Valentines... ladies your input please



  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I'd always get slightly embarrassed when my ex would send me flowers but I LOVED it. Especially when all the other ladies would comment or stop by and look at my flowers.

    DO it!
  • it really depends on how easily she gets embarassed, but I for one would LOVE that!!!!!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    Do it, unless you have reason to think anyone at her workplace might be allergic... I know some places have rules, especially about lilies. Just try to make it something she loves, not just a random bouquet of roses with a cookie-cutter card tied on. Me, I like gerbera daisies in bright, fun colors. And if you want to send chocolates, make them something special, not your standard thing. Make your card personal... even better would be if the card was a clue to something special you had planned for the evening, like a printed Google map to a restaurant you've been meaning to try.

    A cookie bouquet is fun, too. :smile:
  • bgp6
    bgp6 Posts: 6 Member
    I don't think you can EVER go wrong with flowers. I love flowers at work or at home. I use to get them, but not so much any more :(
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
  • maritenour
    maritenour Posts: 107 Member
    Just in case theres another woman at her office who gets flowers....Do it...
    Might be embarrassing for a second, but we girls compare ourselves to other girls constantly, and itll be whats best for you.
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    I would enjoy it! Unless there is something else you know she has been really wanting that suits the holiday and you can't do both- good luck!
  • It would probably embarrass her...but its so nice and sweet of you! You should do it!

    Just make sure she likes the flowers you sent her (like, maybe she doesnt like red roses...)
  • riannenrings
    riannenrings Posts: 142 Member
    absolutely she'll love it.
  • Personally, I think that is a great idea.
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    I think that most women would love this, but it really depends on her personality. I would personally feel a little embarrassed but deep down I'd be jumping for joy. If she's super shy/not into grand romantic gestures or PDA she won't like it. But most likely you'll make her day!

    [EDIT] I should also note that I used to have a boyfriend who did this, and I loved it. Just be prepared to wow her again, because after this she'll be expecting it!
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    What woman doesn't LOVE getting flowers at work ???

    YES .. she will LOVE it ! Never doubt your passion for a second ... or it will diminish !
  • ah, embarrassment! Women love to be remembered and roses are a beautiful gesture! I love getting roses from my man on Valentine's Day.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    Definitely depends on the girl. I have friends who think its a watse to spend money on flowers....personally I love it, and think its a sweet gesture.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    Love it! However, my favorite would be to show up to her work, bring the flowers, and maybe a bag of Hershey's kisses for her co-workers to share, and ask her to lunch.
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    I would LOVE it. My mother did that for me once when I was single (sent it under some made up man's name)....the gals in the office couldn't stop gossiping about me and I worked in a HORRID secretary pool. It was AWESOME- the look on their faces!

    Now happily married 16 years. But she will love it, I am sure ♥
  • yes, a very good idea...make sure you know what her favourite flower/s are (if you can without giving secret away)...or you cant go wrong with lots of red roses! they need to look amazing if they are to be sent to her workplace...just my opinion :flowerforyou:
    Good luck
  • Traci_33
    Traci_33 Posts: 21 Member
    Personally I'd love that. She might feel a little embarrassed but she'll also feel so special. It's little things like that, that I think mean a lot. Go for it : )
    I agree!! I would love it if my hubby sent me flowers. The gesture shows that you think of her when you are apart and I am sure that would make her feel even more loved.
  • sunspotalli
    sunspotalli Posts: 46 Member
    all girls like for their guy to make em feel special and sending flowers never hurts go for it man
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member