What's a good mile time?



  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    OP deactivated?
  • Legoeggo
    Legoeggo Posts: 11 Member
    I agree with arc918. I can walk 4.1 (@ 5% incline) on the treadmill will hardly any effort, but my "running" pace is 6.0, or a 12 minute mile. I have recently brought it down to 5 or a 10 minute mile without too much effort, but that feels like the top speed I can do without getting hurt. I tried to do a few intervals in the 9 minute mile range and for me, I was hauling a@@. Kudos to those who can go faster, but for me, my comfortable pace will be around a 10-11 minute mile. As long as you are feeling the effort or trying to improve, you are at the correct speed.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    A good mile time is around 8:00 for beginners, but it all depends on your physique and surprisingly genetics.

    I think you're a little off base. That's sort of like telling people who are new to the gym that they should be bench pressing 185 lbs.
  • jenronan1
    jenronan1 Posts: 44 Member
    So I'm use the treadmill quite a bit and I'm doing 2 miles in about 38 minutes and I was wondering if this was a good pace? Does anyone know what a good mile time is?

    thanks! :tongue:

    For me, it would be 6:30, but that's MY goal...everyone is different and depends on what YOUR goal is and your fitness level.

    On a scale of 1-10, how do you feel at this pace (your Rate of Perceived Extertion/RPE)? If you feel like you had a good workout, and you worked hard (7-9), then this is good for you. If you could comfortably carry on a conversation (4-6), I would suggest picking up the pace.

    If you would like to start gaining speed, start to interval train. Cut your work time to 20 minutes and work at a RPE level 9 for 1 minute, then drop to a 7 for 2 min , back up to 9...and keep repeating for 20 minutes.
  • stickskin
    stickskin Posts: 6 Member
    I have an 8:00 mile time, but I'm younger, 15 years old. I did volleyball before though and since I'm a bit more active
  • potato8589
    Yall need to pick up the pace my mile time is 5:57. under 9 is good if you dont run very much but keep working it. Then you could get down to my 20.00.09 5k and be amazing. keep working it run hard at least twice a week without stopping. i run 5 days a week so just keep doing the right thing an be pro status.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    A good time is anything under 5 minutes.....
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Yall need to pick up the pace my mile time is 5:57. under 9 is good if you dont run very much but keep working it. Then you could get down to my 20.00.09 5k and be amazing. keep working it run hard at least twice a week without stopping. i run 5 days a week so just keep doing the right thing an be pro status.

    By the way my post above is a joke. This post however, is patronising to the far end. (I do sense trolling however)
  • slimster1970
    slimster1970 Posts: 65 Member
    Each individual can only look to improve on what they can do today, I'd not worry about what anyone else can do for now, or maybe ever.

    Your workout is your workout and as long as you benchmark against your starting point you will see for yourself how much better you get, good luck with it.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Ya know what I think? Any pace that takes you all the way through a mile is a good pace. A 14 minute mile isn't going to win you any races, but it's a fine start for a beginner. A "good" time is going to be different for everyone, based on experience and ability.

    I run long distances, so to conserve energy and keep my stamina for the long haul, I run slower than I would if I was just running a mile. I've never been fast, but I can run for a long time. Anything under 10 minutes is good enough for me. I'm just chillin' and having a good time out there on the trail.

    ETA: Who resurrected this ancient post? It's from 2009! :laugh: