in your dating history ...



  • Was the dumper, but now I've become so picky I can't even find myself a guy to date. :(
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    I've been both, but more often the dump-er.

    And I find breaking up with someone is way harder than being broken up with, personally.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,626 Member
    In high school dumpee, in college dumper for the most part
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    About half an half, but as I've never been in a serious relationship before my current relationship of four years, I don't think they count much.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    the dumpees must not be answering this thread. :brokenheart:
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Apart from once, always the dumper.

    ditto. i get bored. i dump them. usually within two weeks.

    LOL 2 weeks... I don't even usually make it that far.. which is sad.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member

    And I find breaking up with someone is way harder than being broken up with, personally.

    that's classic. when i wanted to end a relationship, i just would act obnoxious until they'd want to break up.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Apart from once, always the dumper.

    ditto. i get bored. i dump them. usually within two weeks.

    LOL 2 weeks... I don't even usually make it that far.. which is sad.

    That's called casual dating and it's totally awesome.
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    dumper - sounds so wrong lol
  • In my marriage I was definitely the dumper, with about 75% of the people I have dated, I was the one to gracefully excuse myself :) The other times I got dumped.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    unfortunately dumper - i'd prefer being heartbroken, getting over it than living guilt. for a while, i was afraid to date anyone, because from the past, it seem like i would be intensely into someone, but once i got them, i was no longer interested. i met someone 2 yrs.ago and found out i would still be interested, if i really liked the person which entails getting to know them more. with the previous ones, i didn't really know them and once i did, i was no longer interested. it wasn't really the chase i was into.

    we broke up because of distance, and i could definitely say that one was mutual.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    Given those options, I've usually been the dumper. Although, more often than not, things just kinda ran their course and the relationship came to an end of its own volition rather than one person dumping the other.
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    I have always been the dumper -- but for good reason. Of the 3 guys I "seriously" dated:

    #1) Cheated on me
    #2) Didn't want a LTR and I did
    #3) Was dumb as a box of rocks (some other things weren't exactly up to par either if you get my drift....)

    Right now the only way I can see me dumping my fiance is if he cheats on me. Otherwise he'd be the dumper and I'd be the dumpee.
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    It's generally very civil and mutual, but I suppose I'm generally the one to bring it up that I think it's time for us to separate. Before I started having more serious relationships in 2004, I would always be the one to break up with them because it was the chase that I loved, and once I had them I was over it in a few months. I have been with my current beau for three and a half years now though, so I feel like I wouldn't even be able to bring myself to break up with someone if I tried.
  • ChelSleeve
    ChelSleeve Posts: 144 Member
    I am guessing the dumpee - but hard to definitively know since he just fell off the planet and never heard from him again.

    I wish my ex boyfriends would all fall off the planet.. literally lol

    I'm the dumpee
  • Sadly enough, I have usually been the dumpee. :/
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    Apart from once, always the dumper.

    ditto. i get bored. i dump them. usually within two weeks.

    LOL 2 weeks... I don't even usually make it that far.. which is sad.

    operative word: within.

    i think i've gone out w/ two ppl who lasted longer than that. the rest - one to four dates and i'm out.
  • twisted88
    twisted88 Posts: 294 Member
    I'm the dumper. I've had a couple of relationships hit that point where my partner is like, "I think we might need to break up" and then they're like, "no, we can work it out, but you have to be different." so then I tell them, "no thanks" and dump them.

    And then when I was just casually dating, men couldn't understand why I didn't want to be their girlfriends... I was like, "You don't just have friends you sleep with?" .. one guy said, "all of my friends are men." and I was like, "So are mine."

    I can relate. I've always only had male friends, especially those that I could sleep with. On topic though, I've done all the dumping (including my ex-husband) except for one guy who dumped me (and his friend was an *kitten* a few days later and told me that I would be so much cuter if I lost some weight, which is what my ex-bf apparently always told him), and one where we just decided the fun was over and we left each other.
  • Thad81
    Thad81 Posts: 138 Member
    I have generally been the dumper. I was dumped once as a teenager but that was the last time. I dont enjoy either side of it. It is highly unpleasant. Dating in general is complicated, and mostly unpleasant so far. lol sounds bad huh.
  • cms6300
    cms6300 Posts: 163
    pretty much always the dumpee and deserved it everytime - just a terrible boyfriend.
  • misti17
    misti17 Posts: 106
    Well, Ive been with my man since I was 15 years old! So had some little "will you go out with me" relationships before that and was the dumper :)
  • dubist
    dubist Posts: 279 Member
    Both and a few mutual separation.
  • kappyd
    kappyd Posts: 199 Member
    I for the most part have always been the dumpee, but they are usually nice enough to wait until I find out that they have been cheating on me. Not sure if it is the women I date or me. So I stopped looking.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    My last boyfriend before the one I'm with now really wanted to break up with me randomly one day but didn't want to do it to my face. He posted on facebook that he was having girlfriend problems, and I happen to be an awesome girlfriend. But in all reality, there was nothing wrong at all, I think he just wanted to get away from me.
    The next day at school, he avoided me like the plague and finally I confronted him about it, and ended up saying "You're not going to talk to me about it? Fine, if you don't have the balls to dump me, then I'll dump you. And a little advice, try growing a pair, it's pretty sad that I have more balls than you."

    Harsh? Maybe, but he really wouldn't talk to me about anything, and instead, he just talked behind my back to the girl that he dated a week after I broke up with him. She was also the girl in school that nobody liked, so I wasn't jealous at all.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Most of the time, I do the dumping, though the select times I didn't, they completely broke my heart.

  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I'm usually the dumper.
    I don't like the feeling of being the dumpee so if I feel like it's coming I jump the gun a lot.

    Though so far my current relationship has been going swimmingly! I don't forsee any dumper or dumpee problems to arise.
  • nixrun
    nixrun Posts: 44
    my current boyfriend, or i guess my ex now and i just stopped talking. i got tired of the bull**** and one remark took me over the top and i usually don't get angry. i've been thinking of ways to dump him for over a month. i never said anything, just considered it over and was going to let him do the dumping. but he's a coward, what a turn off... can't even dump right. so now i have to do it. guess i'm the dumper.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I've only been in one relationship, and I dumped him after 11 months. He was too controlling and wanted to move things along too quickly.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I'm at 50% right now.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I've actually been the dumper every time... not because I'm a *****, but because I was always freaked out if things started looking like they MIGHT get serious :laugh: I was scared to death of any type of "commitment" Anyway.. Dumper here.... some deserved, some not...
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