her. I understand the time period dictated this and blah blah blah, but still didn't like it.)
  • dollymixsix
    Twilight. I read the entire series to see what the fuss was about. The first two books were tolerable but the rest...I have never read such awful, awful rubbish.
  • JanineHarrison
    JanineHarrison Posts: 164 Member
    freakin' Johnny Tremain back in 5th grade!.. The whole class felt TORTURED!... To this day, we agree it was brutal!

    That's it, that's the revolutionary war one I was talking about that!

    I don't think i ever finished it and I think this book made me avoid reading any other school-assigned book until college. Scan the pages enough to pass the test. Haha.

    Also to whoever said the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I polled FB before buying and everyone said it was good but slow at first. I'm trying to stick with it but I am having a hard time getting past this slow begining and words I can't pronounce. I'm going to try a little longer (not 50pages in yet).
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I know I'm gonna be alone on this one, but I am reading The Hunger Games and for whatever reason, I'm just not that into it. Wouldn't say it's the worst book I've ever read, but everyone keeps talking about how awesome it is. I'm on chapter 4 and bored to death!
    KEEP GOING. Trust me... they just have to kind of get the whole storyline laid out, but once it really gets going... holy *kitten*, it's amazing.
    I disagree. If she has to keep going, it's just not worth it. I loved that book after page 1. But it's not for everyone.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    I started reading "The Lovely Bones" because it was recommended by a good friend. Hated it and never finished.

    I also didn't finished "Eat, Pray, Love." I felt like all she did was whine about her life, and I just couldn't take it any longer.

    I had a difficult time with "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" at first. I actually started it, put it down for a few months, started it again and plowed through. Once I got through the first hundred or so pages, I really liked it, as well as the two books that followed.
  • dollymixsix
    It's interesting how people's tastes differ so vastly. I adored The Lovely Bones and The Hunger Games yet some people feel the complete opposite!
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    The Shack. Pygmy by Chuck Palahniuk (couldn't get through the vernacular). That is the only book of his that I haven't finished (he is my favorite author, afterall).
    All I can say is I hope you don't end up with the same feelings on King that I have. Love his books. Hate his endings.
    I feel the same way. Sometimes it's because I don't want them to end, but most of the time it's because the conclusion is some cop out like aliens or spiders or something lame. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon was the absolute worst.

    Koontz is inferior, but all of his books aren't awful. I particularly like Life Expectancy and False Memory.
    oh NO! I am 100 percent opposite. I adore his books, and the movies they make are almost always a travesty of the book.
    AGREE 100%. The movies are always so crappily done that I can't even stand to watch a preview of them! Ugh.
    I daresay there isn't anyone alive who read their way through that massive series, got to the place where Stephen says, OK, don't go on, you won't like this....and then actually stopped. I can't imagine anyone who could show that much restraint.
    Seeing as I haven't read them yet, I will most definitely stop when he says to stop, thanks to these reviews! :tongue:
    I am currently reading The girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and everyone tells me it gets better but I am almost half way through and ready to give up....
    It doesn't get much better... I had to make myself finish it because I worked at a bookstore at the time and everyone was asking questions about it. Needless to say I never recommended it to any customers.
    Catcher in the Rye. I just read it this past summer because I'd never read it before and it's one of those books you "should" read. Yuck.
    I just read Catcher in the Rye last year (I was 26), and while I got a few chuckles out of it here and there, I felt like there was no point to it. What was the problem? What was the solution? Not a complete waste of time, but close.

    P.A. Sorry for the massive amount of quotes!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    It's interesting how people's tastes differ so vastly. I adored The Lovely Bones and The Hunger Games yet some people feel the complete opposite!

    Me too! But I absolutely hated the third book of The Hunger Games trilogy. Ugh. I wanted to punch a few characters in the face.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    The time travelers wife, I think im in a minority though as it seems pretty popular!

    This is another one that I started and wasn't able to finish.
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    I mostly read true crime but for a change i decided to read my first Stephen King book "IT" im down to my last 100 pages finally.. I might read another one of his not sure yet. Im like the above poster though if im not captivated early on I toss it. Great post though Id like to see what NOT to read.

    All I can say is I hope you don't end up with the same feelings on King that I have. Love his books. Hate his endings.

    The ending of the Dark Tower nearly killed me. I love King, and I will concede that some of his works are stronger than others. I had purposefully waited to read the Dark Tower series until book 7 was out. He almost killed m the Summer he released The Green Mile one portion at a time. So I just waited, knowing that The Dark Tower was his masterpiece.

    I won't spoil it for anyone, but I was just about destroyed at that ending.

    i hear ya! I wish I would have stopped where he said stop! lol

    Impossible. I daresay there isn't anyone alive who read their way through that massive series, got to the place where Stephen says, OK, don't go on, you won't like this....and then actually stopped. I can't imagine anyone who could show that much restraint.

    Ok, I seriously have this series unread, staring at me on my bookshelf, and now yall are going to make me cry.....:sad:
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon was the absolute worst

    I didn't get that ending. At all. Maybe it's cos I was about 15 when I read it but I couldn't tell if she lived or died.
  • ski0721
    ski0721 Posts: 109 Member
    Eat, Pray, Love. Blah!:ohwell:
  • bananso
    Anything by Nicholas Sparks! It's formulaic and written at a 3rd grade level.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    Also, I struggled with Mansfield Park.

    It took me a YEAR to get through Mansfield Park. I also didn't like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It wasn't funny like everyone else inthe world though.
  • bananso
  • dollymixsix
    The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon was the absolute worst

    I didn't get that ending. At all. Maybe it's cos I was about 15 when I read it but I couldn't tell if she lived or died.

    Oh my I LOVED that book! I read it when I was about 12 and really liked it.
  • McPenguin
    Wuthering Heights. UGH. I had to read it for High School. My mentor said it was on the curriculum because "it's a classic" and the "depths and layers of meaning" in the story make it an interesting study.


    I am an avid reader. I'll read almost anything. But you can't pay me to EVER read that book. I tried for WEEKS to read it, and kept falling asleep every 2 pages. Eventually, I had to read Cliffs Notes, learn who the characters were from a chart, and wing it for all my projects. I averaged 98% on all 6 projects - including a lecture - without reading it.

    And I'm thoroughly convinced that we can over analyze books to the point that the authors would roll over in their graves if they knew. Wuthering Heights was considered a smut book - no better than a Harlequin Romance "novel" back in the day. Now it's "brilliant"?!? Well, we're all entitled to our opinions I guess.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    Ugh Twilight...I suffered through the first one because everyone kept telling me it got better and 'have you gotten to the good part yet?' I never got to the good part. And I didn't read any of the other books to keep looking for it!