What I am looking forward to when I get to my goal weight

Thought it would be fun to see what other people are excited about they can be funny or dead serious.. just a fun activity!
Think about why you're doing this when you think about giving up

1. I am looking forward to wearing a slutty halloween costume * every year my friends do and they go out and I make an excuse not go.. not this year I will out shine them all!

2. Wearing skinny jeans! I love fashion but lately all I wear is sweat pants (trying to hide my figure as much as I can )

3. I cant wait till my parents see me because it seems like i have been trying for so long I know they will be so happy for me and in a way they will be proud that i did it!

I have mnayyy more but idk just thought this could be a fun thing :)


  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    walk around naked... without feeling self concious.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    1 - tank/tube tops - I am an arm hider

    2- beach/pools/boats this summer. I want to lunge around and let it alll hang out - the sexy way!

    3 - low rise jeans and a crop top!
  • bikini

    tight dress for clubbing

    heels with confidence

    skinny jeans
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    walk around naked... without feeling self concious.


    Can't wait to feel comfortable in my own skin...NAKED :bigsmile:
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Skinny dipping with friends during the summer.
    Wearing all my really cute clothes I can't currently fit into.
    A great pair of designer jeans (for the first time ever)!
  • Poetic_
    Poetic_ Posts: 269 Member
    Shopping for clothes with the normal folk at the mall. No more big & tall stores. :D
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    being comfortable in my own skin
    nice clothes
    not being the biggest friend
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    there are a number of things that im looking forward to when i get to my goal weight:

    1 - be able to go clothes shopping and buying lots of nice clothes that i know will look good, and will fit!! (and i wont have to try them on before i leave the shop!)

    2 - go out on weekends, let me hair down a bit with my friends - and be able to wear short, tight dresses (that show my awsome figure) and heals! :wink:

    3 - lads been able to pick me up without them getting out of suffocating! :laugh:

    4 - not been the biggest out of all my friends.

    5 - wearing bright coloured skinny jeans - yes i love bright colours!! and im sooo jealous right now that i see really thin girls wear them and look stunning in them =/

    6 - to walk down street and have compliments fly at me, rather than people shout horrible and hurtful names at me! :ohwell:

    7 - sitting down and not having the belly hang over my trousers! :bigsmile:
  • How about getting your friends and ex boyfriends envious??? :)
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member

    6 - to walk down street and have compliments fly at me, rather than people shout horrible and hurtful names at me! :ohwell:

    7 - sitting down and not having the belly hang over my trousers! :bigsmile:

    That's awful that people yell at you down the street =[ *hugs for you*

    Totally agree with 7!
  • Now0rNever
    Now0rNever Posts: 69 Member
    AHH!! What an amazing thread!!!!! So many things I could name but my top 5 would be as follows:

    1. Not being ashamed of my husband trying to pick me up!
    2. Feeling comfortable nomatter what i'm wearing or NOT wearing ;)
    3. Loving EVERY pic that is taken of me
    4. Not looking like I have had 2 c-sections
    5. No longer being in the obese/oveweight category, but finally NORMAL! :)))
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    Wear a two-piece swimsuit and feel great in it!! Can't wait :love:
  • wow everyone is doing this for vanity and not for health.....I am doing it because I want $1250 and I want to be healthy. I signed up at http://www.healthywage.com and paid the $300 bucks for the BMI challenge and combine that with incentives at work I will have $1250 to spend on me. Sure it will be nice to fit into the old clothes but to be healthy for my kids is really the biggest reason the rest is just additional incentive.

  • 1. I am looking forward to wearing a slutty halloween costume * every year my friends do and they go out and I make an excuse not go.. not this year I will out shine them all!

    Oh my god, me too! That's actually why I started dieting in October, going to the stores and looking at all the costumes I want to be able to wear. :)
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    I can't wait to feel HEALTHY! Not being the heaviest family member (unfortunately that includes the men in my family...:grumble: ) will be nice, too!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    being comfortable in my own skin
    nice clothes
    not being the biggest friend

    ^^^ This
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    1) walk around without holding my stomach in.

    2) purchasing cute tops from Victoria secret

    3) surprising my hubby by getting back into my 70's costume (it was a sizzler

    4) rocking this bikini I purchased in 2007 and never got a chance to wear

    5) not feeling like shamu in the room

    6) wolf whistles from random guys as I walk to and from work

    7) not having so much weight on my knees so that when I have surgery my recovery will be faster
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member

    1. I am looking forward to wearing a slutty halloween costume * every year my friends do and they go out and I make an excuse not go.. not this year I will out shine them all!

    When I got down to my smallest, I took the Halloween outfit I wore the much bigger year before, and slutted it up MAJORLY. It was the most rewarding feeling. I will totally go this route again when I lose the weight that I gained back over the last couple of years.

    Now for my big "looking forward to moment."

    - When the attention I get from men doubles, if not triples, and a certain someone starts worrying that I might "UPGRADE." :o)
  • I am looking forward to feeling healthier and feeling better. Having energy to keep up with my 7 year old and tell him "Come on you can't be tired already ha ha"
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    Oh and not having my belly keep moving long after the rest of me has stopped.