What's the max u exceeded ur calorie allowance in 1 day



  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 350 Member
    Lots! LOL. At least 2000. But it's usually a planned spike or 'cheat' day. They help!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    7000+ calories, usually on my monthly planed 24 hour binge.
    LOVE IT!

    I'd like to see a log of that day! OMG!
    I have a generic "Free Day Meal" that I plug in mainly to advise others who might be shocked at what I consumed that day.

    Do you still log them? I love checking out FULL diaries haha
  • eudemonia
    eudemonia Posts: 149 Member
    uhh, around 10k. i usually go over my allowance by about 5k though. i dunno how people manage to stay within their range :/.
  • 0RESET0
    0RESET0 Posts: 128
    Some time ago, over a year, I ate a Large portion of chicken livers and a large portion of chicken gizzards, both from the local bowling alley, with ranch dressing and bbq sauce. I calculated it at over 36,000 calories in one sitting. I still managed to lose weight that week.
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    Some time ago, over a year, I ate a Large portion of chicken livers and a large portion of chicken gizzards, both from the local bowling alley, with ranch dressing and bbq sauce. I calculated it at over 36,000 calories in one sitting. I still managed to lose weight that week.

    Wow, bowling alley food. That's impressive!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I have no idea. LOL! On days like Christmas when it was just madness...and different kinds of foods that I had no idea the caloric intake of...I wouldn't log. I couldn't...even if I guessed it would have been way off. So my biggest days are big blanks. Thousands I'm sure on those holidays.
  • what did you eat?? an horse?!?!
  • Well over 1000.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Lets see, the worst I did was when I went to Hawaii (I grew up there) and went to all the places I used to love eating as a child only this time with booze as well. I think I had a 15,000 calorie day (estimation, I wasn't tracking fully).
  • meemo88
    meemo88 Posts: 436 Member
  • biscuit71
    biscuit71 Posts: 43 Member
    Last Saturday I went 1221 over. It was a bad day and I found comfort in TGIFridays. :)
  • This year is the first time I have really stuck with counting calories and exercising. I went over my calories once since the beginning of the year and it was only 50 calories. Before MFP I didn't eat excessively, I just never exercised and that is not a good thing. My weight has been pretty steady for the last 9 years.
  • neversettle
    neversettle Posts: 168 Member
    Likely around a couple of thousand (alcohol) on more than one occasion.
  • ekbisbee
    ekbisbee Posts: 3 Member
    I just started using this so I haven't had a chance to yet, but I think what it most important is that you are tracking what you eat, even if it's more than you're allowance sometimes. You're learning to become aware of what you eat. I've been on other diets that if I ate more than allowed, I would just not track it so I didn't know the damage I did...and it never worked. I'm trying to hole myself more accountable!
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    20 calories yesterday in 3 months logging. Yes I'm that good.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    I haven't gone over since I started 5 weeks ago. I usually have about 200 left over at the end of the day xx
  • rgrange
    rgrange Posts: 236 Member
    Some Sundays I over indulged on wings and beer since my football team sucked this year. I ate and dreank my emotions to like 1500 over once or twice haha
  • The workout regiment i do its impossible for me to eat the calories I have to do as it is unless i go back to the "bad foods" and i refuse to do that. If i eat what im supposed to today i would have eaten over 4000 calories, i jut finished dinner and im only at 1530
  • PrincessMorticia
    PrincessMorticia Posts: 96 Member
    I have been well under every single day, UNTIL YESTERDAY! I gave in to temptation and ate a 16oz steak for dinner with tons of A1....then later went to Hardee's for a 3pc chicken strips with TONS of buffalo sauce, and also had a medium frosty at Wendy's. I ended up going over by about 700 calories. I'll be on the treadmill quite a bit today to say the least! Haha.
  • I came in 1200 calories UNDER yesterday.... and I ate quite a lot.