Breakfast. Is it really necessary?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm so good at kicking up dirt between people. :sad:

    I'm going to post this again and put a different spin on it.

    To me it seems like the girls verses the boys on this. I could be wrong though.

    I'm a girl, well a 50 yo girl anyway. I eat most of my calories at night and that works for me. But that doesn't prove it would work for anyone else
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Seriously dude? First of all, I don't body build. Broscience refers to bodybuilders. But it's a doctor and fitness trainer. One trainer has her degree in nutrition. Trainers learn from results with their clients. Duh.

    But that's all very irrelevant. I don't care if someone who has their 'broscience' certificate told me it doesn't affect weight. I have tested it. I'm not going to listen to something tell me something different than what I have experienced. Period.

    No one is saying your way is wrong or that it won't work for you. The argument being made is that high meal frequency and eating earlier in the day is not a necessity to weight loss. In the same way you've 'tested' your belief and found it to work for you, other people have used intermittent fasting to great success in their own diets.

    The link I provided links to a variety of studies, being one of them. That's certainly not broscience.

    Stick with what works for you, there's nothing wrong with eating breakfast, or eating earlier in the day. For a lot of people it helps them psychologically and makes it more likely for them to stick with their diet (the same way I can't stick with a diet if I don't exercise, even though you don't NEED exercise to lose weight). To say that your way is the only way to lose weight though simply isn't supported by science.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Lots of LOL's in this thread. (Especially the one with the Dr, and 3 trainers confirming) Good thing MD's aren't nutritionists.

    And for those who say it works for them - Correlation does not imply causation
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    I'm so good at kicking up dirt between people. :sad:

    I'm going to post this again and put a different spin on it.

    To me it seems like the girls verses the boys on this. I could be wrong though.

    I'm a girl, well a 50 yo girl anyway. I eat most of my calories at night and that works for me. But that doesn't prove it would work for anyone else

    I'm a 36 yo girl and I say "ditto" to what she said! :wink:
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Meal timing DOES NOT MATTER.

    As a blanket statement, that is probably as untrue as saying breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

    THANK YOU!!!
    Ok then I'll clarify....meal timing does not matter with regards to weight loss. It only has bearing on satiety.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    Some people preach it for metabolism, but I prefer to have a 50 calorie "snack" and go to the gym first thing in the morning and jump start my body. I am never really hungry until 11 a.m. or so, and I tend to want to eat more in the evenings, so not eating a full breakfast helps me keep my calories in check.
  • alexbelly
    alexbelly Posts: 277 Member
    I used to always skip breakfast. Then I started eating it because it was part of a new meal plan I had started.
    I have to admit I am more awake, alert in the morning and less famished at lunch time.

    It works for me, but not for my ex. My ex-boyfriend said breakfast would upset his stomach int he morning.

    He ended up being a giant *kitten*, but I doubt it had anything to do with skipping breakfast.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Meal timing DOES NOT MATTER.

    As a blanket statement, that is probably as untrue as saying breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

    THANK YOU!!!
    Ok then I'll clarify....meal timing does not matter with regards to weight loss. It only has bearing on satiety.

    Still, even that is not going to be true for everyone. I'm not sure anything is true for everyone when it comes to nutrition, weight loss or satiety.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    It isn't water weight. I know the difference. I'm not weighing myself the next day.

    And I know because I've learned. I spent MONTHS and MONTHS eating most of my calories later in the evening. I could not lose weight. Now I lose weight consistently because I don't eat late in the evening anymore.

    Sheesh. How about we agree to disagree because this isn't going anywhere. It works for ME. That's what I'm saying.

    So you ate the exact same things, in the exact same measured portions, did the exact same exercise with the exact same intensity and duration, took the exact same number of steps, and the only thing you changed was when you ate, and that is how you determined you gained fat eating late at night?

    post hoc, ergo propter hoc
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    sometimes I have breakfast for dinner ..... and I like turtles
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    It works for ME. That's what I'm saying.

    But before you said:
    Yes. You could eat your entire day's calories right before bed if you so wish, as long as you don't create a calorie excess.

    This is so NOT true!!! And I hope no one takes this for face value. I have read and heard a million times that eating close to bedtime is not a good idea and can affect weight loss.

    NO ONE is saying your strategy will prevent you from losing weight, what they're saying is that you don't have to do things the way you are in order to lose weight.
  • avonchik
    avonchik Posts: 106
    i just watched Dr.OZ and there was a Dr. on there who said to eat your biggest meal at breakfast( eggs bacon etc,, Protein) and have a medium lunch and end with a small dinner.I might try that myself. Im a yo-yo breakfaster so if i eat right i may see better results! Good luck with whatever you decide to do!:bigsmile:
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    It isn't water weight. I know the difference. I'm not weighing myself the next day.

    And I know because I've learned. I spent MONTHS and MONTHS eating most of my calories later in the evening. I could not lose weight. Now I lose weight consistently because I don't eat late in the evening anymore.

    Sheesh. How about we agree to disagree because this isn't going anywhere. It works for ME. That's what I'm saying.

    So you ate the exact same things, in the exact same measured portions, did the exact same exercise with the exact same intensity and duration, took the exact same number of steps, and the only thing you changed was when you ate, and that is how you determined you gained fat eating late at night?

    post hoc, ergo propter hoc

    Or, they must be a wizard?
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    Makes staying with the plan easier.
  • mscargill
    mscargill Posts: 13 Member
    Your body lies dormant while you sleep, processing the food you've eaten during the day. When you wake up your body needs some kind of nourishment to get going. This doesn't have to be first thing but it should be within the first few hours.
  • Eating several small meals throughout the day is best and in order to space them out enough you should probably start early. If you don't like breakfast foods have some lean protein, whole grain carbs and a fruit or veggie to get your metabolism fired up. You may find it helps you lose more weight. I eat breakfast religiously. It helps me start my day with something healthy and prevents me from eating bad for the rest of the day.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    sometimes I have breakfast for dinner ..... and I like turtles

    You like turtles for breakfast or for dinner?
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    sometimes I have breakfast for dinner ..... and I like turtles

    You like turtles for breakfast or for dinner?
    french fried round noon time
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    Not necessary as increased meal frequency does not offer a metabolic advantage. Breakfast and # of meals per day is a personal preference

    So I can eat once a day? lol

    Yes. You could eat your entire day's calories right before bed if you so wish, as long as you don't create a calorie excess.

    This would lead to low blood sugar, which is not healthy.

    It is very difficult to achieve low blood sugars naturally. Usually, the only people that have low blood sugars are those who overdid their insulin. If you have fat on your body, the liver will perform glucogenesis and make sugar from the fat.

    As for the breakfast question, I have read all sorts of things about eating or not eating breakfast. When you eat breakfast, the digestive system, which has been dormant all night, is reved up. Eating food requires a certain amount of metabolic function. So eating breakfast will rev up the metabolism.

    As for those who feel that when you eat does not matter, I have read research on this as well. If you eat carbs at night, your body has a greater tendency of storing them as fat because you are not in metabolic overdrive during sleep. If you eat one big meal a day, consuming all your calories at that time, your body will be deprived of the benefits of fat burning that is inherent in the digestive process.

    Whether you eat in the morning or not is entirely up to the individual. Personally, I find that I have better weight loss when I eat breakfast. That's just me, so people have to kind of play with this.
  • You should eat breakfast that is high in fiber and has a tendency to make you fill fuller throughout the day. The reality is it doesn't matter to me the most important thing I do is schedule when and what I am going to eat.